Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 12)

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< Part 11

Lady Jennifer knelt next to Marcia and started on the instructions for the other girls. "Because the arm of this seat is so low you will have to kneel in order to get a good swing at her. I will be the first one to spank each of you. I will slap you with my hand from five to fifteen times. Each of you waiting must count how many I do. That will be the minimum number I'll expect you to deliver to the girl I just spanked — note I said minimum. I will also expect you to spank her at least as hard as I did when I delivered the spanking.

"When you have completed your spanking, I expect you to slide your right hand down between her legs, and stimulate her for at least one minute. You can do what ever you want as long as your hand is between her legs, and she is responding in some manner."

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 11)

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< Part 10

The only girl left to call on was Lisa Green. Her question caught Lady Jennifer completely by surprise. In all of the years she had been initiating young women into this kingdom, she had never had an initiate ask this question at this stage in their development. "Mistress Jennifer, this may seem like a silly question, but it has me intrigued. You talked about how 'Us' is real but 'Them' is not, yet you never mentioned how 'I' fits in to this discussion. Surely 'I' exist, right?"

Lady Jennifer just sat in stunned silence for a few seconds. Then finally she said, "You really shouldn't be perceptive enough yet to ask that question. That's a topic we don't get into until much later, and no, there is nothing silly about it at all."

After thinking for a few moments more she continued. "Since you have asked it, I think I am going to give a shot at answering it. Keep in mind that we normally teach much more about life and religion before we get to this.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 10)

Table of Contents

< Part 9

Sandra Nelson's question is exactly what Lady Jennifer expected of her. She knew that far too many conservatives were overly defensive of their politics, and Sandra was no exception. "Mistress Jennifer, I would like to go back to what you said about Conservatives being their own worst enemy. President Bush was just reacting to the lies of the mainstream media when he used the phrase compassionate conservative. When Republicans are hounded out of office for minor transgressions, yet a Democrat gets caught with $100K in the freezer and still gets re-elected, I would say the media are more to blame than us. Why do you believe differently?"

"First of all, you need to see that the only thing the media is doing is holding us to a higher standard than they do their like-minded brethren. And this is consistent with what we said last night that liberals see expectations as something you only inflict on your enemies, not on your friends. Conservatives make a serious mistake when they see liberalism achieving their goals through the actions of the media, and foolishly believe that we could also if we had their help.

The Three of Us [M] [F] [M]

It’s terrifying. I don’t think I’ve ever been this turned on.

We’ve talked about threesomes before, but never in any serious way. There was always the thing about one of us getting jealous and it causing a huge rift between us. But, I pushed the issue, and you agreed. You agreed, but only if the first time could be with a man. What got my heart beating faster at that wasn’t the thought of you sucking a stranger’s member whilst I licked you; no, what got me going was that you said “the first time”, implying there would be more.

And so, here we are. You stand between us in that light green dress you wore to that long-ago wedding. It’s surreal, watching this strange man run his hands over your body like he was meant to do it. His fingers trail across your shoulders, brushing your hair gently away as he kisses along your collar bone. With his other hand, he caresses your breasts through your dress. You crane your neck, letting him softly nibble at you.



You and I are lying in bed on our sides. You're behind me, you gather my hair in one hand and begin kissing my shoulder and neck. You stroke my side with your fingertips. My neck and shoulders are sensitive to your touch: goosebumps trail your kisses and touch and spread across my body. My nipples harden in response. You shift your weight over me, easing me onto my back, and kiss my lips. You suck deeply on my mouth and tease my tongue, turning me on more and making my lips feel bee-stung from your passion. Our tongues are intertwined. Your hands cup and squeeze my breasts, pinch my nipples and make me gasp. You kiss, suck, and lick down my throat.

I whimper, letting you know where I want ur mouth to be and then feel ur warm breath on my breasts. I hold ur head to my breasts and run my fingers through ur hair. My hands keep traveling downward, exploring your body as you attend to my bosom. I have butterflies in my stomach and a deep yearning to be fulfilled. "Yes!" I encourage. You keep kissing me all over. Your fingers tickle down and over, in between my waiting legs.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

She Waits in Her Tiny Bikini for Cold Wet Soil [Mdom, Fsub]

Sára Kovac lies by the edge of the pool, her arms above her head, her eyes closed, her dark blonde hair dipping into the warm water. Her little purple bikini is tight against her tanned body, but her long legs are crossed, very ladylike, protecting her modesty. She waits for me to take control.

I met Sára the night before in the luxury spa hotel I’m staying at in Prague. I’m sitting in the bar, a glass of fine Champagne on the table, a voice recorder concealed under my newspaper. I’m discreetly recording a conversation on the table next to me, between two Czech businessmen, who intel in London suggests are passing information from the British Embassy in Prague to the Russian KGB. MI6 doesn’t know what they’re sending or why. But, like any spy agency, we like to poke our noses into other people’s business.

Having successfully recorded the conversation, which I’ll send back to London for analysis – just two drunken buffoons talking about Cuban cigars by the sounds of it – I order another drink: whiskey on the rocks. Then I spot something that catches my eye: long tanned legs protruding from a short grey skirt, crossed under the table, tight white top, high heels, dark blonde hair. She’s reading a book while sipping a cocktail, Mojito I think. I take a sip of whiskey, unable to look at anything else, but pretending to read my newspaper.

Recounting Those Nights [MMF]

“Hello? Is anyone there? HELLOOOOOO!” “Well dear I think she’s finally ready. What was her name again?” “I think it was Patty. I think? I can’t remember. Doesn’t matter anyway. She’s our new toy now. You ready Benny?” “Oh I’ve been dying to get started Liza dear. After you?”

Benny opened the door to reveal an athletic bodied brunette. Her body toned, her skin bronzed from the many hours spent outdoors. Her well figured legs betrayed her as an avid runner. Strapped to the metal table by her arms and legs, Benny noticed how bare she was. Recently shaven, clearly in preparation for a fun night out and hoping to meet Mr. Right, her body was smooth to the touch.

“Who are you? Where am I?” Patty shouted, looking at the couple. Benny, an average looking guy with a small beer gut, and Liza, a busty redhead, looked at each other. “What do you think Liza? C cup maybe? Benny asked, completely ignoring Patty’s frantic questioning. “Seems about right” Liza responded from the other side of the room, scuffling through a large chest-like object. “How old are you Patty?” Benny asked endearingly. “Screw you! Tell me where I am!” “Now now don’t be like that. I’m just trying to get to know you. So again, how old are you?” “Go to hell you jackass!”

Piano Girl, Chapter One [Mf]

I was hers from the moment she sang.

Something deep within her came through from the moment she shuffled up to the microphone, back from break, that said she was drunk, nervous and incredibly gifted. As soon as she sang the first note my head turned and I was transported from my sauce to another place. She started singing about love lost, the time being more of a window than a door. And I listened to it all, drink growing warm in my hand without me even noticing.

When she finished her set I looked around to see if anyone had witnessed the event. It didn't seem so from the polite claps and small cheers, save for a pair of girls who screamed like the end of the world. When she went over to sit next to them it was clear they were friends. And yet, I was still jealous. I wanted to catch her eye and I hadn't even managed that.

I finished my second-rate drink and eavesdropped. I wanted to know anything about her I could find but the alcohol, the ambient noise and the three girls' heavy English accents were too much—I couldn't glean a thing. So I ordered another drink and decided to give up on the only interesting girl in a month.

The cold water trickles down into her open bikini bottoms [Mdom, paradise]

Isabella Garcia lies in the warm evening sand by the edge of the Mediterranean sea, coyly hiding her little red bikini bottoms with her hands. Occasionally a cold wave breaks the shoreline and washes over her, making her body tense up. But secretly she’s enjoying it.

Isabella is a 27 year old Spanish informant for British Secret Services. She’s a quiet girl from an upstanding family, smart and sophisticated. She wants to help protect western Europe, and has been passing on valuable information to the Spanish and British authorities for a couple of years. She’s still new to the game, but losing her innocence.

We met secretly in my hotel bar last night, where she handed over a dossier on Russian spies in London, particularly those out to kill me. I was very grateful and returned the favour in cocktails. We stayed up into the early hours chatting, tipsy. Then I ordered her a taxi, like a true gent, and stumbled up to my hotel room.

Before we said goodbye though she kissed me, smiled, then got into her taxi. Now I was meeting her the next day on the beach. But I still had time to work out in the hotel gym before I came. I was looking pretty ripped.

First time meeting. [MF]

Looking for input to write better. Let me know any suggestions!

I had just gotten off work and was ready to have a couple shots of vodka at home. Traffic is backed up for miles and a taxi won't get me anywhere. I might as well take the subway. I make my way down the stairs to the abyss. The stench of death down below. I run up to get my ticket knowing I may miss my ride and half to wait again. wham "I'm so sorry" knocking my briefcase out of my hands, I reach down and look up. A small smile on your face. You turn and continue walking toward the gate. 'wow' I think to myself 'that is one sexy looking woman' I grab my ticket and make my way to the gate.