Knock Knock

You answer the door wearing nothing but a half buttoned blouse and that wicked smile. Your eyes light up at the sight of me then burn brighter as I pull you into my arms for one long, slow kiss. It isn't like you to do this, in fact you didn't think this part of you still existed. But when my arms close around you and push your back against the locked door your pulse begins to race. My hands touch you softly, stroking down your arms before circling around your wrists and gripping tight.

You gasp, your breathing coming faster as i pin you to the door and begin to bite along your throat. Questions you meant to ask slip your mind, the desire to know quickly replaced by a desire much darker.

You wanted to be taken and I am wasting no time.

Your breasts spill out of the loose blouse I made you wear, the sound of fabric tearing and buttons bouncing along the floor making your temper spike as your body flushes. One of my hands tightens on your wrists as the other slips down to cup your breast. The feel of my lips, my teeth, my tongue, they wash over the hardening flesh of your nipples as I make your body squirm. Then i kneel before you, my smile dark and hungry as I slide down the dark satin panties you wore and toss them carelessly aside.

You've known I wanted to taste you from the first night we spoke, the idea slowly growing into a fantasy that you had let overwhelm you in those dark and lonely hours. Lifting your leg carefully and laying it over my shoulder you finally let your arms slide down from above your head to hold my own. Your fingers play through my hair as my lips kiss gently along your inner thighs, then grip lightly as that first sweet sweep of my tongue sends another long shiver up your spine.

My face nuzzles in closer, your bdoy shaking as my tongue finds your clit and laps at it slowly, your ass pressing back into my hands as they slide around to grip you tight. In moments the feelings begin to overwhelm you, that hunger driving me to fervently lick, nip and suck at your pussy. The wet heat between your thighs grows more intense with every caress, your hands fisted in my hair as you begin to writhe your body back and forth wanting to grind against my lips and teasing tongue.

You can feel that spark of ecstasy burning brighter, feel your nipples aching to be touched as i push you closer and closer to orgasm.

The pleasure is so thick you barely realize my lips have left your pussy when you hear my husky voice whisper "Cum for me girl" and let loose all restraint you thought you had.

The orgasm sweeps over you, weakens your knees, sends your heart hammering into your chest as you find yourself supported in my arms gasping as a wicked smile fills your lips.

It's my turn now.

I let you push me back to the table and smile when you kneel in front of me, my hands brushing back you hair as i watch you opening my pants and pulling my rigid cock free.

That first gasping breath as your tongue teases the crown nearly makes you cum again, fills you with the need to please me and see how far we can go. As your lips slide over my cock and down the hot skin you reach up to cup my balls, giggling as I growl my pleasure at your efforts and tighten my fingers in your hair. Slowly you let me take control, your hands free now to stroke down and play with your aching nipples as i push my cock further and further down your throat.

Part of you wants me to cum right now, part of you hopes I never do.

Sucking me faster, taking me deeper, your hands sliding from breast to clit and back again, you feel yourself so close to that sweet bliss that it spills over with just a sound from my lips.

"Cum" i whisper heavily, pulling your head away and gazing down into your eyes.

"Your mine now" i growl, smirking as I pull you up to your feet and push your face down over the table's surface.

Your legs spread without hesitation, your back arching as you push your ass towards me and offer all i can take and more. That first harsh spank of my hand is pain, surprising you, exciting you. The next one, and the one after, only makes your pussy quiver as you wait for me and your reward.

Then I am inside you, one swift and rough thrust pounding my thick cock into your depths with a loud smacking of flesh. You bounce back against me, your legs shaking as my long fingers weave into your hair and jerk back, your pussy tightening as I shove my cock into you again and again.

You can feel my thickness throbbing as i take you, you can practically hear my heart thundering as i fuck you harder, faster, making you moan and cry out into the stillness of the night. Something primal begins to possess you, that deep seated hunger for the pleasures of the flesh making your pussy tighten and your breath shudder as you are filled and fucked, hammered and used.

When you start to cum for me again You can feel me fighting to hold back, your pussy milking my cock as wave after wave of pleasure slides over your skin like electric silk. Husky, breathless, you whisper your request of me and groan in satisfaction as i deliver.

The feel of my cum, hot and sudden, warms your body as the pleasure we've shared glows inside you like a welcoming flame. You can feel me twitching as my cock slides free and rests hot and thick against your pussy.

"Take me to your bed" I whisper with a smile.

With a grin you grab my hand and lead me there.

You know its going to be a long night.

You can't wait.
