Today, I crave…

I wrote this yesterday under a different account. Decided to re-release it under the proper account.

Today, I crave.

I crave

…to have her laying on a bed, giving me that smile that lights up the world.

…to catch the small hints of perfume as she moves and pulls back the sheets.

…to feel the warmth of her body as I slide into the bed next to her.

…to feel her move toward me, because she craves me as much as I crave her.

I want

…to feel her long brunette hair slide over my face, shoulder, and chest as she moves closer to kiss me.

…to feel her breath cascade over my skin as her lips get closer to mine.

…I want to feel her warm, soft lips slide over mine as my fingers caress the warm, soft curves of her body.

…to feel the lace panties against her skin, and her breasts against my chest.

…to purposely slide my hand down her legs as I take off her panties because I love to touch her warm, soft skin.

I desire

…to feel her slowly drag her hard nipples across my chest just because she knows I love the way it looks and feels.

…to listen to her gasping for air as our kisses become longer and more passionate.

…to feel her body temperature get hotter and hotter under my fingertips.

…to slowly kiss down her deliciously imperfect body.

I yearn

…for the sweet taste of her flesh when I lick my lips.

…to hear her moan when I slowly kiss from her ankle to her knee.

…to feel her fingertips slowly dragging up my back the further down her body I go, her touch telling me she is uncertain if she wants me to slide back up her body because she she craves for me to be close to her, or slide down her body because she knows what I want to do.

…to feel her tighten her abs and gasp when I kiss that soft, tender spot next to her her hip because it tickles.

…to feel her body heat progressively increase as I slowly kiss from her knee upward.

I need

…to hear her whimper when my lips finally kiss the spot of her hot flesh that is between her pussy and her inner thigh.

…to feel her thighs close in against my cheeks when I let my warm exhale crash into her aching pussy.

…to hear her gasp and grab the sheets tightly when I slowly and every so softly let me tongue drag from the bottom of her slit to the top.

…to feel her groan when my warm, wet tongue parts her lips and slowly slides from bottom to top.

…for my tongue to search out and find her clit and lick it every so softly.

…to slowly let the pretty on my tongue build and start licking her clit a little harder.

…to feel her whole body spasm when I take her clit in my mouth and pin it on the roof of my mouth and slide my tongue up her clit and making it 'click' in my mouth.


…to listen to her moans grow louder.

…feel her writhe and wiggle beneath me.

…to make it feel so good that I have to push her legs open.

…to keep going until she can't think about anything else but me…

…to be smothered as she approaches her climax and sits forward and grabs the back of my head and pulls me into her.

…to listen for that exact moment when she goes over the edge so I can slide my tongue into her and feel her spasm around my tongue.

…to kiss her passionately with my tongue still coated with her cum and juices.

…to see her eyes when she is drunk on lust and orgasms.

I need

…to lay on top of her soft body and feel her wrap her legs around me.

…to slide just the tip of my hot cock inside her and then pull it back out, just to give her a taste.

…to slide just the tip in again, and again, and again, and again until I feel her hands pulling my lower back and her legs try to pull me into her.

…I need to listen to her beg and whimper for more.

…to slide my entire hot, hard cock into her when she least expects it.

…to listen to her make that unique, amazing, sensual, sexy noise when I penetrate her fully.

I yearn

…to slide in and be engulfed by her hot, wet, silky pussy.

…to hear her groans as I shift my hips left and right, pushing myself in as deep as possible.

…to feel her cheek rub against mine as I thrust harder.

…to find our rhythm.

…for her to grab my face and kiss me hard when is lost in passion.

I desire

…to slide out when I am close to cumming, because even though it is okay with her, it isn't okay with me. I've only been thrusting enough to become tipsy with her passion…I want to be drunk.

…to sit up and look down at the goddess below me and feel proud that she is glistening with sweat, knowing I turned up her temperature.

…to let my primal urges out and grab her firmly and roll her over and position her on her hands and knees.

…to watch this moving piece of art get into position and expose all her delicious curves to me.

…to see her whip her long hair around without using her hands and then peek over her shoulder with the look that tells me she is ready for more.

I want

…to feel her hips in my strong hands.

…to watch her back arch and bow her head slightly when my thick cock slides back into her.

…to feel like a god when I am connected to this goddess.

…to thrust faster and harder with every passing minute.

…to stare at her long hair as it slowly slides off of her amazing back and shoulders each time slam into her.

…to look down and watch myself disappear into her.

…to grab her hair and pull as we slowly get lost and let the lust take the place of the love.

…to watch each hard thrust of mine ripple through her delicious ass every time we crash together.

I crave

…to feel her reach back and grab my wrist because I'm thrusting into her as hard as I can.

…to listen to her moans turn into screams.

…to have my fingers slowly slide off of her shoulders as I pull her back onto me with every pounding thrust.

…to know that she is close to climaxing again.

…to hold my cum back as long as possible to enjoy the high and to wait for that moment when I know she is going over the edge.

…to let out a guttural moan as I stop holding myself back and shoot my hot cum as deep inside of her as possible.

…to overflow.

…to collapse in a hot, sweaty, sticky mess, not knowing where my flesh ends and where hers begins.

…to listen to her pant and gasp for air just as much as I am.

…to pull her close to me and pull the covers up over over us, trying to find the pillows, not caring about what messes we have made under the sheets.

…to nuzzle into her neck, with my arms around her, listening to her breathe, enjoying my dizziness, and cherishing the high.

…to hear her whisper, "I love you," before she falls asleep…



  1. I know exactly what imperfect means. Not one woman on this planet has a perfect body. I happen to love all of their imperfections. Birthmarks, stretch marks, lopsided breasts, scars, a few extra pounds here and there. Every woman is unique and they all have their delicious imperfections. If you will notice, not once did I mention the woman’s weight or her measurements, or any other details other than she is a brunette. Those things do not concern me. You can can crave a woman for her passion and intimacy. You can crave a woman for her heat and her soft skin. You can crave a woman because you have a connection to her.

  2. Oh. My. God. This is amazing. It’s passionate but with a slight roughness to it. Definitely made me….anxious.

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