Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.04: What Are Words For (Part 13)

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< Part 12

Alyson did what she knew was required. By the time Marcia had found panties of the right size, and had returned to the front of the line behind the couch, Alyson had positioned herself just as Marcia had, and was just placing her panties in her mouth. Marcia couldn't help notice the marks on her bottom from the whipping she got last night.

"Very good Ally," Then Lady Jennifer knelt next to her and delivered ten solids slaps in quick succession. Marcia thought this was bit extreme, considering her existing condition. She had been looking forward to paying her back for what she had received from her. Now she wasn't so sure. When she was done, Alyson spit her panties out.

As Lady Jennifer gave Alyson her stimulation, she looked back at the girls and said, "I was a bit disappointed by everyone's choice of what they did to Marcia at this point. I hope to see a little more imagination when you come up to do Ally."

Marcia noticed that she didn't take her own advice. She seemed to do the same thing with Alyson as she did with her. Then just as Alyson began to respond well from Lady Jennifer's ministrations, she just pulled out, and brought her hand in front of Alyson, and told her, "Open your mouth."

When Alyson complied, she stuck her middle finger in, then commanded her, "Suck it clean." Then back to the other girls she said, "Any little variation would be nice — although not required."

After pumping her finger back and forth a few times, she pulled out and said, "OK Marcia, you're first."

Alyson was still trying to catch her breath as Marcia knelt next to her. Marcia was filled with indecision over what to do. Alyson's bottom had fresh red handprints among the bruises from last night, which caused her to hesitate. She knew that if she did not spank her hard enough it would just result in more spanks to her, but she still couldn't deliver the first one.

It was then she noticed Alyson looking up at her, and made eye contact with her. Just before she put her panties back in her mouth, she silently mouthed to Marcia 'Don't hold back.'

It was Alyson's obvious courage that helped Marcia to find her own. She then delivered ten strong spanks to Alyson's behind. The entire time she delivered them they maintained eye contact. Each time she connected with Alyson she was encouraged to deliver the next by Alyson's courageous response. Alyson started the spanking lying down, but with each whack she slowing got up onto her elbows, then up on to her hands. Once the tenth one was delivered she spit out her panties, and exclaimed, "Yes!"

Marcia was marveling at Alyson's strength, and the look she saw on her face was saying to her 'Got anymore?'

Why did Marcia think to do what she did next, she wasn't sure? Maybe it was because of how sexually peaked she already was, but she knew it was the right thing to do. With her left hand she grabbed the side of Alyson's neck and pulled her into a passionate kiss. She then used her right hand to reach underneath Alyson to grab her panties and use them to rub Alyson's pussy with.

After an intense minute or more of kissing and soaking her panties through, she pulled back and stuffed Alyson's mouth with her drenched panties. Before she got up she gave Alyson one more passionate kiss, followed by a one last spank on her ass, then announced, "Next!" as she returned to her place in line.

Lady Jennifer was quite amused by all of this. "I'm going to have to keep my eye on you two. You always put on such a great performance together."

The rest of the spankings went much better after the way Alyson and Marcia performed. Each girl that got spanked got more imaginative pussy play. By the time Lisa was up there, each girl was licking her vagina to finish her off.

'There appears to be an advantage to being the last one around here,' Marcia thought.

It was an exhausted seven girls that found them selves reclining on the couches when Lady Jennifer announced, "You girls have done well this morning. I'm sure Mrs. Gonzales has prepared something delicious for lunch. Clean yourselves up in the Lady's lounge and meet me in the dining room."

As they all got up to leave, Lady Jennifer said, "Marcia. I want you to wait a minute." When the last girl left, another woman that was very familiar to Marcia came in.

She was a tall brunette that had a face that many people thought looked like Katherine Ross. Her dress was similar to what Lady Jennifer was wearing in that in was very form fitting. The differences included that it was an aquamarine that had short sleeves and an even shorter hemline. She walked up to Lady Jennifer, who was sitting in the love seat, and raised the front of her skirt with her right hand, just as a maiden should when she wants to talk; yet Marcia knew this was no maiden.

Lady Jennifer stood up, and raised her dress to expose the bottom of her panties also. They each slid their left hands into each other's crotch, and then reached around with their right hands to embrace the other. They then kissed like long lost lovers for what seemed to be well over a minute. Then Lady Jennifer pulled back and said, "Thanks for stopping by Linda."

"Any time, Jenny," the woman replied.

They opened up their embrace towards Marcia, yet kept an arm hold on each other. Lady Jennifer said, "Come over here and show how a maiden should greet a woman of the kingdom, Marcia"

Marcia walked up to the woman to within an arms length away, and raised the front of her dress until her panties were completely exposed. She then smiled, and said, "Hi Mom."

~ End of Chapter 4 ~ What Are Words For ~

Chapter 5 >
