Ellie [MF]

She looked upon the dark sky while talking to me. Maybe she enjoyed the starless sky or maybe she was avoiding eye contact with me. Doesn't matter, she looks beautiful as ever under the city lights. The slight breeze lifted her dark hair ever so gently, exposing her pale white neck. It made my mouth water. I didn't realize but my eyes were so fixated on her neck. My eyes followed to her defined jaw, up to her rosy cheeks and onto her honey eyes. Her eyebrows were plucked perfectly into an arch that complemented the slight curve of her eyes. She was absolutely stunning. Why is she talking to me? I have no idea.

The six blocks felt very short and before I knew it Ellie squeals “Well, we are here! Thank you again for walking me home…Aiden. It was very sweet of you.” She said that while smiling at the sidewalk. Was she nervous? “I would you invite you in for some coffee or tea but it’s 4 in the morning and I’m pretty tired.” She giggled. “It’s okay, really. I should try and get some sleep anyway”

“Well, see you tomorrow?” Her eyes nervously looked into mine. Of course I wanted to see her tomorrow. I want to see her everyday. “Yep, Definitely.” She fumbled for her keys and I just stood a few feet behind her watching her unlock her door. She struggled for a bit but finally got the lock undone. She turned around a bit embarrassed looking and smiled. I nooded and walked away. I only live about 4 blocks north so my trip home was short. I still can't believe that the coffee girl talked to me. I finally felt like I was on cloud 9.

I found myself standing in front of my apartment door and I don’t remember even the trip back home. My thoughts were dancing around the image of Ellie’s lips…eyes…legs. I open my door to a dark living room and threw my jacket on my chair. Clunk. What was that? I turned on the light and saw Ellie’s wallet on the floor. Oh shit. I forgot to give her back her wallet.

I threw my jacket back on and headed back to Ellie’s apartment. It had only been 10 minutes so I am sure she is still awake. I didn't want to be nosey but I opened her wallet. Her drivers license looks a bit old and she looks young. Oh, so she is only a few years younger than me and it looks like her birthday is in a couple of weeks. I quickly walked to her apartment in hopes to find her awake. I knocked on her door and there was no answer. I peeked through the window blind that was slanted because it was caught on something. Her living room light is still on. I turned the door handle and to my amazement, it was open. I know I am going to talk to her about that when I give her back the wallet. It’s the city, its not safe to leave your door unlocked.

I was very close to just leaving her wallet on her living room coffee table but I heard flowing water. She was taking a bath. My breathing became short and my heart was pounding a little faster. I didn't want to seem like a creep…but I had to. I followed the sound of the water and it lead me to her bedroom. Her bedroom light was off and I could see the light shine through the bottom of the door and I could see the steam rising.

The door was slightly left opened. I shouldn't, I shouldn't be doing this. But my lust for Ellie is so strong. I pressed my index finger on the door and gave it a little push. Steam rolled out between the cracks and I inhaled it. My breathing became shorter and my heart was beating faster. I opened the door enough to see inside. There she was. Laying in a porcelain clawfoot tub. Her hair was tied back and her head was resting on a towel in the front of the tub. She had her phone playing music and her head swayed back and forth to the sound of the beat. Her eyes were closed and her lips were slightly opened. I pushed the door a bit more to get a better view and that’s when I saw it.

Both her legs were spread apart and she was fingering her self. She gasped for air a few times and I could hear the pleasure between moans. She had her right hand between her legs and the other hand rubbing her left nipple. She was beautiful. Her skin was flawless and she was completely shaven. My mouth was beginning to water and my pants were becoming tighter. I felt my legs beginning to move closer to her. I needed to stop, I can not let her see me.

Soft little bubbles lined up around her breasts and her nipples were gracefully erect. Her legs were spread open as much as the tub lets her.Two of her fingers were stroking up and down her clit. Her back arches whenever she touches the right spot and her eyes clench tighter. I cant help it, I need to touch her. I kneeled down silently and my eyes scan up and down her body. I can’t hold back. My fingers tremble violently as my arm reaches in. I moved my hand over hers.

Her eyes quickly opened and the look of fear has taken over. Her other hand instinctively reaches over and pulled my hand away. I felt guilty and I looked right into her eyes to say sorry but she didn't let go of my hand. Her face seemed calmer and she looked back at me. Her lips open and she let out a sigh of relief. She whispered “About time, wish you warned me you were here though.”

She closed her eyes again and placed her hands under the warm water. My fingers found her clit and I began to rub it. Her breath began to sound irregular and a soft moans purr throughout the bathroom. My dick was throbbing and I couldn't stop staring between her legs. I rubbed harder and her moans became louder. I reached my other hand around and slide my fingers into her pussy. Her moans were getting aggressive and my dick continued to throb.

I pulled the water stopper out and let the water drain for a few seconds. Half of her body was now exposed from the soapy water and I got a good look at her smooth pussy. I reached my left hand under her back and lifted her back up. I used my right hand to push back her swollen lips and I leaned my head into the tub. I extended my warm tongue between her lips and I began to eat her out. She tasted so clean and my mouth was drooling. I softly flicked my tongue on her clit and it was driving her crazy. She ran her fingers through my hair and she softly gripped a handful. Her hands moved from the water and she was using them to lift herself up.

I moved my head from between her legs and I watched her lift herself up. Her naked body was standing right in front of me. She grinned and cracked a sideways smile. She placed her right hand of the wall next to her and lifted her left leg over my shoulder. She invited her pussy into my face. I grabbed her closer and I began to lick her again. She tasted so sweet. She rubbed her hand again on my head and began to pull on my hair. She moved my head deeper into her legs and her moaning was getting louder. I released a hand from her hip and I shoved a few fingers into her pussy. She was extremely wet and my fingers were completely soaked.

She grabbed my hand that had my fingers in her pussy and pulled it closer to her face. She started to suck on my fingers that had her wetness on them. It felt amazing. I start to suck her clit more aggressively and she became more swollen, dripping with wetness. I switch between sucking her clit and licking it softly every few seconds. I shoved my fingers back into her pussy and finger fucked her as hard as I could. Her moans gave me a sign that she was really enjoying this. Her thighs were tightening and I feel her about to cum.

I stopped.

Her muddled face stared down at me. Her cheeks were rosy and her hair was a mess. She had her free hand cupping her breast and she was breathing intensely. She was more beautiful than I have ever seen her. I stood up, grabbed her hips and flung her around. My hand ran up her back and I pushed slightly so she gets the hint to bend over. Her wet pussy was exposed under her heart shaped ass. Her lips were swollen from excitement and pleasure.

I unbuckled my belt and pulled my jeans and boxers down. I ran my hard cock over her wet warm lips and I teased her clit with my tip. I pushed just the tip of my dick into her pussy and it was so tight. I teased her a bit more and I gently thrusted just the tip back and forth a few times. I heard her moans and she finally whispered “Fuck me now…”

I pushed my full cock into her pussy and it felt like heaven. I grabbed onto her hips and I pushed her closer into my body. My cock fully entered into her and she let out an amazing moan. She turned her head and I saw the side of her face. Her mouth was open and her eyes were closed. She was moaning louder and faster and she whispered over and over “Fuck me, fuck me.” I grabbed her ponytail and tugged just a little bit. She was dripping all over my cock and it was making it hard for me to last much longer. I felt her pussy tightening and she whimpered “Holy shit, I’m going to cum!” I thrusted faster and I pulled her in deeper. My dick was about to explode. I can no longer hold it in. Her pussy began to pulsate on my dick and I let my load erupt in her. She let out a final scream as she began to push her pussy deeper in my cock. She lightly thrust back and forth while her pussy still continued to pulsate. Every time she thrust, I came a bit more.

Her body finally went limp and her grip on the tub loosened up. She laid back down in the tub and I was left standing there with a wet dick hanging out. I caught my breath for a second and then put back on my boxers and pants. Ellie reached forward and turned on the water spout to fill up the tub again. She fixes her ponytail and closes her eyes. A smile was drawn on her face and she was trying to breath normally. She opened one eye and looked at me with that irresistible smirk.

“I’ll see you around, Aiden.”

I smiled back and walked out of her apartment.

Edit: Spaces between paragraphs

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/2r4giq/ellie_mf