Recounting Those Nights [MMF]

“Hello? Is anyone there? HELLOOOOOO!” “Well dear I think she’s finally ready. What was her name again?” “I think it was Patty. I think? I can’t remember. Doesn’t matter anyway. She’s our new toy now. You ready Benny?” “Oh I’ve been dying to get started Liza dear. After you?”

Benny opened the door to reveal an athletic bodied brunette. Her body toned, her skin bronzed from the many hours spent outdoors. Her well figured legs betrayed her as an avid runner. Strapped to the metal table by her arms and legs, Benny noticed how bare she was. Recently shaven, clearly in preparation for a fun night out and hoping to meet Mr. Right, her body was smooth to the touch.

“Who are you? Where am I?” Patty shouted, looking at the couple. Benny, an average looking guy with a small beer gut, and Liza, a busty redhead, looked at each other. “What do you think Liza? C cup maybe? Benny asked, completely ignoring Patty’s frantic questioning. “Seems about right” Liza responded from the other side of the room, scuffling through a large chest-like object. “How old are you Patty?” Benny asked endearingly. “Screw you! Tell me where I am!” “Now now don’t be like that. I’m just trying to get to know you. So again, how old are you?” “Go to hell you jackass!”

Liza stood up from the chest, walked over to Patty, and slapped her across the face. “You will NOT speak to him that way! Now answer him!” “Not a chance you Nazi bitch!” Liza slapped her again harder this time. She reared her hand back for another swipe. “I’m 25. 25 ok?” “That’s a good little doll.” Liza followed through with the hit anyway. “Mmm. You picked one in its prime. You always make the best choices babe” Benny said coyly. “I do my best hun. She’s rather loud and obnoxious. Mind if I shut her up?” “Not at all. Saves us from doing it later”

Liza pulled out an orange ball gag about the size of a golf ball. As she approached her Patty said with a shaky voice, “Please don’t do that. I promise I would scream. I promise really.” Liza looked at Benny, “It could get in our way. Agreed?” “Agreed.”

Benny reached into the air and grabbed two chains hanging above the table. He attached the handcuff attached to each chain to Patty’s wrists then proceeded to do the same to her ankles. Reaching down beneath the table and released two latches allowing the bottom half of the table to fold down. Patty lay there; sweat beading all across her body from fear and anticipation, legs spread apart, exposing her pussy to the couple.

Her lips were pressed tightly together, culminating in a small slit, almost like a paper cut. Liza moved between her legs and using two fingers opened her lips, revealing a delightfully pink color. Her entrance appeared small and tight. “Look at this Benny. She is in amazing condition! This is better than I expected.” “You should feel her tits Liza. So soft yet so firm. And her nipples are the perfect size. I’d bet about the size of a quarter.” Benny began pinching her nipples and kissing her neck. Patty flinched as he tightened his grip on her. Liza ran her tongue across her slit, almost as if to take a sample taste, before worming her tongue deeper inside her. Patty squirmed slightly, trying to pull away, but for little use. Her limbs were at full extension, not leaving much room to move her torso.

While she acted disgusted and appalled, her body sang a different tune. Her pussy was now warm and wet from Liza’s fiddling tongue. Sensing the change, Liza moved up and wrapped her lips around Patty’s now exposed clit. A small moan escaped her slender body as Liza began lightly sucking on her pearl. Hearing this, Benny opened his fly, pulled out his dick, and laid it across her mouth. “Lick it” Benny demanded.

Patty opened her mouth and ran her tongue across the tip. He had to angle it down for her due to his curvature. “Does it taste good?” he playfully asked. Patty nodded her head. Suddenly Liza stopped sucking, stood up, and jammed three of her fingers inside Patty’s tight twat. “He asked you a question you little slut. Answer him! Apparently you forgot what happened last time.” “Yes. Yes it tastes good.” Patty screamed. “That’s better. Benny I think it’s time. Shall we switch?” “I thought you’d never ask.” Benny and Liza walked around the table. Benny, his dick in hand, began slowly inserting himself inside Patty’s juicy cunt. “Wait! Stop! Put on a condom!” Patty cried. Liza, climbing up on the table and positioning herself above Patty’s head, stared down at her and angrily said “Shut the fuck up. Now eat me.” Dropping her pussy onto her mouth, she slapped Patty again, prompting her to begin.

Meanwhile Benny, finally getting himself fully inside her, began a slow stroking motion. Her pussy grabbed at his cock as he moved in and out. A groan escaped his lips in pleasure as he began to fuck her harder and faster. He could feel every muscle inside her contract and strangle his prick. A small, muffled noise emerged from beneath Liza as she came. Benny pulled out of her and a stream of her cum flowed out of her vagina and down to her asshole. Struck by the sight, Benny said to Liza, “Do you wanna do that thing? I really wanna do that thing.” “One step ahead of ya babe. It’s on top of the chest.”

Benny ran over to the chest and grabbed a giant dildo. He walked back over and handed it to Liza then returned to his post. Liza, sliding down to Patty’s chest, smiled and said, “See this big black beauty? It’s almost as long as my arm and about as wide as a coke can. You know where this is gonna go? I think you know where its gonna go.” “NO! NO! DON’T DO IT!” Patty desperately screamed. Liza got off the table, grabbed the ball gag, and forced it into Patty’s mouth. “I thought we agreed no screaming! Oh well.” She climbed back onto the table, this time facing Patty’s twat, and nodded to Benny. On cue, Benny shoved his member forcefully into her asshole. A terrified, subdued, scream came from the top of the table. As he backed half way out, Liza drilled the monster dildo all the way into Patty’s pussy, ripping it apart. As if performing a violent destructive dance, the couple pounded and thrust and ram their phalluses into her body. Their speed, now in sync, began to increase.

“I’m about to cum Liza.” Benny breathily proclaimed. “Give it all to me baby.” Liza responded. Benny pulled out of Patty’s gaping asshole and shoved it directly into Liza’s waiting mouth. She took his dick all the way in a sucked hard. He squinted and stiffened as his cock jolted and spewed his cum down her throat. After a minute he withdrew his cock and panted heavily. Liza licked her lips, turned around, and said, “You know, you don’t taste half bad.” She giggled as she got off the table and embraced Benny. They shared a long passionate kiss, as if they had just exchanged some Valentine’s Day gifts. Together they reset the bottom of the table and strapped Patty back into place. Then, just as they entered, they exited, this time to the inaudible mummers of a broken body. The door squeaked close and the latch set.
