Keeping Busy During a Storm. I (MF, Vanilla opening)

The storm came in a little harder than expected. I was in my room, getting ready for bed when I was surprised to see Jessie walk in. She had gone to bed a few minutes earlier. Or at least, I thought she did. She was dressed in her plaid sleep pants and an oversized shirt that was most likely something from Greg’s dresser. She sat on my bed as I was turning off my computer and finishing up my ritual before bed. Once I finished, I sat next to her. Jessie couldn’t bring herself to look at me. She looked almost embarrassed that she was here. I put my arm around her and gave her a hug. “What’s wrong?” I ask as she begins to play with her hands. Jessie raises her head but she stares at the wall. I can see her face as she tries to hide it behind her hair. The pale skin of her cheeks almost beet red from blushing. “I’m so sorry to ask you this.” She begins. “Would you please just sleep in my bed with me?” A look of confusion appears on my face at the request. Without thinking, I ask why.

“I don’t do well with loud noises.” She began “Usually, Greg is here and his company is all I need. But since He’s been out of town …” I understood where she’s coming from. As much as I loved the rain, I couldn’t handle thunder. “Say no more.” I answer. “I know exactly what you mean.” That wonderful smile replaces her previous feeling. She was glad to hear that she wasn’t alone. She finally works up the courage to look at me and I see those emerald green eyes. I’m always hypnotized at the sight of her face. “How do you cope with it?” she asks as she gives me a hug. “I usually go to bed with my headphones and play some music to drown it out.” Just as soon as I finish saying that, my room fills with a flash. She knew what was coming and I started to count. I get up to a count of five before the boom of thunder is heard. She buries her face into my chest and I hold her a little tighter as we both flinch from the sound. Jessie thanks me as I take her hand and we make our way to her room.

Jessie gets into bed and I join her shortly after I shut the windows and the blinds. I figured I would just lie next to her and she’d be okay. Jessie was lying on her side, once she knew I joined her, she moved so that her back was resting against me. I offer her my arm as a pillow and she accepted it. She thanks me once more for helping her and we try to go to sleep. I guess I went to sleep first, because I was woken up by Jessie whimpering. “What’s the problem?” “I can’t sleep.” Jessie says between gasps. “It’s coming closer.” I do my best to calm her down, but she is still staring at the window. I try to turn her attention away when the room is filled with another bright flash. I hear gasp as I begin to count. I don’t make it past two when the room is shaken as the thunder soon follows. She shouts and rolls over, her face once again buried against my chest. I hold her tight and reassure her that it will pass. Jessie eventually calms down and I feel her move her head and she kisses my chin. “Thank you Matt. I really appreciate what you’re doing.” I kiss her forehead in return. “It’s alright; it’s going to be okay.” I whisper. Holding Jessie close, we fall asleep as we listen to the storm pass over us.
