Working in a Distant Land pt 1 [mf]

Author stuff – I definitely know this is a place to call home or hope to for my work after reading a couple stories and seeing the link to Literotica. I would say that that site formed some of my formative years when I had only dial up internet access.

I have been something of a struggling author for a while with a wide array of topics. I read somewhere a while back to write what you know. I claim not expertise but I have a pretty good imagination with sex and find inspiration is a lot of places and times. So I figured to start getting my feet wet with something I feel comfortable with I should write some erotic fiction. I have a few different stories in the works and this is the first part of the series Working in a Distant Land. I hope you enjoy and helpful critiques will be welcome. I know I have improvements to make as a writer and I would love to have an environment that I am comfortable in to do just that.

Part 1 introduces the subjects and doesn't have much more than story line details. I already have where I want to go next so it works for me.

With out further ado Part 1 of Working in a Distant Land >>>>>

"I want to kiss your face." I blurted anxiously, breathlessly. I didn't know how she was going to react. I felt the blood rushing to my face and the pit of my stomach dropping. The seconds of silence felt like hours. I felt like I should say something but I couldn't think of anything to say. Panic was overwhelming me.

"I… umm, well that was unexpected." she replied. Her soft tones felt like daggers. I felt like an idiot.

We were in the car on our way to work. She technical was my boss and we had only known each other a couple of weeks. I felt myself sinking into my seat wishing I was a speck of dust that could float away on the lightest of breezes.

"I know. I'm sorry. Let's forget it o.k.?" I rushed to say. I just wanted to move on and I was pretty sure it wasn't going to be possible.

"If you want too I can forget it." She said this but I knew both of us weren't going to forget.

The day past painstakingly slow. A twelve hour shift sitting at a desk looking at monitors that faced towards her was pure agony. I threw myself into my work plugging in my head phones and ignoring the world. I didn't leave my desk or look from my computer for hours at a time.

At the end of our shift I rode home with another coworker. We all live in an apartment building the company rents out. I have my own apartment on the 7th floor. Unfortunately she has her own apartment and she just moved into the one next to mine.

I get into the building and rush for the elevator. I saw her car pulling into the parking garage as I headed upstairs to the lobby. I quickly got to the top floor and got into my room double locking the tumbler behind me.

I sat on my couch in the living room when I heard her door unlock. It almost sounds like a prison door lock with a resounding thunk thunk. I can't hear anything she does in the apartment but I know that she didn't lock her door again because I didn't hear it lock. I sit there pleading with myself to get up and say something or even for her to knock on my door. Neither happens and a minute later I hear her door close and lock.

I go to bed early and lay there tossing and turning throughout the night. After a few hours I get up and put on some gym clothes and head down to the little pathetic set of equipment we have on the 1st floor.

As I enter the gym area I put in ear buds and jack the music up. I step onto the treadmill. I start running and I keep running. I am running long, fast, and hard I am trying to exhaust myself and my feelings.

I don't really check how long I was running or how far. I am covered in sweat and exhausted. I turn around as I step down from the treadmill and she is on the mat we have in the corner doing push-ups. I am suddenly paralyzed like a deer in headlights.

She is amazing to look at. A deep tanned brown, she is deliciously curved. Her hips beg to be held as the slide gently from her waist. I can imagine holding her by the hips and sliding my hand up her sides gently caressing her. I feel myself lost in my thoughts until I realize she is looking at me over her shoulders and she is saying something.

I jump and quickly pull out my ear buds.

"Sorry I had the music turned up."

"I was saying have a nice run?" as she repeats herself she turns into a sitting position on the mat. "You took long enough."

"Uhh yeah it was good." I mumble and head for the elevator.

"Hey, is everything alright?" she calls out as I press the call button.

"Yeah sure, just fine." other than the fact that I made an ass of myself and now I'll too scared to follow it up.

"You've been acting strange since yesterday. You know after the car ride. You didn't even ride home with me."

"Yeah it just felt a little awkward is all. It's all good now."

I hear her stand up and step over behind me.

"I said it was unexpected not unwanted."

I felt an overwhelming need to slap myself in the face. I had so psyched myself out that I didn't even expect a positive response.

"I well I just suddenly said what I was thinking and I wasn't planning to it just kind of happened and I didn't expect…" I trailed off lamely.

"You didn't expect me to be interested?"

"Yeah something like that." I sucked in a breath and turned towards her. She looked up expectantly into my eye.

"It was the fact that yesterday you were wearing your hair up in that ponytail and you did something different. Wore makeup or something. Your eyes were amazing to look at. I was lost in their depths. All I could think of was pulling you close and kissing you."

She laughed gently but I still frowned some. Here I was baring my heart for her and she was laughing.

She stopped when she say my expression.

"You said you wanted to kiss my face. That isn't nearly as nice as what you just said. Might have gone over a little differently then."

"You're beautiful. I know you must hear it a lot and I am adding to the pile but I can't help it. You look amazing, you're smart, and I enjoy being around you. Most of the time it's been easy. You are easy to be around. I just let some of my thoughts come out."

"It seems you are letting a lot of them come out now."

"I know I am so…"

"Sorry?" she interrupted. "For what? Complimenting me and making me feel good. I think you are too worried about being turned down."

"I'm always the nice guy. Being turned down or friend zoned is my life."

"Well that might not always be true." With that she reached up and pulled my head down to her lips. They were warm and softly inviting. I slowly relaxed from my surprise and moved into the kiss.

I felt her mouth part a little and our kiss deepened. After a couple of exploratory kisses I sudden noticed a chill and that I was soaked in sweat. I pulled away a little and she and I looked into the other eyes.

"I am soaked in sweat. I need to get cleaned up."

"So do I. Definitely for sure now." She and I laughed.

The elevator doors clicked open.
