Sexy Secretary [mf]

As you walk into my office, I'm sitting at my desk. I motion for you to come over. I wait for you to come around to my side of the desk. "Do you know why I asked you stay late?" And without waiting for your response I wrap my arms around you and move in for a kiss, deeply kissing you. My body moves you closer to my desk with your ass just resting at the edge, I move my hands down your dress to rest on your succulent breasts. Massaging them rolling them into each other, I push open your top to reveal your glorious tits, I move my mouth to your exposed nipples, sucking them into my mouth and biting on them. Using my tongue to flick them in my mouth, I push you up on my desk spreading your legs open to reveal your sexy slit. Now that your in a good position, I move down to view your prize. I'm happy you forgot to wear your panties today, I bury my face in your forbidden temple, I suck your clit into my mouth, licking under the hood I use one hand rub the region above my mouth pulling it out of my mouth and sucking it back in. After I see you moaning with delight I take my pants off and bury my shaft inside you. Pulling your legs together and resting them around my shoulder, I continue to plunge inside of you, long deep strokes, innnnn ouuuuuut. I pull out suddenly and watch you let out a slight whimper as you want me back inside you. I roll you over and spread your legs apart, plunging myself deep inside you, I can feel your warm pussy wrapped around my throbbing cock, I grab a handful of your hair and pull you back. Deep hard thrusts I slap your ass, and continue to push inside you, with a free hand I start to run it down the crack of your ass and rest my thumb on your asshole, circling around it I begin to push inside when I start to feel my lad about to give way. I pull out and rotate you around, looking down at your amazing body I can't control it any longer and shoot my load all over your stomach, with tiny droplets falling on your dress. With both of us sweating and breathing heavily I pull my pants back up and say with a smile, Miss X you're dismissed for the evening…..
