A Friendly Hand I: Vanilla Opening (MF)

Edit Finale

I had come home from a run, one of those obstacle course things. I didn’t train well enough, but I managed to limp across the finish line with a decent time. I went back home to relax and allow my body to punish me for the poor preparation.

As I lie on the couch, I heard the door open. Jessie had gotten home from running errands. She was putting her things on the table when saw me lying on the couch. “Hey Matt.” She greets me as she walks into the kitchen to grab a drink. I was about to respond when my leg starts to cramp up. I shout in pain as the cramp passes and Jessie stops to take a look at me. “What happened?” she asks as she helps stretch my leg to relieve the pressure. I told her about the obstacle course I ran in the morning and how I didn’t prepare well enough. “Why didn’t you tell us about it?” Jessie asks as she finishes stretching my leg. “We would have gone and cheered you on.” “It’s alright.” I reply. “I just wanted to see if I could do it. I could, but just barely this time.” Jessie kneels beside me and places her hand on my head. “Well, next time you want someone to help, let me know. Who knows? Maybe Greg and I can join you on one of those runs.” I smile as she rubs my head. “That would be nice.” I answer. I try and get out of the couch, but my body has other plans. My arms and legs are sore from the course and demand that I don’t move from the couch. Jessie helps me lay down and places a second cushion under to my head. She heads into the kitchen and grabs us something to drink. Water for her, and Gatorade for me, I prop myself up and take a sip. Jessie sits at the gap I leave for her on the other side of the couch. She grabs my legs and places them on her lap. We talk about the course I had just run. As the conversation continues, my leg cramps up one more time. Once again, Jessie helps me get through the pain.

Jessie stands up and asks me if I can move. “Probably, I’m going to need your help though. Why?” I ask. “Maybe if I massage your legs, it could help a bit.” Jessie replies. I agree and slowly position myself so I am sitting up. Jessie helps me to my feet and we walk to my room, we sit at the bed and I move to the center to give her room to work. “It’s a good thing you’ve got shorts on. It should make things easier.” She tests my legs by poking at certain spots where I tell her it’s the sorest. I wince in pain as she presses her finger against each spot. Jessie, who is an inherently kind person, apologizes each time I wince. Soon she begins rubbing my left thigh. Her hands are soft as she glides against my skin. I feel the muscles start to relax as she begins kneading them. After a few minutes, she switches over to my right thigh. I’m sitting and watching as she does her magic. “You have a real talent for this. Have you studied massage?” I ask between grunts and groans, as Jessie works the knots out of my thigh. She shrugs. “Not really, I was just a quick study. I worked on Greg and I seemed to know how to make it work.” I laugh, “Well, it’s a good thing I have you as a roommate, I don’t think I’d let anyone else work on me.” We laugh as she continues to work on my legs.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/27rh3m/a_friendly_hand_i_vanilla_opening_mf