Knock Knock

You answer the door wearing nothing but a half buttoned blouse and that wicked smile. Your eyes light up at the sight of me then burn brighter as I pull you into my arms for one long, slow kiss. It isn't like you to do this, in fact you didn't think this part of you still existed. But when my arms close around you and push your back against the locked door your pulse begins to race. My hands touch you softly, stroking down your arms before circling around your wrists and gripping tight.

You gasp, your breathing coming faster as i pin you to the door and begin to bite along your throat. Questions you meant to ask slip your mind, the desire to know quickly replaced by a desire much darker.

You wanted to be taken and I am wasting no time.

Your breasts spill out of the loose blouse I made you wear, the sound of fabric tearing and buttons bouncing along the floor making your temper spike as your body flushes. One of my hands tightens on your wrists as the other slips down to cup your breast. The feel of my lips, my teeth, my tongue, they wash over the hardening flesh of your nipples as I make your body squirm. Then i kneel before you, my smile dark and hungry as I slide down the dark satin panties you wore and toss them carelessly aside.

Before Dawm (MF)

You have such a wicked imagination, maybe I haven't told you. The pictures arrive in my email with an address and a time, no words, those would be pointless. Instead you off me just a single picture of a door left slightly ajar, and a pair of black lace panties laid out in the entryway like a dark promise. I investigate further of course, I scour your profile and wonder about the sensual shots of your body that is never fully on display.

I wonder what waits for me in that darkness. When the hour finally draws near I can't help but make the journey, can't help but fight the nerves of anticipation and fear. As I come to your door and push it open I find those panties laying there and almost turn away. There are so many ways this could go wrong. One step, another, I slip into your home and let the door gently close. Greeted only by dark mounds of furniture and the distant outline of the kitchen I take a few more steps inside, ready to flee.

That's when I hear your voice.

Categorized as Erotica

Sorrows Spell (MF) [Prologue]

The soft sound of her laughter had drawn him in, but it was the promises made by her chestnut eyes and supple mocha skin that had started their seductive game. For hours she had passed through the crowd, passing out drinks and food stuffs, avoiding wandering hands and dangerous eyes. Yet every time she came to his table she managed to linger, offering Draek a deeper smile then that which she gave to any other. He knew, in that way all men know, that tonight Caris would be his no matter how much she might resist the temptation. So when the hour had grown late and all but the dedicated had gone on to warm beds or empty hovels he had stayed, drinking ale just slightly darker then her eyes while he studied her figure and quietly praised whoever had given Caris birth. Finally she was free of her duties and with hands strengthened by work and play, he had drawn the barmaid up the narrow stairs and along the darkened hall to the room he had kept for such intimate moments.

"I shouldn't" she whispered as the door opened upon the darkened room, her busty figure pressing lightly to his side as Caris stared up into his emerald eyes and smiled softly.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Storm Nymph [mf] [Kinky]

The rolling thunder seemed to vibrate all over her skin as Nela danced in the summer rain. The night that seemed to hang all around her like some sheer piece of lingerie only made her feel hotter, made the rain that was even now pouring between her breasts and down over the curve of her ass feel like a lovers slow caress. No one could hear the music but her, and that was all she thought she wanted that night, the sensual feel of the storm and its power exciting her. When the lightning broke the sky above and the rain poured even harder Nela thought it could not get any better, until a pair of strong arms curled around her body. One instantly grabbed her bare breast and squeezed tight, the other pressing a firm hand to her lips as a body as nude as her own pressed against her rain-slick buttocks.

Categorized as Erotica