Role Reversal Finale [MM] [anal] [oral]

Greg takes his cock and slowly inserts into me. He watches my reaction as he slowly slides in every inch of himself. I close my eyes, my face twisting as he makes it halfway. I open my eyes as he begins to fuck me. “Good boy.” Greg says as he moves his hips into me. I whimper and moan as I feel more of him inside me. I shudder and grab the sides of my bed as I feel his hips touch my ass. “Fuck.” I say between gasps of breath. “Fuck…. Me… Please.” Greg smiles “As you wish.” He grabs my legs and gets a better hold on me as he continues to pound away. I moan with each time he presses into me. “You like that don’t you?” I can’t speak, I sound like an animal, answering with moans and grunts. Greg decides to change positions. I can’t believe it, but he manages to go deeper in me as he lifts my legs. He laughs as I shout in surprise of the new depth he found. He thrusts harder, and I’m almost in tears at the way he is making me feel. The pain, the pleasure and I’m loving all of it. I grab my dick and start rubbing myself. He watches me as I jerk myself off. “That’s right.” Greg says. “Get yourself close.” He leans in and he kisses me. We kiss as he relentlessly tears me up. I moan louder as I feel him begin to throb. He mirrors my moans as he surprisingly moves even faster. I feel Greg start to cum in me. I want to yell, but he continues to kiss me. My noises are muffled by our kissing as I feel each spurt of his warm semen in me. Greg loosens up and begins to let my legs fall to the bed. He collapses on top of me and despite my extremely hard dick, I’m spent. Greg pulls out of me and lies at my side. “What do you want to do about this?” Greg asks as he points at my cock. “Just leave it.” I respond in between breaths. “I’ll calm down and it’ll go back to normal.” “Why don’t I just take care of it?” Greg asks me, staring at my aching cock. “Please don’t.” I beg him, “I don’t think I can take one more.” I hear a playful tone in Greg’s voice as he takes a hold of me. “Oh, I don’t know. I think you can hang on, one more time.”

I try to bat away Greg’s hands as he begins rubbing me. My dick is so sensitive; I can’t stop squirming as he rubs his palm against my tip. “Please, don’t.” I plead to him as he moves between my legs. Greg laughs as he spits on my dick, rubbing my shaft with his saliva. “You act as if you have a say in the matter.” I watch as he begins to lick me. My legs wrap around his body, holding him tight. He starts to suck my tip and I go wild, my body moving almost uncontrollably. As a way to keep me still, I feel teeth against my tip. I shout as he nibbles me. “Now Matt.” Greg says in between sucks of my tip. “If you keep squirming, you’re going to feel that more.” I do my best to keep still as he continues to play with me. I watch him bring me closer to the edge. The closer I get to cuming, the fainter I feel. Greg shoves me into his throat as he allows me to fuck his face. He pulls his face away and I see him smile as he can tell that I’m getting close. I see Greg lick his lips, with a smile on his face, he says. “I’m going to suck you dry.” I try to sit up, resting against the head of the bed. Greg follows me, rubbing me, sucking me, and bringing me that much closer to climax. I lean against the headboard and I throw my head back. I start to cum and I let out a scream that almost matched Jessie’s orgasm. Greg finally releases me from his mouth. I watch as he swallows every drop of me. As I come down from my climax, Greg helps me settle back into bed and he kisses me. Even though he swallowed every drop, I still taste a bit of myself on his lips. “That’s a good boy.” Greg praises me as he and I switch positions, he holds me close and continues to strokes my hair. I rest my back against his chest, feeling his warmth under the cover as I feel myself fall to sleep.
