My [F] current coworker / threesome fantasy [MFF] [Bi]

We had hung out a few times. Gotten drinks after work; ran into each other that one Saturday at the bar. Turns out we all like that local band. He is a coworker. She is his fiancé. He started at the office a few months ago and we hit it off instantly. I was relieved to have a friend at work. She turned out to be just as cool. But the email from her took me by surprise.

Hey Evie, So I really hope this is okay! Wyatt and I think you are great. We’ve really enjoyed getting to know you and think you are a really laid-back, fun girl. Wyatt is turning 30 in a couple of weeks, and I want to do something extra special for him. He has mentioned a time or two (or, you know, a hundred) that he has always wanted to try a threesome. And what kind of wifey would I be if I didn’t at least try to make it happen, right?! So this is just a wild shot in the dark to see if you would be willing. I think we could all have a lot of fun, and I promise, no drama! I completely understand if you think this is just way out of line. And if you say no, all I ask is that you keep this little request to yourself. Either way, I really appreciate your discretion. – Anna

I told her I would have to think about it. But honestly, that was just a weak attempt to not seem too eager. He is hot. Tall, nice smile, great ass. And she is petite and blonde and gorgeous. I had already started using him as my nightly inspiration, and though I had never tried it with a girl, oh man, I wanted to watch her wiggle.

A couple of quick emails back and forth and the plans were set. I could tell she was nervous, but I surprisingly wasn’t. Perhaps if you imagine something so many times the reality feels a bit like second nature. I am a goddamn great actress, too, it turns out. Two weeks I spent running into him in the hall and the breakroom at work and I managed to act completely natural. No way was I ruining this surprise.

I spent days in an almost uncomfortable level of heat in anticipation, and then, finally, it was fuck day. Hmm… what does one wear to a threesome with a coworker?

She had arranged for him to be out of the house for a while in late afternoon. I arrived grateful to have some time alone with her to ease her nerves. She stood awkwardly in their living room, rambling to fill any silence and repeatedly offering me snacks or somethin’ to drink, like any good southern girl knows to do. I walked up to her and said in my best little seductive voice, “If you want, we could start. Make out a little, get comfortable with each other, get nice and ready for Wyatt.” She and I were right at the same height, so her sweet look went right into me and she gave a half smile and that’s all the encouragement I needed. Now I have always loved a rugged man. Some stubble, rough hands, hairy chest, I’m fucking down. But this was something so new it shocked me. She was so soft. Her skin, her lips on mine, her hair tangled around my fingers. It took some serious restraint not to just forget about Wyatt and start full on fucking her. And I could tell she felt it, too. She went from timid to pressing herself against me in ten seconds flat.

But the birthday boy must be taken care of. So after a few minutes of kissing we pulled away from each other and she leads me to their bedroom. Said he should be home soon and to just wait there. She left me, shutting the door behind her and I spent a few minutes quietly by myself, definitely not peeking in any drawers (oh, a boxers man).

I hear the door open and shut, her muffled voice, quick and excited; his, slower and deep. The words I catch, from her, “surprise… bedroom…,” from him, a sound like “Mmmm”. I’m sitting on their big king size bed, legs crossed, just an innocent little flower. She enters first, he’s behind her, hands already on her hips (he thinks he knows what’s coming, silly boy). It takes a heartbeat for him to look up and our eyes meet. He stops, eyebrows showing his confusion. He looks at my crooked little vixen smile, looks down at Anna, sees a matching look on her face… and then… realization. No little half smile for him, he looks back and forth between the two of us with the biggest, shit-eating grin.

“Hi, Wyatt.” I say.

“So,” Anna says to him, “do you wanna…?”

“Fuck, yes” He answers, grabs her just below the ass and lifts her, wrapping her legs around his waist, and carries her over to the bed. I laugh as he tosses her down beside me and climbs into the pile of blankets and pillows and tits and ass.

He kisses her like a starving man just found a fuck buffet and slides his hand under her shirt. She pulls away after a moment and looks to me. “Now her” she says to Wyatt and I see a little hesitation, like he expects her to take it back any second and get angry if he touches me. But I’ve already gotten a feel for how serious she is, so I lean into him and get my first real taste of the guy I’ve been getting in my mind for months. He takes a second to pull his mouth away from mine and says “Hi, Evie. Nice to see you.” I take advantage of the break and turn to give Anna some attention. As Wyatt rolls to lay on his back beside us, I move on top of her and start kissing her soft and slow. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see how hard he is, so I reach over and run my hand up and down the strained fabric of his pants.

What are all these clothes doing here anyway? Time for this shit to go. I pull off my shirt, and then lift Anna’s up and over her head. Get so distracted by the smooth flatness of her bare stomach that I forget I’m still clutching her top in my hand as I lean back down and start kissing and licking and trailing my tongue all over her. Glance up at Wyatt, notice he’s still fully clothed. “Strip” I say and get back to Anna. I tug her pants down, leaving her cute little panties on for now. Wyatt has taken care of her bra and has a handful of one tit, a mouthful of the other. While I tease her through the thin fabric, she is working on Wyatt’s pants the best she can while squirming in her wetness from the double attention. I take off those silly, unnecessary panties and I’m face deep in pussy for the first time in my life and oh god, I love it. I just moan and moan as I lick her soft wetness. I can hear her airy gasps and his deeper sounds of absolute pleasure as he lays back, watches me, and moves against Anna’s hand stroking his now fully exposed cock. Now I told myself the best way to handle getting into this with a couple without causing any problems later between them was just to concentrate on her. But I see his hard cock and I can’t help myself. I have to take it in my mouth. If I could mouth fuck them both at the same time, I would, but Wyatt knows how to take care of his woman. His hand quickly fills the void my mouth left and he starts finger fucking her while I take his smooth head in my mouth. I’m so hot by now that I can feel myself throbbing. I pause just long enough to pull off the rest of my clothes so I can please both Wyatt and myself at the same time.

Wyatt moves out from under me, around to behind me. I’m still on all fours as he gently guides my head back down between Anna’s legs. My ass is up in the air, my face buried, and I feel the head of his cock start to rub on all the hot, wet, throbbing parts of me. Knowing I’m about to get fucked by this hot guy I’ve been wanting so bad makes me amp up the pressure and sucking and licking over every inch of Anna’s amazing cunt. I slide two fingers deep inside her and she is grinding against me so hard and fast now that I know she’s close. And when I feel all of Wyatt sliding in it takes everything I’ve got not to come immediately. He sees Anna on the brink so he just gently grinds against me so I can concentrate on bringing her all the way. The moment she arches her back, when I feel the waves of contracting muscles under my tongue and fingers, while having Wyatt’s big cock filling me up, it is so fucking blissful that my mind goes blank and all I am is a cunt and a mouth and little fucking tits with hard nipples. I go over that edge and the waves of my orgasm hits me again and again until I scream out. He starts pounding into me and I just enjoy the ride. I meet Anna’s eyes and she looks relaxed and happy as fuck. She plays with my tits with one hand and with hers with the other and looks like she is loving the site of her man taking me. He grabs my hips and I know by the grunts and the “oh my fucking god” that he is about to blow. A couple more hard thrusts and he pulls out and I feel his hot cum on my back.

He collapses on the bed beside her and gives her some much deserved thank-you kisses. I slip to the bathroom to clean some of the sex off me and to give them a moment alone. I know my role in all of this was nothing more than a sex toy (shucks), so I go back to the bedside and start gathering my clothes. Anna notices and asks “Where are you going?”

“Home” I tell her. “I’ll leave you two alone. Thanks for an amazing night.”

“You should stay. Please.” She says. “Lets sleep and cuddle”

She’s so damn cute I can’t help it. I climb back in bed. They move to have me in between them and I wrap my arms around her. Besides… this way… Round Two in the morning.



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