[MF]Dirty Pen Pals Success Story: High Stakes [Collab, mild Mdom, Seduction]

So I had a wonderful little virtual-tryst with a lady from the dirty pen pals sub- the absolutely ravishing /u/just_another_nemo

This was in response to a prompt on dirty pen pals- and it became quite entertaining. Hope you guys like it too!

There are some inconsistencies here and there, but I'm sure everyone can deal with it. We were horny guys. :D

I grab the drink order from the bar, placing it carefully on my black tray. Manhattan. I sigh, my feet are killing me, and the bars in my corseted top are digging into my sides. I walk over to the high-stakes table and lean slightly over your shoulder, placing a napkin at the edge of the table and then drink you ordered. "Enjoy" I sensually whisper as my fringed skirt whirls around. I look at the clock, 20 more minutes. Only a few moments later you flag me over once again, "Yes, sir, what can I do for you?" You don't respond, I can't read your face behind the dark sunglasses displaying your poker face. You hand me a folded $100 bill and say nothing. "Thank you, sir, It's been my pleasure serving you." I bow my head and turn towards the bar. I look at the Benjamin bill, tucked inside is a room key with a simple message, "Don't play coy."

When you arrive in my suite, I'm waiting for you. Still in my three piece suit, I smile when you walk in, the heat in my eyes already apparent. "You do realise, it's not polite to keep a gentleman waiting? Especially when he awaits a goddess of the female form such as yourself." I stand up respectfully and motion you to the sofa. Two manhattans and several trays of savory nibble decorate the table. "You must be tired after such a long day. I do think you should change into something a bit more comfortable" I say softly, motioning towards a shopping bag on the side table. You open it up and see that it contains a sheer black gown, stockings, a garter belt and and an equally sheer bra. "Put it on." I issue the order quietly, but there is no mistaking the steel in my voice. Or the lust.

I look at you with an understanding stare, slightly curt. Calling me a goddess one moment and ordering me the next. "Don't be Coy." the words repeat in my mind. I take the bag and move towards the bathroom. I curiously handle the material, my size. I change into the provided clothing, clip the garters into place and slip the gown over my head. I take the clips out of my hair, letting the blonde curls down over my shoulders. I slip my stilettos on and walk out the door. I sit next to you on the sofa, crossing my legs, the slit of the dress opens, letting my skin peek through. I reach for the drink, take a small sip, my green eyes never leaving your gaze. "How may I be of service?"

I match your stare with my own dark brown eyes, my gaze focused, intent. Hungry. "You really are exquisite, you realise?" I say as I hand you a small plate and expertly serve you some dainty pastry. "The first thing I noticed about you was your poise. Even as a waitress, it was clear that you are actually a duchess. There is a certain… elegance in the way you move. A profound understatedness in how you speak, in how your eyes and lips speak. You should know that I know how to see and how to listen." I serve myself a smaller slice and let my eyes rove over your lush yet firm body, unashamed and openly aroused. When you don't speak for a few seconds I continue "I'm a man who admires strength. Yours is obvious, as obvious as a feral tigress waiting to pounce upon its prey. Let me tell you, Duchess, you are most definitely a goddess. You are Hera among mortals." I put away my plate and come closer to you, leaning in until my face is an inch away from yours, letting you look directly into my eyes, feel the heat emanating from my body, inhale my scent- cold steel and warm spice. "Oh yes you are indeed Hera, but make no mistake. I am Zeus." I gently but firmly push you back into the sofa, my legs sliding underneath yours, hands wrapped around your waist. The corner of my mouth quirks up in a half smile, and I lean in for a slow, heated kiss…

I take a bite of the pastry, my eyes never leaving your gaze as you speak. *know how to see and how to listen.. I dab the napkin against my lips, a bit of pink stains the napkin. I rest the plate on the table, and cross my legs, taking a sip as you begin again…

My body curves and gives under your commands, as if I knew each request before you thought of it. I lift my head to meet your lips, soft, slowly they part, my eyes open slowly as you pull away only a few inches. "Zeus?" I whisper softly, "Are you questioning me as a goddess or are you tempting me as a mortal?" I shift so my leg runs down yours, my eyes look away from you for only a second. Yet your tone has changed, my eyes dart back, your body is tense against me. "I am willing." I whisper under your ear, soft lips walk down your jawline and up to your mouth, I smile. *

Upon hearing your acquiescence, I growl, deep in my chest. I slowly start running my hands over your body. Just grazing the fabric of the gown I've bought you "I'm reaffirming your position as a goddess, sweetling. And asserting myself as your master. Tonight I will show you how your pleasure is in my hands. Tonight you will know what it feels like to be the moon among the stars. And after tonight you will never forget that I am the sun" My fingertips are now circling your nipples, letting you feel only the ghost of a brush upon your skin. My lips are behind your neck, half kissing, half growling upon your skin. My other hand is wanders up your jaw, caressing your face and running firmly over your scalp. I gently, but firmly, fist a handful of your hair, told your head to the side and give you a long, languid lick from your earlobe, down your neck and to your collarbone… and suddenly releasing you. "Strip for me, Duchess." I hoarsely whisper, moving underneath you to accommodate the growing bulge in my pants…

*I turn my body to the side, letting my heels slide off my feet, dropping softly to the floor. I stand without words, but a smirk of excitement flashes across my face as my fingers start bundling the fabric from my legs, once the hem is in my hand I pull the gown over my head. It falls to the floor softly. Your eyes float over my body, the black garter belt hugs my hips, and tugs over the curve of my ass. I take a spin, running my fingers through my hair, letting you find my panties to be missing, or they never were there. My nipples are perked under the material, excited to be freed and under your touch. I reach behind my back as I straddle your legs, the bra's straps loosen around my shoulders and fall to my arms, I extend my hands to your chest, running them upward, as the bra falls against your shirt. *

Looking deeply into your eyes, I lift your bra to my nose and inhale deeply, groaning as your scent intoxicates me. "Stand still, Duchess" I order. I stand up, taking off my dinner jacket and rolling up the sleeves of my crisp whole shirt. I walk around you, letting my hands trail your body, giving your ass a playful slap as I walk behind you. You feel my lips on the side of your hips, sucking on your skin. Slowly, they drift upwards and onto your back in a trail of greedy, sucking, kisses. When they reach your neck, you feel my arms wrapping around you. Somewhere along the line I lost my shirt and am now clad only in my slate gray pants. You notice how warm my chest is as it presses into your back, my hands have an obviously urgent and greedy nuance to their contact with the skin of your stomach, and then of course the soft skin of your breasts. My fingers brush over your nipples, circling and getting them deliciously hard, and then pinch them between my thumb and forefinger. "So Hera, queen of the gods. Are you wet? Ask me for more."

*I smile as you take in my scent, sweetened by my perfume. I move slightly allowing you to roam, but I remain on my hands and knees. Displayed for my Zeus.

Your playful sting, makes my giggle, biting my lip I turn my head to look at you, but you're just out of sight.

Your lips are heavenly, taking me by surprise, goosebumps rise on my skin as you slowly move up my body. Your body against mine, I hum a sweet moan, as your hands circle around my nipples. My body gives under your hands commands, the pain is my pleasure, I let out a low moan, and push my hips into yours greedily.

"Dearest, Zeus" I say in a heavy pant, "I am ready for so much more, give me your offerings." I say pushing my head back, humming another soft moan, unable to kiss the god driving me wild. My body struggles against my will, squirming slightly, "Your touch is heavenly." I breath out as your hands continue their reign.*

The hunger in your voice makes me shiver, as does the contact of our hips. I groan as I feel the press of your flesh upon my raging cock. But there is yet more to come… You feel my hand between your shoulders as I gently push your head down into the sofa. "The thing about a masterpiece, Duchess, is that it is equally beautiful from every angle." My fingers touch your face reverently, tracing your lips, and sliding down your neck and beyond… "And in fact, every angle has within it another aspect of beauty. From your beautiful face, with a Queen's gaze and lips that inspire sin…" My hand reached the valley between your lower cheeks. A single finger trailing forward, feather light, and electric… "To the promised land of your sex" Gently, a single finger travels from your back, teasingly past your ass and softly parts the flesh curtains of your lips. "And here lies the nectar of the Gods" I whisper as I lean forward and kiss you there. Again. And again. The stiffened tip of my tongue replaces my finger, as my hands are busy fondling your ass. Fingers pressing into your flesh firmly while my tongue laps up your juices like the sweet juice of the ripest fruit…

My eyes close as I focus on your touch, *gaze and lips that inspire sin, I bite at my red stained lips, trying to keep my excitement under control. As your touch travels my moans are soft, almost a purr, as your pet.

My back arches involuntarily as you make contact with my sex, I gasp and let a slow hum. Your poetic description and heated touch, have my lips slick, anticipating the arrival of your touch. My hum is continuous as your soft lips make contact, once and then twice… and then warm, wet slick tongue slips up and down. I stutter a loud moan, and quietly try to reign my breathing under the pleasure you so willingly give me.

Be still Your words still repeat in my head, but my flesh is weak and wants more. My nails dig into the material, a light scratch against the fabric. "Ah, please…' I pant. Wanting more, wanting the same, trying to obey this giving god.

I finally gain control of my words, "You must know the torturous pleasure you're…" I have to pause as your tongue circle the delicate button. 'Ah, you're so graciously giving me." My legs tense. "You're pushing the boundaries of my own control." I now pant, as your hand knead deeper into my skin. My mind screams fuck me, fuck me now, please, oh god, fuck me *

Upon hearing your words, a thrill runs through my body, you feel my hands clench your ass tightly as I myself fight for control. I continue licking you, letting your juices run down my face, relishing the effect I have on you. When you're on the precipice, I fall back, leaving you quivering and wanting as I myself take deep calming breaths. "You are not to touch yourself, Duchess. Nor do you decide when I will fuck you. You will cum tonight. And it will be more than once. And it will be when I decide. "Now, face me. On your knees." As I utter these words, I unzip my pants and slide off my briefs, my cock hard and throbbing. "I would be worshipped now. Earn your orgasm." …and with a mischievous glint in my eye "Don't be coy."

*As you pull away I whimper, and let myself breathe, feeling deprived, but nearly fulfilled. I groan softly, trying to keep surrendered to your control.

Your words are enough to make me moan, wanting exactly what you're promising.

I sit up, and drop softly to my knees in front of you, looking up through painted eyelashes, eager to worship you.

I smile with a slight glare meeting your challenge. My hands move slowly up your legs, as your erection brushes against my cheek. My fingers wrap around your thighs, while one hand slides around your ass and over your side, tenderly tracing the length of your cock. You can feel my hot breath, I lick my lips and dip my head, kissing the plump sacs tenderly, running a tongue around each, as my hand continues its soft venture of your girth, thumb circling the tip, trickling down to the hilt, squeezing slightly, to feel you pulsate, wantingly.

My fingers continue their dance lightly tracing your dick, feeling its girth and length. I lift my head giving you a quick glance, my pink lips part slowly, as my fingers work up and down your shaft. My tongue licks my top and bottom lip before I lean into your body, my tongue making a circular brush at the tip of your cock. My occupied hand lightly slides down the base and massages your plump sacs, I can feel your thigh tightening as I angle my head up and lick from the base to the tip, staring at this god almost defiantly, you can see the sparkle in my eye. Before allowing my lips to part and take your cock into my mouth, I start slowly at the tip, teasing with light suckling, but as my mouth takes more of your length I become more aggressive, some would say sloppy. I back off your cock, my mouth making a popping noise before I lower my head to suck in one of your balls, as my hand milks your slobbery cock. My lips carefully draw the other sac in, my tongue circling around and suckling softly. Spit runs down my chin, but I don't mind it sloppy, as your hips rock slightly when my mouth takes you to the hilt. My mouth travels quickly up and down before your hand grasps my hair pushing my head down your cock, holding me at its base. I circle my tongue around and continue rolling his balls carefully in the palm of my hand. Holding my breathe for what feels like minutes before…. *

I pull out before I lose control completely, my chest heaving with unrestrained desire, my teeth clenched, holding my self control in a death grip. There is nothing that I want more than to bury my cock in your throat and pulse my cum into that delectable mouth. But not yet. "I have a rule, Duchess. One that I'm always very careful about. One that applied to you more than anyone else. And that is that the Goddess cums first" I gently stroke your hair for fora moment, my self control regrouping. I gently take e your hands and bring you to the sofa, my lips on yours, dancing a dance of flesh and desire. "And now, my goddess, I will show you what it means to be at my whim." I pull you into my lap, my hard cock between your legs, not inside you. Your right side is against my chest and your legs hanging adjacent to my own. Gently I make you lie down, your hips remaining in my lap. "Your body is a wondrous thing. So beautiful, and yet so fickle. It is the physical vessel of your desires and yet, it can be conquered" The middle finger of my right hand slowly enters you, parting your wet, silken folds and gently stroking in and out. "And now, Duchess, I will play your body like an instrument." My other hand strokes your pussy from the outside, tracing your lips and circling your clit. Meanwhile the finger that is inside you curls slight, and finds your g spot. Both hands form a coordinated rhythm, just slight grazes and flicks and caresses. .. g spot then clit then g spot… a Symphony of stimulation and you as my personal instrument. … Cum for me Duchess. Cum for me. Cum as hard and as much as you want…

I bite at my lips lightly, my right hand rises the the edges of my mouth, wiping the access spittle. I listen to your words carefully, my eyebrows raise *rule? I smile eagerly to be at your whim.

Your cock between my legs, makes my pussy pulse in anticipation, I lay against the throw pillow, my hips raised in your lap, for your enjoyment. I cup my breasts with my hands, kneading them slightly, trying to relieve my pointed nipples.

My eyes roll as your finger parts my slick lips, I hum slightly, an instrument…I smirk "A god's instrument." I whisper. "ah, humm." I coo as your hands expertly push my buttons. My eyes close focusing on your touch.

Only a few moments, strides, curls of your finger before my breathing stiffens and you feel my pussy pulsate around your finger, my back arches slightly as my orgasm flows, my moans are continuous as I breathe out on the wave of ecstasy.

My body calms slightly, but your fingers continue their perfect rhythm, I can feel my sex dripping down your cock as I cum harder against your hands. This time I'm quiet, inaudible, you've stolen my voice, but my eyes show the pleasure you provide me with a continuity. *

I keep stroking you as you ride out your orgasm. And another. And another. I smile, relishing the feel of your taut body as you rise to peak again and crash at the small strokes, your body at the whims of two fingers. "You see how it is, Duchess? Two fingers. The tiniest bit of the correct pressure, and you rule the world." My voice is strained now. I've had enough and can no longer hold back. "Please now goddess, my flesh begs the embrace of yours." I slip out from under you, trembling with need. You heels are above my Shoulders as I bend you in half and my manhood presses into you, burying itself up to the hilt. My groans are coarse now. Animal and guttural- all refinement gone, replaced by pure primal need. My hips start to move. Gently as first as the last vestiges of my self control make sure that I do not cause you pain. But such thoughts soon disappear as you envelope me and all consciousness blurs, along with my hips. I jackhammer into you mercilessly, taking what I so badly need, and what I have so denied myself…

*As you kneel in front of me, my body so relaxed, your hands run up my legs, I smile as my feet point next to your head. When you bend into me all at once I tense and release, the sudden fulfillment, widening my walls, they tightly squeeze against your pulsing cock. The pounding causes my eyes to roll, almost painful, but too much pleasure still as you take what you so rightfully deserve.

I watch your face as you pump your cock into me, so deep, so fulfilling, and only moments later I cum, squirting around your cock, I feel my cum running down my ass and it just makes me want more. "Take me, dearest Zeus, as you truly are a god." I whisper between panted breaths and small moans.*

My hips pump into you as fast as I am able, their rhythmic thrusting devolving into wild bucks as I pass the precipice into my own orgasm. I feel you tightening once again around my cock, I see your eyes roll back and I am totally lost. My groans of pleasure meld into one long, animal growl as I pulse inside you, filling you up with my cum, ramming into you a few more time, claiming the final vestiges of my pleasure… And suddenly, I'm lying on top of you. Languid and spent and smiling. I caress your hair softly. "Thank you Duchess. It is rare that I fly so high." I kiss your lips warmly, letting the soft contact of flesh communicate my thankfulness for what you've gifted me. I roll over next to you, my cock soft, but not flaccid. Deliciously covered in a mixture of our cum. Would you like to stay the night, goddess?

I giggle in a soft pant, "The pleasure was mine, dearest Zeus, thank *you." I run my hand softly up and down your back.

I return your kiss softly and roll to my side, facing you.

"I would like that very much." I reply softly, eyes already closing, completely spent by the god beside me. *

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/27rlzn/mfdirty_pen_pals_success_story_high_stakes_collab


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