She Waits in Her Tiny Bikini for Cold Wet Soil [Mdom, Fsub]

Sára Kovac lies by the edge of the pool, her arms above her head, her eyes closed, her dark blonde hair dipping into the warm water. Her little purple bikini is tight against her tanned body, but her long legs are crossed, very ladylike, protecting her modesty. She waits for me to take control.

I met Sára the night before in the luxury spa hotel I’m staying at in Prague. I’m sitting in the bar, a glass of fine Champagne on the table, a voice recorder concealed under my newspaper. I’m discreetly recording a conversation on the table next to me, between two Czech businessmen, who intel in London suggests are passing information from the British Embassy in Prague to the Russian KGB. MI6 doesn’t know what they’re sending or why. But, like any spy agency, we like to poke our noses into other people’s business.

Having successfully recorded the conversation, which I’ll send back to London for analysis – just two drunken buffoons talking about Cuban cigars by the sounds of it – I order another drink: whiskey on the rocks. Then I spot something that catches my eye: long tanned legs protruding from a short grey skirt, crossed under the table, tight white top, high heels, dark blonde hair. She’s reading a book while sipping a cocktail, Mojito I think. I take a sip of whiskey, unable to look at anything else, but pretending to read my newspaper.

Then there’s movement. She puts her book down, Mojito glass empty. And she unfolds her legs to elegantly get up. As she does I catch a glimpse of something naughty for such an upstanding looking girl. Between her legs, concealed by the tight grey skirt, a flash of red. Then as she shuffles across the seat to stand up, her legs widen a little more. And I get a flash of bright red lacy knickers under that formal grey skirt. Naughty girl. I decide to make contact.

I swig the last drop of whiskey and walk up to the bar, ‘coincidentally’ the same time she stands there ordering another cocktail. I make light-hearted conversation, tell a few jokes, some of which she quietly giggles at, and we agree to have a drink. I find out she works in an exclusive shop in Prague, but won’t tell me which one, selling designer clothes. We spend the rest of the evening chatting, telling her about my boring corporate training job, and we agree to meet for a dip in the pool and spa the next evening.

That goes better than I expected. We make out in the steam room. And now she’s lying by the secluded hotel pool in her tiny purple bikini, breasts up, surrounded by rockery, mine for the taking. But she’s worried people will see us. I reassure her that we’re the only ones in here, that the pool we’re in is hidden by rockery and foliage from the rest of the spa. Oh, and that I jammed the lock on the entrance door with my key. No one’s coming in for a while.

Lying beside her, the still pool on one side, rock garden on the other, I kiss her neck. Her legs stay crossed, but she leans her head back. Then I reach into the rockery and pick up a handful of cold wet soil. First I open her bikini bra cups and put some into each one. Then I rub it into her breasts, her nipples instantly becoming hard. I put a hand on each of her knees and pull her legs apart, exposing her tiny bikini bottoms. She tries to close her legs self-consciously, but I hold them open. Then I gather another handful of cold wet soil and slide it down into her purple bikini pants. She flinches. But I hold her legs wide open with one hand, rubbing the damp rough soil into her private area with the other. Her head turns to one side, her eyes shut. But I can feel things are getting hot down there.

I continue to rub cold wet soil across her flat stomach, down her long legs, around her neck. When she’s shivering from the cold, covered in dirt, I undo her bikini bra, letting the soil in her cups fall to the side. Then I slide down her pants, her bare private area covered in dirt. I wash her off slowly with water from the pool, which is a relief to her. But she’s self-conscious being completely naked in a public place. So when I've washed off her sensitive area, I lead her by the hand into the hidden rock garden, where I immediately bend her over a large cold stone.


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