Role Reversal Finale [MM] [anal] [oral]

Greg takes his cock and slowly inserts into me. He watches my reaction as he slowly slides in every inch of himself. I close my eyes, my face twisting as he makes it halfway. I open my eyes as he begins to fuck me. “Good boy.” Greg says as he moves his hips into me. I whimper and moan as I feel more of him inside me. I shudder and grab the sides of my bed as I feel his hips touch my ass. “Fuck.” I say between gasps of breath. “Fuck…. Me… Please.” Greg smiles “As you wish.” He grabs my legs and gets a better hold on me as he continues to pound away. I moan with each time he presses into me. “You like that don’t you?” I can’t speak, I sound like an animal, answering with moans and grunts. Greg decides to change positions. I can’t believe it, but he manages to go deeper in me as he lifts my legs. He laughs as I shout in surprise of the new depth he found. He thrusts harder, and I’m almost in tears at the way he is making me feel. The pain, the pleasure and I’m loving all of it. I grab my dick and start rubbing myself. He watches me as I jerk myself off. “That’s right.” Greg says. “Get yourself close.” He leans in and he kisses me. We kiss as he relentlessly tears me up. I moan louder as I feel him begin to throb. He mirrors my moans as he surprisingly moves even faster. I feel Greg start to cum in me. I want to yell, but he continues to kiss me. My noises are muffled by our kissing as I feel each spurt of his warm semen in me. Greg loosens up and begins to let my legs fall to the bed. He collapses on top of me and despite my extremely hard dick, I’m spent. Greg pulls out of me and lies at my side. “What do you want to do about this?” Greg asks as he points at my cock. “Just leave it.” I respond in between breaths. “I’ll calm down and it’ll go back to normal.” “Why don’t I just take care of it?” Greg asks me, staring at my aching cock. “Please don’t.” I beg him, “I don’t think I can take one more.” I hear a playful tone in Greg’s voice as he takes a hold of me. “Oh, I don’t know. I think you can hang on, one more time.”

Role Reversal pt. 4 [mm] [m/dom/m/sub] [oral] [teasing]

He puts me on my knees, and places his hands on either side of my head. I attempt to fight as he tries to insert himself into my mouth. A couple slaps with his dick and I finally comply. I look up at Greg and he looks almost possessed. He shoves his cock in my mouth and I almost choke as his tip slides down my throat. He looks down to see the damage he’s doing as I look up at him through tear stained eyes. Greg holds my head as he slides a bit further. I hear him laugh as he enjoys the sight of me. Tears are streaming down my face and now my eyes are almost rolled back into my skull, I’m gagging on his length and my face turns red. Mercifully, he decides to pull back and let me breath. I collapse onto the floor, saliva dripping from my mouth as I gulp down each breath I could muster. Greg looks down at me and smiles. “You had your turn at being dominant.” Greg helps me up and wipes my face. He then kisses me and as he helps me up and walks me to my room he says, “Now its time you see how a real dom works.”

Role Reversal: part 3 [MM] [anal] [teasing] [denial]

“Mmm.” Greg responds and I let his head go, I coat Greg’s ass with the lube and rub a bit on my dick as well. He flinches as my tip touches his opening. “You’ve been so good to me.” I whisper, teasing Greg’s opening. “Now, allow me to return the favor” Greg whimpers as I slowly insert myself into him. I shudder as I feel my tip slide into him and I listen to Greg gasp. I slowly slide in and out of him, going deeper each time I feel him relax around me. “Now then.” I tell Greg as I enjoy how I feel inside him. “Doesn’t that feel good?” He moans as I continue to move deeper. “God, you’re so tight.” I praise his ass. “I may have to do this again.” Now I’m fully inside him and I pick up the pace. I look at the mirror and I love the sight. Greg moans as he buries his face in the pillows. I hear his muffled voice ask me something. I caress his neck and ask him to repeat himself. “Please.” Greg begs. “Fuck me.” My smile grows as he embraces his submissive side. I give one deep thrust into Greg’s ass and he throws his head back as we both moan at the sensation we both feel. I can feel myself throb and I move even faster. “I’m going to cum.” I tell him, but he already knew. “Look at the mirror.” I order Greg. “I want you to watch as another man cums in you.” Greg turns his head and I can see the worried look on his face. He could feel me move faster as I prepare to blow inside Greg’s ass. “Oh god!” Greg shouts as he feels me getting close. “Please don’t!” Too late, I empty myself into Greg. Greg’s pleas are drowned out by my groans of passion. I look down and I see Greg’s face is buried in the pillows, almost whimpering as he feels me cum. “Wow” I say between breaths. “I hadn’t cum in a few days. That felt so good.” My semen overflowing from his ass and starts to dribble out. I collapse on top of Greg and I catch my breath as Greg tries to comprehend another man ejaculating in him.

Role Reversal: part 2 [MM] [mdom/msub] [oral] [anal play]

Greg closes his eyes as I force him to taste me. I rock my hips as I hold his head in place. A smile appears as he gives in to my orders. “Now, if you promise to be a good boy and do whatever I tell you, I promise you’ll enjoy your prize.” Greg opens his eyes and I can see the hope grow in them, almost begging me to finish. “Do you agree?” I ask him. He responds by looking at me and winking. Suddenly, a tingle runs up my spine. Greg starts to use his tongue, and I almost collapse on top of him. “Holy shit!” I shout as he attacks my dick with his mouth. I struggle to stay on top of him as my body trembles almost uncontrollably. I feel the vibrations as he laughs at his surprise attack on my cock. I manage to regain part of my composure as I lace my fingers into his hair. I hold his head against the pillow and I pull out. “You think you’re clever don’t you?” I ask him and I see that damn grin show up. He’s so proud of that sneak attack. “I can still surprise you can’t I?” Greg says as he tries to reach for my dick which is hovering just above him. I smile back and the stupid smirk disappears. I hold his head against the pillows, Greg slowly opens his mouth, and before he opens wide I shove my dick in one more time. I feel my tip pass over his tongue, that worried look appears again. I continue to push and soon, I touch the back of his throat. I feel him gag and I laugh. “Oh, come on.” I tell him as I pull back and let him rest. “You do this to us and you can’t take it?” I slowly move back into his mouth. As I reach the back of his throat, he gags again. I see his eyes tearing up and I eventually pull out. Greg is gasping, trails of saliva dribble down his chin as I let him rest before I have some real fun.

Role Reversal: Part 1 [MM] [mdom/msub] [denial]

I was getting ready to head out and pick up some groceries when I hear Greg calling from down the hall. He had to pick up a few things himself and asked if he could join me. On the way there, Greg decides to ask me something that seem to come out of nowhere. “Do you really enjoy being our sub?” I damn near run my car into the wall at the question… After a quick check if we should head back to change pants I answer him. “Yes. I enjoy making you guys cum.” I hear him snort as if I told him a joke. “What is it that you like? We basically do whatever we want to you. What if we don’t let you cum?” “Its fine, my satisfaction is making you guys happy. Don’t you switch with Jessie sometimes?” I ask him. Greg nods “Yeah, but I just do it to make her happy.” I smile. “Exactly.” I hear him laugh a bit more. “I don’t see what’s so fun about letting people do what they want to you.” “I like to make people happy.” I answer back. “When I see you or Jessie cum, I know I’ve done something right.” Greg shrugs. “I don’t know.” He replies. And just like that, the conversation ends.

Keeping busy during a storm: Finale. (mf) (mast)

Some time later, I wake up to a strange feeling. I follow one of Jessie’s arms and it looks like she managed to move her hand down my shorts and she was stroking me. “Jessie.” I nudge her a bit to try and wake her up. She groans an answer as she continues to rub me. “Does it feel good love?” she asks me as her other hand moves down to join in. A moan escapes my lips as I try to remove her hands from me. After some prying, she eventually lets go. I roll Jessie onto her side and soon she falls back to sleep. I throw my arm over her and I start to doze off. Suddenly, I feel Jessie grab my hand and she places it on her belly. I don’t know what came over me. I suppose I wanted to return the favor. I move my hand under her shirt and I start to massage her breasts. I hear her moan and I decide to continue. I begin to tease her nipples. Then I pull my hand back to lick my fingers and pinch them to perk them up a little more. I hear Jessie start to moan. I smile and my hand moves down till I feel the waistband of her pants. I was a bit surprised to find she didn’t wear any panties when she slept. A little further and I could feel her. She liked to keep herself shaved. I rest my hand on her pelvis, marveling at her smooth skin. I finally make my way to her spot. Her legs were crossed over themselves, but I managed to slip a finger into her.

Keeping Busy During a Storm. I (MF, Vanilla opening)

The storm came in a little harder than expected. I was in my room, getting ready for bed when I was surprised to see Jessie walk in. She had gone to bed a few minutes earlier. Or at least, I thought she did. She was dressed in her plaid sleep pants and an oversized shirt that was most likely something from Greg’s dresser. She sat on my bed as I was turning off my computer and finishing up my ritual before bed. Once I finished, I sat next to her. Jessie couldn’t bring herself to look at me. She looked almost embarrassed that she was here. I put my arm around her and gave her a hug. “What’s wrong?” I ask as she begins to play with her hands. Jessie raises her head but she stares at the wall. I can see her face as she tries to hide it behind her hair. The pale skin of her cheeks almost beet red from blushing. “I’m so sorry to ask you this.” She begins. “Would you please just sleep in my bed with me?” A look of confusion appears on my face at the request. Without thinking, I ask why.

A Friendly Hand II: Finale [FM] [mast, oral]

Edit: Part 1

Soon, I feel her hands moving up to my inner thigh. At first, I flinch at the touch of her soft skin against that spot. I look at Jessie and she smiles “I that it's very tense here.” I smile back as she continues to massage. The way her hands are moving against my inner thigh sends shivers up my body, I feel myself grow as she continues to work on that spot. Jessie looks down and begins to laugh. “Well, that didn’t take very long.” I look at her and she seems proud of herself. I ask her what is she doing and she replies “Helping you feel better. It’s working, isn’t it?” I can’t say no. First, I couldn’t feel the pain. Second, I was really excited. She looks at me, those big green eyes staring back at me, almost as if asking for permission. I nodded and said. “If it will help, who am I to stop you?”

A Friendly Hand I: Vanilla Opening (MF)

Edit Finale

I had come home from a run, one of those obstacle course things. I didn’t train well enough, but I managed to limp across the finish line with a decent time. I went back home to relax and allow my body to punish me for the poor preparation.

The Direct Approach: Finale (MM, Anal)

We both enjoy the sight of each other. Greg is kneeling over me and planning his next move. I look up at Greg, my eyes inviting whatever his next move will be. Greg leans in and kisses me on the cheek. He moves to my ear and he whispers “Guide me in.” I smile and take a hold of his throbbing cock; I give him a few long, slow strokes before I press the tip of him against my opening. A quiet gasp escapes my lips as he slowly enters me once more. I close my eyes as I can feel my face twist in sweet agony as Greg begins to roll his hips against my ass. I begin to get louder, panting and gasping as my body tries to get used to his body pressing against mine. Midway though fucking me, Greg decides that he wants to show me something. He pulls himself halfway from out of my ass, “Do you like the sight of my dick in your ass? Greg asks me, smiling and dripping with sweat. I smile and nod as I try to grab a hold of his hips. As he continues to fuck me he can see that I’m in a little pain, Greg begins to kiss me. During our kiss, he decides to put his tongue into play and I feel his tongue begin to press against mine. His kisses are his way of trying to distract the pain and it seems to be working. I almost forget the pain as he begins to move faster, fucking me with all eight inches. As he kisses me, I feel his hand slid down my chest, and then down my abs until it’s resting on my cock.