Complete, original cyberpunk short story “Jizzemboweler” [mf] [anal]

[Warning: This story is not for everyone. If you do not enjoy the harder aspects of erotica, I respectfully submit, you may not enjoy this work.]


Made in DNA

"Permission tat please."

The man smiled at the female security officer guarding the gate of the Floating World and nodded, "Of course." Unzipping his trousers, he pulled out his pecker.

She cupped his cock from underneath in a warm hand and placed her other atop the tattoo there. The scanner in her palm flashed a blue-white light outlining his dick.

He moved to redress, but the officer kept his dick in a firm hold. He froze. One wrong move and she'd send a thousand volts through it with her TEzer.

"Quite weighty." A trace of suspicion in her voice. She hefted several times, letting the meat slap against the flesh of her palm.

With cool, practiced calm, he blushed, "Ma'am. I do believe I'm flustered." The meat in her hand increased as the flow of blood brought on a partial erection.

She dropped his dick with a glare in her eye and signaled for him to dress. He did so, tipped his hat and started through the large, wooden gate.

On the other side, the ruckus of weekend festivities burst to life with crowds of men and women eager to dive into the varied sexual delights offered along tightly grid-set streets of the red-light district.

Hologram punters called out to passers-by, touting their wares of colorfully-clothed indentured sex slaves encaged in wooden-barred verandas.

As he walked, he employed Facial Tectonic chips to alter his appearance in Have-we-met-before? proportions. Over fifty pre-programmed disguises.

Calling up a tagged AR overlap of the entire area in his right eye, he perused the data of each prostitute house as he passed until he finally decided upon one he had not yet visited–The Blossoming Lotus.

It would be here. It was decided deep within his heart. This is where he must perform the act.

Behind the wooden slats sat a row of beautiful women, a row of beautiful men and a row shared by androids and SynthFucks. He chose a woman from the front row with long hair that cascaded down over her robes and a blacklight smile.

Paying in virtual tokens he'd purchased near the gate, he removed his shoes and entered the brothel where upon he was greeted by an ageless woman in a deep purple kimono. Smoke from a cigarette in a long-stemmed holder wreathed her coifed hair. She bowed in greeting, thanking him in a long torrent of polite language wrapped greed and faux desire.

She continued spewing a memorized spiel that plied the history of the house to exalted heights of absurdity until the girl he had chosen appeared from behind a panel. The houses of the Floating World were rife with discreet passages and rooms to allow for seamless, timely entrances when tea or fuck toys were called for.

The girl bowed and greeted him as her mistress had, and bid the man follow her. Though the rooms were all equipped with soundproofing, an undertone of chiptune-shamisen white noise plunked tastefully through the narrow, panel-lined halls. Along which the samurai elite and their lovers jerked in and out of staccato sexual acts by overlapping high-res ukiyo-e images.

They entered her sparse quarters where he immediately began to remove his clothes.

"If you would like–"

"No," he interrupted her. "I appreciate it, but the truth is, I am only interested in fucking."

She bowed in acknowledgement.

The shower was a steamy affair of nanite-laced hot water that cleansed them both and checked for diseases. Upon returning to the main chamber, she led him to a futon. Running a two slender fingers up from underneath his scrotum, she tickle-caressed his balls, bringing his cock to rock-hard perfection.

Her mouth closed over his meat in a wet, sultry heat he closed his eyes to. Her tongue slipped over his head, encircling it, while her hand continued to fondle his nuts. She mixed it all with timely administrations of slight teeth gratings that sent panic-tainted electric excitement through him. His cock bulged, growing until he felt the vein-laced, porous meat inside might burst from its skin. Finally, he could hold his buildup back no more. She brought him to climax.

His wad shot hard and fast, filling her mouth with hot jizz she eagerly swallowed. Unlike most girls though, she did not immediately remove his cock from her mouth. Just the opposite, her ministrations intensified after his ejaculation. Her hand worked his shaft in an urgent flurry of fingers while her tongue flickered over the underside of his head. It was a sensation he had yet to encounter in any sexual tryst thus far.

The whole of his cock and groin was overwhelmed by the sensation of intense pinprickle–the feeling of blood returning to a limb that had fallen asleep. His desire for her to continue just barely overrode his desire for her to stop. But as he closed on a second climax, he forcefully extracted himself from her.

The time had come to act.

Not wasting movement, he walked around behind her seated figure and playfully smacked her on her firm but somewhat smallish ass. "Up," he demanded. She obeyed, raising her rump. He pushed her head and upper body down until her upper body was at complete rest and stood in a crouched position.

Directing his erect cock downward, he placed it against her poophole, which had been whetted by juices flowing from her pussy, and plunged in.

She cooed in pleasure.

Pleasure now, pain later, death eventual. It was nothing personal. Just something he had to do. It would be painful, but it would be mercifully swift. Most women passed out from shock early on, bleeding to death in an unconscious state.

Engaging his AR again, one by one, he superimposed the other Floating World prostitutes he had dispatched over the years over her form. Their faux moans of pleasure harmonized with this woman's in a symphony of impending death. For when he blew his wad this second time, the bladed drill built into his dick would open and shred her colon. After which, the hydraulics in his abdomen would push his cock of death into her stomach.

The thought of it brought his fuck-rage potentials up until he was on the verge of orgasm once more. Just as buildup threatened to cascade, his cock was forcefully squeezed to a stop mid-stroke. He pushed back in; he was free. Back out; he could not move. Moreover, a crushing pressure was setting in. Panic washed over him. Pushed back in… No go… He was stuck. Completely! He struggled to remove himself from the whore's ass, but it was too late.

Laughter rose from the floor. Her voice was cool and dangerous, "Chinese Sphincter Trap, Mr Dester Lent." She turned to look up at him. "Oh yes, I know who you are. And I'm Officer Momojiri of Public Security, Pleasure Police Division."

Her lovely tits began spinning, flashing a perfect shade of cherry red. "You're under arrest for the murder of fifty-seven prostitutes in the Floating World."

A holo-tat badge and number appeared on her left ass cheek, while a list charges against Lent, including the names of the women he'd slaughtered, scrolled on her right.


"Not quite," she smiled.

Overriding the orgasm trigger, Lent started the drill.

But not before Officer Momojiri activated her Anal Black Hole and The Driller Killer was sucked beyond her event horizon.

NOTE: Link leads to PDF version of the story. Free to download and share. >



  1. Apologies for the lack of formatting. Is there any way to correct this? The PDF version within the link is formatted correctly.

  2. I don’t see a link and to get it formatted correctly you need to add double spaces between lines

  3. Hell’s bells. Not sure what happened, but link here: And I’ll get on formatting. Thanks for the reply and help!

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