[first time] I participated in a sex ritual for a promotion.

I don't know how to begin this story. Despite it happening over a year ago, I've never told it to anyone. Partially, I am ashamed that I agreed to participate at all. But mostly it is because I do not feel as though I agreed to participate as extensively as I did. A man should fear no things, but I fear, in large degree, the reactions my friends and loved ones would have if I told them I was snookered into having ritualistic, Satanic sex with another man. I don't feel like I'm alone in this.

There was only one place I wanted to work after I graduated from law school. Ever since sophomore year of undergrad, I was obsessed with getting this one job. It consumed me. I worked hard. I got into a T1 law school. I made review and dean's list and I got my dream job. It was everything I ever wanted. The hours were awful, the work was droll, I had no social life, but the pay was ludicrously inflated. All I wanted was an enormous pay check, no matter the cost. My father was a minister in a small town in the south. I drove a brand new, fully stocked Lexus and I was only 26. I had escaped small America and I lived in the city. I was working for one of the biggest firms in the world and many other lawyers were accepting contractor work site the economy tanked. In a way that feels so incredibly good: I won.

I immediately liked my boss. Maybe not liked. Immulated. Mid-50s, hair going a little grey on the sides, but still jet black elsewhere. He dressed and acted like a rich lawyer who had made partner in one of the biggest firms of all time. And I wanted to be him more than anything in the world.

He was a former bodybuilder, and although I'm no perfect physical specimen, I played lacrosse in high school and knew my way around the bar bell. When we could sneak away for a second, we'd inevitably end up in the well stocked gym the firm kept in the basement.

We became friends. We drank together. I met his wife a million times. I didn't know many people in the city and didn't have time to make new friends, so I really appreciated his company.

A few years later we are at the gym and he tells me that one of the partners is retiring. He asks me if I am loyal. I tell him I am. He asks me if I'd show him I was loyal. I cocked my head to the side, a million questions running through my head. Is this a quid pro quo thing? Does he want to have sex with me? If so: do I want to? I ask him what he means. He says "Just be outside your apartment at 11:00 tomorrow night. Don't bring anything. I'll have a car pick you up."

I had never had sex with a man. Like many, I considered it, but I had never pursued it. I was convinced I was entirely straight. But I wanted a promotion more than anything on the planet. I wanted everyone who stayed in Podunkville, Southeast America to know that I was a heavy hitter up north. It was springtime, and I didn't have time for relationships (or even masturbation) so I decide that sucking my bosses dick for a few minutes is light years better than getting it in the ass by clients and the firm and the system for decades. I decided to accept his offer, though I did so a little begrudgingly.

The car arrived at exactly 11 o clock, a non descript Lincoln Towncar with tinted windows and driver. He gets out to open the door for me and hands me a little envelope and a bottle of water. "Take it," he said, a little gruffly. I asked what it was and he said "Just take it," and went back to the driver's seat. I opened the envelope. Inside was a blue, diamond shaped pill. I immediately felt an immense wave of relief.

I admit that relief is a funny thing to feel when you're worried your ass hole is about to lose its virginity status and you've just been handed a Viagara pill. So maybe I should explain.

In undergrad I was part of a "secret fraternity". It was essentially like any other. We partied a lot, and acted like children. It wasn't about global domination. The only weird thing about it was the psycho-sexual initiation process. All new pledges took viagaras and stood in a line while the older members touched our cocks and made fun of them. When they got to me and saw my 9" uncut python staring at them, a few jaws dropped. They touched my cock roughly but said nothing before they moved on.

It started to make sense. My boss didn't want to fuck me, he wanted to initiate me. He was in the same society! I probably got the job because of the society. I was probably making partner because of the society. And now I had to do penance to the society. Well, let them see my cock. Let them feel it's girth. I'm proud of it.

How wrong I was.

We drive almost an hour. The windows are tinted so dark I can't see anything outside. When the driver opens the door, I'm in a parking garage. He points to an elevator. "5th floor," he grunts. "Room 508." I'm all grins at this point. I tuck my now rock hard dick into the waistband of my pants and head up to the room.

The door opens before I knock. The heavy smell of incense nearly knocks me off my feet. I immediately begin to feel a little groggy, but my dick is still getting harder. The room is almost entirely chandelier, yet the room is only barely lit. As my eyes adjust I see that to my left is a bed with a luxurious looking comforter. A few feet from the foot of the bed, almost directly underneath the chandelier is a video camera. It's huge, like they took it from the 80s. To my right is my boss. He is sitting in the room's only chair and he's wearing a purple robe. His robe is slightly open and I see he is slowly stroking his erect cock.

Terrifyingly, he is wearing a mask over his eyes. It looks like one of those goofy opera masks the nobility used to wear during Carnevale, but I am not laughing.

Directly in front of me is a woman wearing the same mask. Despite the mask I knew it was my bosses wife. I'd met her a million times. Her pilates sculpted body was wearing the kind of lingerie only rich white women wear: all clasps and buttons and straps. She looked phenomenal in it. Beneath it's deep purple and crimson fabric her perfect, fake breasts are heaving in anticipation. She hands me a large goblet with a dark red liquid and tells me to drink.

I did not drink greedily. It tasted like merely spiced wine, but I was out of my element. She tells me to finish it and as I'm doing so she begins to undress me. As she is taking off my shirt, she whispers into my ear "Do not fear. I am a priestess of Inanna." This does nothing to assuage my anxiety.

As she stands in front of me my dick is harder than it has ever been. It's pressing against my pants in an entirely uncomfortable way. When it's released she looks back at her husband, my boss.

"Take his plough," he says. She gets on her knees.

Maybe it's because of the incense or Viagara or the wine, but her mouth is the wettest, warmest, softest thing to ever wrap itself around my dick. As she bobs her head up and down, her tongue lightly flicks over my cock's head and shaft. Her hands are occupied with slowly removing her own clothing, but once she is disrobed she gently cupped my testicles and began to rub them.

My boss stands, his cock still in hand. "Prepare her vulva," he said, solemnly. His wife gets up and leads me to the bed. She laid there and spread her legs. Her pussy looks like the only well in miles of desert. It seems like it's glowing. Calling softly.

"Drink," she said. I spread open her pussy lips and drank. Her juices taste vaguely like mint and honey. Her hands are immediately in my hair. After 5 quick minutes of rolling her clit in my tongue she is shaken by the most intense orgasm I have ever caused.

Afterwards, she gets off the bed. She turns to my boss and says "Prepare the plough." He moves over to the bed and thrusts his dick in my face.

I've never sucked a dick before, but for some reason I enthusiastically plunged my lips over his. His precum tasted salty, but fantastic. I liked the length of his shaft and then softly stroked it with my right hand. My left was furiously pumping my own rock hard cock. I heard him moan a little in pleasure.

After a few moments he removed his cock from my mouth and then got on the bed. He flipped onto on all fours and faced away from me, presenting a tight, freshly waxed ass hole. "Prepare the plough," he said. I did.

He must have lubed himself before because my dick slid right in. I felt his whole body shudder as it did. He moaned as I began slowly thrusting. I wanted so badly to touch his cock again so I reached around, but he swatted it away and began rubbing it himself. I began pumping more vigorously, feeling my cock filling and then emptying his ass hole. He pushed back, eager to take all of me inside him.

After a little while I felt a tap on my shoulder. His wife was standing behind me, holding an object. Through the smoke and smell of sex I could barely make it out: a dildo. It seemed like it was made of ivory. "Prepare the vulva," she said.

"Prepare the plow," he chanted back. She slowly thrusted the dildo into my ass, inch by inch. Her hands were on my hips, my dick was inside her husband, her tongue was in my ear and the dildo was getting deeper and deeper. As soon as I felt the balls of the dildo touch the inside of each butt check, I erupted in orgasm, coming voraciously inside my boss. I continued to buck wildly, feeling my dick inside him and her dildo inside me. In a few short moments I came again.

Exhausted, I rolled over and fell asleep.

Now this is where things get weird. I awoke a short time later and they were gone. At this time my head was starting to clear and all I wanted was to get the fuck out of there. I began to feel incredibly naked and ashamed. As I entered the hall, I heard some strange chanting. I peeked into a room close by.

My bosses wife was standing over a golden bowl that was placed on a pedestal. She was naked. Cum glistened from her thighs. My boss was kneeling before her. He was also completely naked, my cum was dripping from his ass hole.

She was holding a head of some animal. She kept chanting "Who will plough the vulva" and he kept replying "I will plough the vulva".

I noped the fuck out of there.

The next Monday my boss wasn't at work. His boss told me I was being promoted and I was shipped across the country. I've been at this office for an entire year, and I've never told anyone what happened.

I tried not to think about it. I chose to do all those things. I did. But why? Why?

The other day I got a letter. No return address. The thick paper only has three words typed on them: "Inanna is calling."

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1z19d0/first_time_i_participated_in_a_sex_ritual_for_a

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