Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.05: To Protect & Empower (Part 4)

Table of Contents

< Part 3

"Hey," exclaimed Chris. "What are your getting mad at me for? You're the one who told me to speak my mind. If you don't like what your hear, then don't ask."

Anthony strummed his fingers on his desk a few times. "Touché." He strummed a few more times before continuing. "This is precisely why I need someone like you in my squad. You have a different perspective on things, and you're prepared to stand your ground."

"Besides," continued Chris. "I didn't much care for your 'liberal in name only' comment. I'm a proud liberal. What makes you so sure I'm going to fit in around here? The more you talk, the more I think I have no business here."

"Maybe you don't," conceded Anthony. "Nothing is perfect, maybe the crucible will let me down. There is one thing that is for sure, and that is you can't honestly take your oath and have the core values of the liberal elite. So let's get on to it.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.05: To Protect & Empower (Part 3)

Table of Contents

< Part 2

When it looked like Chris was about to protest, Anthony headed him off. "I know, I know. You think you're liberal, so how come it didn't filter you out. You need to realize that you are liberal in name only; most liberals are. When we look at liberals we don't see one monolithic group; we see two. The people we are trying to filter out are the liberal elites, or those that will soon become one.

"You call yourself a liberal because you agree with the stated goals of the liberal elites. Yet you do not have the core values that we abhor in them, which are completely incompatible with the purpose and goals of this kingdom.

"Our crucible filters them out in three ways. The first is by establishing a routine from dawn 'til late at night of intense learning and physical competitions with no breaks or days off. This goes against their sense of how they must decide for themselves what to do in their lives, and they usually give up on this alone.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.05: To Protect & Empower (Part 2)

Table of Contents

< Part 1

Anthony shifted his position in his chair as if trying to take a closer look at Chris, then said, "I know you have many questions that need answering, but it's best if I begin by asking you some. I've heard from many people their account of how you came to be in my office, now I would like to hear it from you. What brought you here? Why do you want to be in the kingdom? And more important, what do you believe this kingdom is all about?"

"Sure thing Mr. Quillis…" Chris began.

"Call me Anthony," Anthony interrupted.

"…Anthony…" Chris continued. "A little over a year ago, I started working at this car dealership in the parts department. From the day I interviewed for the position, I was incredibly impressed by my manager. I'm not gay or anything, but he was just someone I liked being around. I could have found a better paying job, but I really enjoyed working there. Eventually I found that many of the people who worked there were like him, including the owner of the dealership.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.05: To Protect & Empower (Part 1)

Table of Contents

< Chapter 4, Part 13

This is a story of an alternate reality where there is a branch of Christianity that has rejected the dogma normally associated with sex.

Chapter 5: To Protect & Empower

The very same morning that Marcia first woke up in the room she shared with Laura, Christopher Carlson found himself sitting across an imposing desk from Anthony Quillis; in Anthony's downtown real estate office.

Chris had been wondering if this day would ever come. He entered the kingdom's boot camp over fifteen weeks ago, and was seriously believing that he was never going to be selected by a squad leader. Most of the men he saw entering boot camp were selected within three to four weeks. There was one other guy who was selected after twelve, but no one was in it as long as he was.

This had perplexed him, because he thought he was much more talented than others that were selected faster than he was. He knew he scored better than most in all of his exams, and performed better in almost all of the sporting events he participated in. Towards the end he was tutoring many of the other guys with their studies, and was always one of the first selected when teams were chosen. Yet he kept seeing others being selected instead of him.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 13)

Table of Contents

< Part 12

Alyson did what she knew was required. By the time Marcia had found panties of the right size, and had returned to the front of the line behind the couch, Alyson had positioned herself just as Marcia had, and was just placing her panties in her mouth. Marcia couldn't help notice the marks on her bottom from the whipping she got last night.

"Very good Ally," Then Lady Jennifer knelt next to her and delivered ten solids slaps in quick succession. Marcia thought this was bit extreme, considering her existing condition. She had been looking forward to paying her back for what she had received from her. Now she wasn't so sure. When she was done, Alyson spit her panties out.

As Lady Jennifer gave Alyson her stimulation, she looked back at the girls and said, "I was a bit disappointed by everyone's choice of what they did to Marcia at this point. I hope to see a little more imagination when you come up to do Ally."

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 12)

Table of Contents

< Part 11

Lady Jennifer knelt next to Marcia and started on the instructions for the other girls. "Because the arm of this seat is so low you will have to kneel in order to get a good swing at her. I will be the first one to spank each of you. I will slap you with my hand from five to fifteen times. Each of you waiting must count how many I do. That will be the minimum number I'll expect you to deliver to the girl I just spanked — note I said minimum. I will also expect you to spank her at least as hard as I did when I delivered the spanking.

"When you have completed your spanking, I expect you to slide your right hand down between her legs, and stimulate her for at least one minute. You can do what ever you want as long as your hand is between her legs, and she is responding in some manner."

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 11)

Table of Contents

< Part 10

The only girl left to call on was Lisa Green. Her question caught Lady Jennifer completely by surprise. In all of the years she had been initiating young women into this kingdom, she had never had an initiate ask this question at this stage in their development. "Mistress Jennifer, this may seem like a silly question, but it has me intrigued. You talked about how 'Us' is real but 'Them' is not, yet you never mentioned how 'I' fits in to this discussion. Surely 'I' exist, right?"

Lady Jennifer just sat in stunned silence for a few seconds. Then finally she said, "You really shouldn't be perceptive enough yet to ask that question. That's a topic we don't get into until much later, and no, there is nothing silly about it at all."

After thinking for a few moments more she continued. "Since you have asked it, I think I am going to give a shot at answering it. Keep in mind that we normally teach much more about life and religion before we get to this.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 10)

Table of Contents

< Part 9

Sandra Nelson's question is exactly what Lady Jennifer expected of her. She knew that far too many conservatives were overly defensive of their politics, and Sandra was no exception. "Mistress Jennifer, I would like to go back to what you said about Conservatives being their own worst enemy. President Bush was just reacting to the lies of the mainstream media when he used the phrase compassionate conservative. When Republicans are hounded out of office for minor transgressions, yet a Democrat gets caught with $100K in the freezer and still gets re-elected, I would say the media are more to blame than us. Why do you believe differently?"

"First of all, you need to see that the only thing the media is doing is holding us to a higher standard than they do their like-minded brethren. And this is consistent with what we said last night that liberals see expectations as something you only inflict on your enemies, not on your friends. Conservatives make a serious mistake when they see liberalism achieving their goals through the actions of the media, and foolishly believe that we could also if we had their help.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 8)

Table of Contents

< Part 7

"Ok, time for the big one. There is no way to soft peddle it, so I am just going to state it… There is no such thing as a government." She paused for a few minutes to let what she said to sink in.

"Government is just a word that we have created like dark, cold and them. This word can be very beneficial when we use it to discuss how we are going to govern ourselves, yet it is highly destructive when we use it terms of what they are supposed to do for them, or more likely, what we demand they do to them.

"Governments have never accomplished anything. And I mean absolutely nothing. All of the good that has happened in this nation has happened because we have made it happen. Believing in the accomplishments of government is like believing in the effectiveness of speed limits or drug laws. I don't care what the 'government' does, until we buy into it, nothing happens.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 7)

Table of Contents

< Part 6

"Mistress Jennifer, I'm finding this all hard to take in. I know liberals have socialistic tendencies, but to call them all socialist, and to claim they are intentionally lying about it seems a bit much. How can you be so sure?"

"It's not all that hard Ally." Lady Jennifer began. "You should take a look at a recent Democrat Presidential debate. In it, a very sincere tool asked Senator Clinton to define liberalism, and asked how as president she would defend it. I'm not surprised he asked that question; in fact, I don't know why more don't.

"As an elite, Ms. Clinton couldn't very well say it's socialism, so she said what any self-respecting liberal elite would say in that position. She denied being a liberal, and in fact called herself progressive. Of course she didn't define progressive either. That's because there isn't a damn bit of difference between the two, so what could she say?

"You see, liberalism was never meant to be defined. The word is being used because of its context; because of what people think when they hear it. Many liberals have now started calling themselves progressives because the liberal context has lost its sheen… and their useful idiots have started asking questions.