
You and I are lying in bed on our sides. You're behind me, you gather my hair in one hand and begin kissing my shoulder and neck. You stroke my side with your fingertips. My neck and shoulders are sensitive to your touch: goosebumps trail your kisses and touch and spread across my body. My nipples harden in response. You shift your weight over me, easing me onto my back, and kiss my lips. You suck deeply on my mouth and tease my tongue, turning me on more and making my lips feel bee-stung from your passion. Our tongues are intertwined. Your hands cup and squeeze my breasts, pinch my nipples and make me gasp. You kiss, suck, and lick down my throat.

I whimper, letting you know where I want ur mouth to be and then feel ur warm breath on my breasts. I hold ur head to my breasts and run my fingers through ur hair. My hands keep traveling downward, exploring your body as you attend to my bosom. I have butterflies in my stomach and a deep yearning to be fulfilled. "Yes!" I encourage. You keep kissing me all over. Your fingers tickle down and over, in between my waiting legs.

You slide down and lower your talented mouth to my pussy. You give a long, slow lick. Your tongue caresses and flicks my clit. You suck firmly, then loosen the seal, allowing cool air past my clit and into your mouth to my great pleasure. Ah, I gasp and my heartbeat and breathing become more rapid. You sure know what you're doing and I am so aroused. I already want your cock inside me desperately. As if to give in a little, you slide two fingers inside me and play me until I am teetering on the edge.

When I feel I can take no more, you pull away. I sit up, intoxicated with desire, and kiss you, tasting myself on your lips. I stroke ur cock through ur boxers. It swells to an impossible hardness as my fingers squeeze and caress you. I tug down your boxers and ur cock springs free. I love this moment, always like opening a present, my eyes wide with anticipation then approval. I push you backward, straddle your legs and lower my mouth to your cock. Our eyes are locked as I smile and tease the tip of your cock with my warm breath and then my tongue. My eyes, dark and dilated with desire, gaze up at you. You encourage me to continue. I lick and firmly stroke the entire length of your manhood, making you feel so good; wet and slippery. As you start to move your hips, I can see you are enjoying this, I take you into my warm mouth. I give you a good, deep blowjob and I'm so turned on and ready to fuck you.

You lift me up and I place my knees on either side of your hips, kissing your lips as I sigh. I draw your face to my breasts again. Deliberately, slowly, I ease my hips down until the head of your cock barely rubs the outer folds of my soaking pussy. I rub and tease you until you want more. You whisper beautiful and dirty things to me. Things I love to hear and make my desires go wild. You urge me to focus on the sensory pleasures of our lovemaking. It seemed impossible moments ago, but you've made me want you even more. I feel that if I get any hotter, I will melt.

I lower myself a bit, allowing you to barely enter me, stretching me. But, I'm so wet and ready for you. I fend off your attempts to push in deeper. You tell me how hot I feel. It takes all of my discipline to resist you. I suck on your neck, my tongue and mouth guided along your muscles. A jagged moan escapes your lips. You ask me, "Please!?" Then, it's time to give in – I take you in all the way. Now it's your turn to gasp. I shudder along with you because the feeling is indescribably perfect. Every nerve is raw and screaming with pleasure as I ride you.

You roll me over and rub my clit and deeply fuck me. My hands travel over your chest, sides, ass, and back and we kiss passionately as you begin to tenderly make love to me. I love your body and what it does to me.

Soon, I feel waves of pleasure, so good that my only focus can be on their growing intensity. The waves in turn are met with a fire, the fire radiating from our union to every part of my body. I know you can feel the same sensations. I writhe because I can barely stand the pleasure. You hold me firm and force me to meet the nearly unbearable pleasure head-on. I close my eyes to focus only on the exquisite feelings we are making from those few inches of flesh where we are intimately joined. I'm consumed with how this feels. Now I'm moaning as the waves and flames lap at me, relentlessly! When the pulsing wanes, you cum as well and collapse on me. Spent, with contented sighs, we melt into each other and doze off in our embrace.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2ruo9i/bs