A Warm Afternoon [MF][First Person][Spanking][Oral]

On a hot afternoon in the summer, find ourselves casually hanging out together. We’ll go to the mall; maybe you’ll show me some of the cooler spots in the city seeing as I'm newer in town. I’m wearing a short sleeve brown and white striped polo and jeans. You’re wearing a light flowy sundress. Eventually, we get back to your place to relax and maybe have a drink or two. You decide you want to kill some zombies. So I plop down on your couch and relax and you lie down on the floor on your tummy and turn your game on. Call of Duty zombies, or maybe Left 4 Dead. I smile softly, watching you play. You lay there, cussing and having a good time, your legs bent at the knee, feet kicking lightly in the air. My eyes slip from the TV to your legs, moving slowly up and down your body, taking in your curves as the sundress falls loosely around each valley and peak. The soft glow from your freshly shaved legs as the light bounces off them causes my breath to hitch in my chest.

the Annual Parent-Teacher Conference [MF]

"And that's about it, Mr. Parker," said the teacher, shuffling a handful of papers with her thin hands, eyeing her student's father just above her glasses. The boy sat inattentive, fidgeting a pen in his hands, likewise oblivious to his teacher's foot creeping up his father's leg under the round table. Mrs. Cole then stood up, dropping the papers in front of her and continued, "he just needs to pay closer attention in class," she paused, watching the boy now. "But above all else, he needs to stop misbehaving."

Frank Parker stood up, his willpower torn between holding back his laughter, and playing professional. "As always, Mrs. Cole, thanks for your time. I'll see to it the boy gets more discipline at home." Frank turned and walked his son to the door, then said "why don't you go find your friends and wait for me, I almost forgot I had a few questions for your teacher," and locked the door behind him. Immediately he felt her arms wrap around him, one hand moving up against his hard chest, one hand moving down under his leather belt. He drew the curtain down and turned to face her, she stood a few inches shorter than him, the top buttons of her shirt already undone, her shoes lay thrown somewhere behind her.

Are You Thinking What I’m Thinking? Part 2 [MF, slow, no sex?]

Part 1 here

My eyes caress you as I open the door- maybe you were thinking what I was thinking. Your sundress is snug in all the right places, loose

and flowing in the rest. I hold the door, blocking the way in, while my gaze wanders and lingers at will over your body until your blush

lets me know…
“Thanks for meeting me here- it’s a shame to meet all the way uptown just to be within walking distance of my place. Let me grab my

laptop and we’ll be on our way.” I walk to my study, grabbing my backpack and pause a moment- taking a breath. Today is the culmination

of glances, gazes, flirtations, hints, chats, planning and daydreaming. Trying to find common ground finally led to a coffee and trial

collaboration on a project, writing from two points of view to deliver the whole. I return seeing you gazing at the couch, my wolfish

grin causing a smile on your face.
I consider just for a moment- pulling you into my arms, tight against me and kissing your temple, your ear, your jaw. My hands running

Ellie [MF]

She looked upon the dark sky while talking to me. Maybe she enjoyed the starless sky or maybe she was avoiding eye contact with me. Doesn't matter, she looks beautiful as ever under the city lights. The slight breeze lifted her dark hair ever so gently, exposing her pale white neck. It made my mouth water. I didn't realize but my eyes were so fixated on her neck. My eyes followed to her defined jaw, up to her rosy cheeks and onto her honey eyes. Her eyebrows were plucked perfectly into an arch that complemented the slight curve of her eyes. She was absolutely stunning. Why is she talking to me? I have no idea.

The six blocks felt very short and before I knew it Ellie squeals “Well, we are here! Thank you again for walking me home…Aiden. It was very sweet of you.” She said that while smiling at the sidewalk. Was she nervous? “I would you invite you in for some coffee or tea but it’s 4 in the morning and I’m pretty tired.” She giggled. “It’s okay, really. I should try and get some sleep anyway”

My [F] current coworker / threesome fantasy [MFF] [Bi]

We had hung out a few times. Gotten drinks after work; ran into each other that one Saturday at the bar. Turns out we all like that local band. He is a coworker. She is his fiancé. He started at the office a few months ago and we hit it off instantly. I was relieved to have a friend at work. She turned out to be just as cool. But the email from her took me by surprise.

Hey Evie, So I really hope this is okay! Wyatt and I think you are great. We’ve really enjoyed getting to know you and think you are a really laid-back, fun girl. Wyatt is turning 30 in a couple of weeks, and I want to do something extra special for him. He has mentioned a time or two (or, you know, a hundred) that he has always wanted to try a threesome. And what kind of wifey would I be if I didn’t at least try to make it happen, right?! So this is just a wild shot in the dark to see if you would be willing. I think we could all have a lot of fun, and I promise, no drama! I completely understand if you think this is just way out of line. And if you say no, all I ask is that you keep this little request to yourself. Either way, I really appreciate your discretion. – Anna

Are You Thinking What I’m Thinking? Part 1 [MF, slow, no sex]

I watch you walk up to my door and enter slowly- you step in boldly and immediately hesitate.
I quickly say "How can I help you?" as my eyes quickly take you in. Gorgeous. Not fitting any defined pattern, just my personal taste. The world at large may not find you beautiful- the world is not in my office. Just you and I. I watch you hesitate for a moment and speak haltingly, telling your story, looking serious then casting your gaze down as I focus on your lips. I listen with a practiced ear. Hearing most of it before, my mind wanders to your manner, your appearance, wondering at your story, your life before coming to me. My eyes roam over you as opportunity presents- when you point down, my gaze slides quickly down your body, when you tap your chest my gaze lingers. I look away for a moment, pondering. Is she thinking what I'm thinking?
I look back to you quickly and ask a question. Your blush intrigues me, your quick gaze makes me wonder… Your stuttered reply starts slowly, gains confidence, then halts for a moment on a blush, suddenly conscientious of my gaze on you. I gaze passively on your face, thinking of… Suddenly you bend over with a flush to dig in your bag, your blouse gaping to expose a view of your breasts- twin mounds of imagined perfection. My gaze starts to shift away to protect your modesty. I stop it, bring it back and lave my eyes over your soft curves. My eyes wander like a slow caress, my gaze attempting to push the material away. You shift, more falls away and my eyes now gently push on the exposed crown. Do you feel my touch, I wonder? Your sudden movement tears my gaze off its imagined tryst and finds your blushing face. Discovered? Or… just from standing quickly. I smile just in case and ask another question in a soft voice. Your gulp as you respond makes me wonder… I notice the hair tucked behind your ear and watch as you move an imaginary strand back in place. I see the pulse in your neck, see your gaze out of the corner of my eye, too distracted to think of your eye brushing across my chest and arm. I'm not distracted as I see the imagined hair, your head thrown back, your mouth open, eyes staring, face flushed, breath gasping… "What do you think?" Your voice slams into me, my head snaps from the sudden fall and my mind flails. I finally recognize the hesitant, hopeful tone. "No problem- I can take care of this for you right away." You look concerned for a moment, then gratefulness washes over your face. A smile erupts slowly and you quickly turn away, seeming to float out. I contemplate for a moment, trying to recapture the thread of thought… Gone. Were you thinking what I was thinking?

Her First Fantasy [MMF][oral][dp]

Dedicated to my girlfriend, M, a regular here. This is my first erotic story, all for you.

You were busy watching TV and making pasties. I was pretending to write, while actually waiting for a message. A gift for you that needed the right setup.

I had been teasing you all day. Telling you how much I looked forward to you getting home so I can rip your clothes off.

I get a message from him: "Nearly there. About 1 min."

I reply: "Wait outside and don't knock. I'll come get you when she's ready."

I walk over and kiss you.

"Hello." You replied smoothly. You had just dyed your hair pink again and wore a black and red little dress that you still had on from our day at the wine-tasting. You were the sexiest girl there, but not just naturally; you had an agenda. You dressed like that to impress your crush. The hot young guy with the piercing eyes. You dressed like that so that you could see him look you over, undress you with his eyes. Well, you would get that chance in more ways than one.

A night with me

I would start with holding your hand, taking a walk and talking. Coming back and we would open a bottle of Merlot. Then we would talk and at some point hug and hugging would lead to cuddling and cuddling would lead to making out. Our tongues would explore each other for as long as it took for me to have your energy signature memorized forever. At different points I would suck on your lips and then lightly nibble them and tug on them. Occasionally I would move over to your ear lobes and lick, nibble and suck on them. Finally I would reach down once during this point to feel your wetness and lick it off my fingers. I would come back to your lips for a minute then start kissing your neck, licking it and sucking on it lightly, not hard enough to cause any blood to come to the surface.

You would explore the contours of my ears with your tongue too and then lick my neck and down to my nipples, you would lick and suck on my nipples some and run your hand down into my pants and grasp my firmness and I would gasp.

Harmoni Goes Black for the First Time

In other words, here is how I became hooked on big black cock almost fourteen years ago. This is a true story! Only the names have been changed to protect the not so innocent!

I was happily married in an open relationship. Hubby and I would play as a couple with other couples. We would often find a single man to bring into the mix. Hubby always liked to watch me. So, I was encouraged to look my best and show off my assets. I also enjoyed flirting with the men who complimented my dress. All in all I was a very happy woman in a happy relationship. What happened next changed everything in our lives.

It all started innocently enough. It was springtime and when the weather was nice, I would go and watch my husband’s various city league sports teams play. Since these games were after work, I was usually dressed in a professional but sexy manner. One day after a game, “FJ” (one of his best friends) complimented my ass. I was wearing some very tight slacks and knee high boots with 4 inch heels. When he said my ass looked good and it was clear I was working out, I couldn’t believe it! I never thought he had noticed me (except in a polite married to a good friend manner) but as soon as he said those words, my pussy started to drip. It was obvious he liked something else about me.