Role Reversal: Part 1 [MM] [mdom/msub] [denial]

I was getting ready to head out and pick up some groceries when I hear Greg calling from down the hall. He had to pick up a few things himself and asked if he could join me. On the way there, Greg decides to ask me something that seem to come out of nowhere. “Do you really enjoy being our sub?” I damn near run my car into the wall at the question… After a quick check if we should head back to change pants I answer him. “Yes. I enjoy making you guys cum.” I hear him snort as if I told him a joke. “What is it that you like? We basically do whatever we want to you. What if we don’t let you cum?” “Its fine, my satisfaction is making you guys happy. Don’t you switch with Jessie sometimes?” I ask him. Greg nods “Yeah, but I just do it to make her happy.” I smile. “Exactly.” I hear him laugh a bit more. “I don’t see what’s so fun about letting people do what they want to you.” “I like to make people happy.” I answer back. “When I see you or Jessie cum, I know I’ve done something right.” Greg shrugs. “I don’t know.” He replies. And just like that, the conversation ends.

One night, while Jessie was out with some friends, I figured I’d show Greg how much fun it is being a submissive. He was already asleep when I joined him in bed. I started rubbing his back and I heard him grunting, I guess he thought Jessie was back. “You’re home early love.” Greg says. This is great. I decide to play along. I don’t answer, I hear him moan as my hand moves to his shorts. He moves his hand up my arm and finally realizes who’s with him. Greg turns over to find me lying beside him. “Matt! What are you doing here?” I push him onto his back and I sit on his chest, my legs pinning his arms down. I kiss his forehead and whisper “I’m going to show you how much fun it is to give in to someone’s desires.” Greg looks at me and I can see a bit of fear in his eyes. Greg is usually the dominant one in the relationship, it’s rare, but sometimes Jessie will switch with Greg. But I’ve never been the dominant, to tell the truth, this may have been my first time. “Trust me.” I say as I kiss his neck. “You’re going to love it.” I get off of Greg and order him to remove his shirt. I see the look of confusion on his face as he tries to understand what’s going on. He’s never heard me speak to him this way. To be honest, I kind of surprised myself with how easily I fell into the dominant role.

I order Greg to remove his shirt and lays motionless on the bed. He’s terrified at the thought of what I’ll order him to do next. I get up and move to the foot of the bed. I soak up the look on Greg’s face as I plan my next move. I remove Greg’s shorts and I love the sight at the naked form of his body. I straddle him, and I rub my cock against his as we kiss. I’m already hard, and I can feel Greg slowly harden with each pass I make against his manhood. I begin kissing his neck as his hands feel my body. I roll over to his side and I marvel at the sight of his hard dick. “Now, what do you suppose I do with this?” I say holding him in my hand. Greg doesn’t say a word, but I can tell what he wants. He smiles as I lick the palm of my hand. I start to stroke him and he closes his eyes. I start whispering in his ear. “Doesn’t that feel good love?” He nods as I continue stroking him, soon I feel him throb. “Are you close?” I ask slowly rubbing his cock. “Yes…” Greg whispers. A couple more strokes then I pull my hand away. “Not yet.” I tell him. Greg isn’t used to being denied. I can see the look of frustration in his face when I sit on top of him. He didn’t want to say it, but he wanted me to make him cum. “Don’t you remember?” I told him playfully. I mount him again pinning his arms and resting my balls on his chin. “You don’t cum until I say so. Now, open up.” Greg protests, keeping his lips shut. “Open. Your. Mouth.” The playful tone replace with a sterner one. He shakes his head, my dick rubbing against his face as he shakes it. I slap his face and grab his jaw. The look on his face goes from defiant to shock as I pry open his mouth and slide my dick in. “You want to play hard to get, you will get punished.” I tell him as I slide myself between his lips.
