Freshers Foursome. [M18, M18, F18, F18]

Hi guys. I don't have any GWS worthy stories with Lucy no more, only stuff like her taking her clothes in front of me and me seeing her in the shower, nothing sexual though. I do have another story though. And another threesome one which I will save.

I apologise for this being poorly written if it is, I'm writing it sneakily at work :P

This happened perhaps 1 month into Uni.

Me and 2 friends went out to a club. It was kind of dead, actually. Probably because it was a Monday, but hey we are new students at this point. Still 18 (almost 19 though). Damn.

The 3 of us guys consist of me, 6ft 1, decent looking, thin, Paul, 5ft 9ish, again, decent looking and Jason, 6ft but overweight and not really a looker, also older than us by 3 years, so he was already 21 but had just started uni like us.

So we get to this club, and we realise just how dead it is. We sit there each with a pint of San Miguel and decide the best course of action is to challenge each other to down this pint. Being 18, and fairly young at the time downing that much San Miguel (quite a strong beer that seems to go straight to your head) got us in the mood for more alcohol.

Another story about Lucy. [M24, F24, F23]

You guys seemed to enjoy my previous story I posted here about Samantha and Lucy. I said I had another similarish story, so I thought I would deliver it :)

So this one happened after me and Samantha broke up. It's always seemed like Lucy was more on my side when me and Samantha had any problems in our relationship and it seemed as though she sided with me during the breakup and me and Lucy became closer in a different way than before. Before she was my GFs best friend I wanted to bang, now she was just my friend. Who I wanted to bang.

As I mentioned previously, Lucy lived in a separate town to me, about a 1.5 hour drive away. So while it's not like a major problem for me to go visit her every once in a while, it's probably just a tad too far to really develop any true feeling for each other to wind up in a relationship, which is a shame of course as I really like her, but within this story you may come to understand the issues at hand and why I have accepted Lucy and I aren't going to be, not any time soon anyway.

A night I will never forget. [M23, F23, F24]

Just going to set this up so you understand the situation a bit better as whole.

Also, this is going to be long. So get a cup of coffee or something and chill for this one :)

At the time, I was 23, my GF (Samantha) was 24 and her best friend (Lucy) was 23. I had been with my GF for around 3 or 4 years at this point. At the time, our relationship was rocky at best. I stuck around because I didn't know really what life would be like without her and I didn't want to find out. I had developed some major trust issues with her and really everything was a ticking timebomb. I knew that, which is why I had no qualms about what happened that night.

So yea, I met my GF pretty much the first night of University and she, along with the other girl struggled to meet new friends for whatever reason. Lucy lived in the University Halls the room opposite mine, so I was able to get her and my GF to start hanging out together, so they became best friends, at University.