the Annual Parent-Teacher Conference [MF]

"And that's about it, Mr. Parker," said the teacher, shuffling a handful of papers with her thin hands, eyeing her student's father just above her glasses. The boy sat inattentive, fidgeting a pen in his hands, likewise oblivious to his teacher's foot creeping up his father's leg under the round table. Mrs. Cole then stood up, dropping the papers in front of her and continued, "he just needs to pay closer attention in class," she paused, watching the boy now. "But above all else, he needs to stop misbehaving."

Frank Parker stood up, his willpower torn between holding back his laughter, and playing professional. "As always, Mrs. Cole, thanks for your time. I'll see to it the boy gets more discipline at home." Frank turned and walked his son to the door, then said "why don't you go find your friends and wait for me, I almost forgot I had a few questions for your teacher," and locked the door behind him. Immediately he felt her arms wrap around him, one hand moving up against his hard chest, one hand moving down under his leather belt. He drew the curtain down and turned to face her, she stood a few inches shorter than him, the top buttons of her shirt already undone, her shoes lay thrown somewhere behind her.

Frank finally let the smile slip, Mrs. Cole laughed as he fingered her strawberry hair, drawing it behind her ears, kissing her neck. "He's a bad boy, Mr. Parker, just like his father," she whispered as Mr. Parker playfully bit her neck. She stepped back slowly and sat on the round table, carelessly throwing about the student reports, textbooks and notebooks, spreading her legs and arching herself back while undoing the rest of the buttons on her shirt. She kept her breasts pushed up, opened her shirt and pulled her glasses down, Frank stalked towards her with all the subtlety of a hunting lion, running his hands up her legs, feeling the curves along her hips and pulling her black panties down as he drew his hands back.

Mrs. Cole slid her shirt behind her back and fingered at Frank's belt around his waist, undoing the buckle, then the buttons, finally opening his pants with her tongue slightly out, taking his thick cock in her small hand, drawing him closer still. Frank's thick digits rubbed along Mrs. Cole's back and slid under her bra, with one swift flick of his fingers he unsnapped it and helped it off, her breathing quickened as he revealed her pale, perky breasts.

Mrs. Cole helped Mr. Parker's pants to his ankles and kept stroking his girthy cock with her left hand, the one with the gold wedding band and the diamond, while her right wrapped around and felt up his ass under his boxers. She moved closer, one lip bit, then Frank felt the warmth and wetness of her mouth against his cock, she sucked hard while grabbing his ass and feeling his hard legs. He held her head with both hands, his cock growing solid inside her.

Mrs. Cole pulled away from Frank's cock, he leaned in and kissed her breasts, licking the rosy nipples, playing with them between his fingers as she reacted to every touch with pursed whimpers, moans, and breathy sighs. She suddenly dug her nails into his back and led him forward, an ocean of lust in her blue eyes, her tongue spread her lips apart and she instructed him simply, "fuck me."

Frank's hand gripped Mrs. Cole's hips, he turned her over on the table and slid his cock into her, filling every inch of her dripping pussy, her plump ass pushing him back with every thrust, his hands holding her tightly just over her hips drawing her petite body back. Mrs. Cole lifted herself up as Frank kept up the motion, she bent back again, wrapping her arms around him behind her while his hands wandered along her body, caressing her breasts and stomach, playing with her clit. He kissed along her neck and ears, her moans became louder. She worked her body down on his cock, taking him as deep as she could, feeling the pulsing of his throbbing cock as a loud groan escaped him and he completely filled her with warm cum. She gripped him tightly, digging her fingers into him again and collapsed forward and bent back, keeping his cock inside her, draining him completely.

She turned over, out of breath, Frank stood over her still, she watched his chest rise and drop as he breathed heavily. Mrs. Cole then stood up, cum dripping down her leg, running over her dark pantyhose before she could notice. Frank pulled his pants up and started buttoning his shirt back up, Mrs. Cole picked up her bra and led him to the door. She held him close and kissed him as he reached for the handle and said "oh and tell your wife not to forget the bake sale is next week."

Frank chuckled as he opened the door and answered, "of course, Ana. You know I love to get involved in these school activities." Mrs. Cole smiled as Frank stepped out, he heard he door click behind and began slowly pacing the hallways, watching for his son.
