Before Dawm (MF)

You have such a wicked imagination, maybe I haven't told you. The pictures arrive in my email with an address and a time, no words, those would be pointless. Instead you off me just a single picture of a door left slightly ajar, and a pair of black lace panties laid out in the entryway like a dark promise. I investigate further of course, I scour your profile and wonder about the sensual shots of your body that is never fully on display.

I wonder what waits for me in that darkness. When the hour finally draws near I can't help but make the journey, can't help but fight the nerves of anticipation and fear. As I come to your door and push it open I find those panties laying there and almost turn away. There are so many ways this could go wrong. One step, another, I slip into your home and let the door gently close. Greeted only by dark mounds of furniture and the distant outline of the kitchen I take a few more steps inside, ready to flee.

That's when I hear your voice.

You aren't calling for me, at least not directly. No, your calling out for something, anything to fill that need inside you. Fingers rub vigorously as your moans spill out, luring me in.

I don't remember walking up to your bedroom door, only that once I looked inside I couldn't turn away. Laying there with only the moon to light your skin makes you ethereal, your breasts heaving slightly as you play with yourself. A word spills from your lips but it's lost in your motion, swallowed by the darkness. While styles of lingerie are still a mystery to me, I think that whatever dark lace loosely binds your body is a blessing upon us all. Your smooth legs shift and glide across the bed, your thighs grinding in tight as your hand works absently at your pussy. Your cute ass shakes as your body moves, taunting me to touch it, to claim it as my own.

Those next steps take courage.

I push the door open wide to find you staring at me with wild eyes hunger, your tongue absently licking at your lips before you remember that I am a stranger.

"What are you doing here?" you manage to whisper before my lips find your own and silence those first pointless protests.

My hands find yours and pin them roughly above your head, my lips and teeth teasing your own as you struggle weakly, fighting your own lust more then me.

"I am here for this" I finally growl as I force my hand between your legs and begin rubbing your clit roughly.

Shifting and rocking your body in vain, even after my hand slips away from binding your wrists, you hold that submissive posture and stare up at the man using you. My hands smack one tit, then the other, leaving stinging red marks upon your ample bosom. You continue to fight, but it's just for show, and it doesn't take long for me to get your legs spread wide. That's when I step away and smile darkly. "Show me what you got" I growl, motioning towards your wanting pussy "Show me what you were just doing"

I stare you down, smirking as you begin to rub your nipple and stroke your clit. As you push into the sensations your body begins to shake, your tits bouncing lightly as you work against the palm of your hand and groan staring at me.

I strip slowly, watching the lust in your eyes build as I take off each layer of clothing. When I stand before you hard and wanting, your knees nearly buckle, your breath coming in labored pants as I climb up on the bed and stand beside you. Without word I guide your mouth to my dick, and that you don't fight at all. Instead you shift your body, your hands busy teasing your own centres of pleasure so much that you have no choice but to let me use your mouth.

My hands tighten in your hair, my cock sliding between your lips and over the hot surface of your tongue as I push that thickness in deep. You groan, pushing forward on my dick as you suck it heavily, moaning as a spike of pleasure teases through your body. With another thrust my cock goes in deeper, slides in faster, and in moments i am fucking your cute little face as you gag and suck on my fat dick.

If your mouth were free you would tell me how much you love it. Instead you work my dick like a good girl, sucking, licking, smiling up at me lustfully as I pull my dick free and slap it against your cheeks.

"Little slut" I whisper, to which you eagerly nod.

Finally I pull your face free, dropping low between your parted thighs as I keep my grip on your head. "Watch this" I growl at you, forcing you to look down between our bodies as I guide my cock to your waiting pussy and then shove inside with one rough stroke.

You gasp in pleasure, your body arched and tight as I begin pumping my dick into your tight heat, forcing the walls to spread around me as I fill your tightness. Each thrust makes your body shake, makes your pussy tighten, your lips parted wide as you gasp in pleasure and whisper dark encouragements like "Fuck me Sir, fuck me hard" and "Use that pussy with your big dick."

It makes me shiver with lust, forces me to jerk your head back and kiss your lips passionately as I pound my dick into you.

"Cum for me" I whisper as our kiss ends, letting your body fall back as my hands stroke down your sides and lay upon your hips. I use you deeply, shoving my cock in as hard as I can before pulling back and doing it all over again. Each time savoring that exquisite look on your face as you feel me sliding into your depths.

Once more I pull away.

"Hands and knees, now" I snap at you, barely giving you the time to shift your body before I am kneeling behind your upraised ass and spanking it roughly. You shake it at me, offering me even more of your body as my hand smacks against your butt again and again.

I don't refuse.

Soon my cock is pressed against your tight rosebud, my hands pulling back on your wrists as I shove my dick forward into you. Then I twist them, bending them against your back as I lean close and growl into your ear.


Each thrust buries my dick in your body, each thrust makes you shiver and tighten against my restraint of your limbs. You fight against the feeling, wanting to feel me holding you tighter, making you mine. "Please cum in my ass" you finally scream, begging for it as you begin slamming your butt back to meet my cock, taking me as deep as you can.

I happily oblige. My thrusts quickening as my body tightens and finally releases that hot load you have craved. As my body slows you begin to shift and wiggle, teasing the feeling of my cock in your backdoor as my cum settles in.

I smack your ass once more as I pull out, rising and saying nothing as I pull on my clothes and head to the door, leaving nothing but the promise that this can happen again.
