Freshers Foursome. [M18, M18, F18, F18]

Hi guys. I don't have any GWS worthy stories with Lucy no more, only stuff like her taking her clothes in front of me and me seeing her in the shower, nothing sexual though. I do have another story though. And another threesome one which I will save.

I apologise for this being poorly written if it is, I'm writing it sneakily at work :P

This happened perhaps 1 month into Uni.

Me and 2 friends went out to a club. It was kind of dead, actually. Probably because it was a Monday, but hey we are new students at this point. Still 18 (almost 19 though). Damn.

The 3 of us guys consist of me, 6ft 1, decent looking, thin, Paul, 5ft 9ish, again, decent looking and Jason, 6ft but overweight and not really a looker, also older than us by 3 years, so he was already 21 but had just started uni like us.

So we get to this club, and we realise just how dead it is. We sit there each with a pint of San Miguel and decide the best course of action is to challenge each other to down this pint. Being 18, and fairly young at the time downing that much San Miguel (quite a strong beer that seems to go straight to your head) got us in the mood for more alcohol.

So drink more and more until this club gets 'semi' full. It's not busy by any stretch of the imagination and the guy to girl ratio is something like 4 guys for each girl.

After a while we spot a guy I know from my course (neither Paul or Jason have met this guy) and he's with two girls, his flatmate (F18 I guess) and her visiting friend (F18 I assume).

I can't remember either of the girls names, so I will call them Molly and Grace.

Molly was dark haired, wore glasses, was fairly average body type and semi attractive in the face. She was pretty much a typical 6/10.

Grace claimed she was a model, though I do not believe she was. Still, she was attractive. 8/10 perhaps, blonde. Very fit. There was one interesting aspect to this girl though, she walked with a walking stick.

The walking stick, or so she told me was because her body was 'too flexible'.

Still, I don't judge a girl by her walking stick so I ignored that.

So we get talking a bit yadayada. and it quickly becomes apparent me and Paul are getting somewhere with these two girls (despite me not really trying), I am talking to Grace and he Molly. He seems to be doing better than me, as he's kissing her n stuff and I hadn't even got that far with Grace. I weren't too bothered though. She did tell me all about her flexibility and that she's a model in this time, so it seemed like she wanted me to like her.

Of course, my course mate who I left unnamed and Jason are still there awkwardly. I guess they were even too awkward to talk to each other. I actually have no idea what those two did all night.

After what seemed like the worst night out ever, we all walk back to our University halls.

The girls invited us up to their flat (our uni halls where basically flats between 6 housemates, so 6 people shared one kitchen and one bathroom, some were mixed sex, some same sex). We agree, Jason follows and the other guy does too since he lives there.

We stand about chatting in the kitchen for a while. Eventually random guy goes into his room. Then Grace asks me to come check something out in Molly's room (where she was staying since she was visiting). I go in there and she starts kissing me. Asking me to stay the night with her on the floor. 5 Minutes later, Paul and Molly appear and it's evident Paul is staying with Molly.

I quickly realise Jason must feel like utter shit about this, that he is left out. So I tell them to give me 5 mins and I will return, I was pretending to Jason that I was going home with him. So me and Jason get back to our flat. I go to my room. Shut the door, grab some condoms. As soon as I hear his door close I sneak back out and head back.

I call up paul and they let me back up to their flat and we stand drinking water for a while in their kitchen (I leant on my phone in this time and the next morning I discovered I had cracked up my screen).

We then decide to head to Molly's room. Her and Paul get into the bed together and starting making out. Me and Grace at this point figure that's what we both wanna do too, so we start.

Things get more natural and hotter between us and before I know it my hand is slipping up her dress to feel her pussy soaked underwear and her hand is dropping down to my now erect cock.

I glanced over to Paul and I could see his head buried inbetween Molly's legs, truth be told none of us even had our clothes off yet. Both girls had their dresses on still and our cocks hadn't even been unleashed into the rooms atmosphere.

Grace sort of looked over to them too, I looked back at her and she started pulling her underwear off from beneath her dress. Damn that was hot. She then positioned herself so I could get easy access to her wet pussy. I did the same as Paul, I went to town on her clit with my tongue. Both girls where moaning heavily. I had to let my cock out though, it was too tight in those pants god damn.

It's weird how normal 4 people getting down sexually in one room gets after a few minutes. I weren't at all fazed about the other two. I just pulled my jeans off and let my dick spring out, good job no one was in the way of it as it could have left a blackeye.

Being 18 and a bit hornier than I were experienced I stopped licking Grace's clit and shoved my dick in her face and she didn't seem too against the idea of putting her warm mouth around it and started sucking me off like a pro.

I decided I would keep her pussy warm though, so I started to finger her at the same time.

I guess Paul realised he wanted a BJ too. So he did the same and got Molly to suck him off.

Strangely it's not like we where completely silent, we still had a laugh as a group of 4. Making jokes etc. Was strange, but very fun.

A small while later the girls asked me and paul to remove our clothes completely, we did. and the girls both whipped their dresses off and undid their bra's. Damn. All naked. The girls then requested me and paul stand side by side so then can see who has a bigger dick, it was a joke though don't worry, they didn't ACTUALLY care. but they did want us to stand side by side so they could suck us off next to each other. So both girls would alternate between sucking our dicks and kissing and groping each other.

I have never high-fived a friend as much as I did Paul that night.

I could feel myself getting bored of the BJ though. I knew I wanted to fuck now, and someone had to take the lead. So I did. I grabbed my jeans and got a box of condoms out, as if that weren't a big enough hint, Grace said "Can we fuck now"… Well no shit. I can't remember her name, but I remember that daft comment. Still, it was pretty hot ;)

So I put the condom on and lay her down missionary for now and slide it in. She flinches and moans heavily as I push myself further in. I start off really slow as she is stupidly tight. It felt good though. Paul grabbed one of my condoms without even asking and made space on the floor (yeah me and Grace stole the bed haha).

Pretty soon we are both fucking in the same room. I was quite content with fucking Grace as she was the hotter of the two however Molly then got off Paul and asked if we wanna swap.

Being 18 and fresh at Uni, I guess I was up for it on the basis I wanted to stick my dick in as many girls as possible. So I do the educated thing and pull off my condom and replace it with a fresh one, and I dive straight into Molly and start fucking her hard. She fucking loves it. I felt like I was fucking my mates GF or something at the time. It felt weirdly satisfying switching partners like that, her pussy felt so much different, not worse, just different. Paul at this point was now sliding his dick inside Grace. Fair play, I don't think Grace liked it much from the way she was looking at me and I hope she didn't fuck him just because she thought she had to…

Not long after that, Grace seemed to get more comfortable with it and we continued to fuck each other like that for a while. I was enjoying the sex but I wasn't really getting close, I blame condoms, seems ribbed ones are the only ones I find comfortable.

I requested a switch back, as I thought the feel of a different pussy again might send me over the edge enough to come even with the condom.

The girl obliged and I bent Grave over the bed, god damn her ass looked good in that position. I teased her, the remembered I still had the same condom on.

Do not judge me for this next part. I took the condom off and realised that Paul taking two of my condoms meant there was only one left. Which, was in Pauls hands right now about to go on his dick. I exclaimed "Paul you twat, you took the last condom!" he said, rather nicely "Your loss".

Grace turned around, and told me to fuck her anyway. Being drunk and young, I just did what she said. I slide my now bareback cock inside this strange pussy. Holy shit. After sex with a condom this felt like pure heaven. I knew I would last about 10 seconds like that. I started pounding her from behind knowing that I wanted to bust a nut now. I started going deep and hard, Grace buried her face into the bed and clenched at the sheets and her whole body tensed up and she came hard. This edged me closer to coming myself. but I was sweating like fuck at this point. It was so damned hot in the room as you may expect. Honestly at this point I forgot Molly and Paul existed I was just going for it. Eventually I could feel myself coming and so I did the tried and tested method of pull out and I exploded all over Grace's ass and back.

Grace collapsed forward onto the bed. I fell to the bed too and I realised then that Paul had finished a while ago and he and Molly had been sat there on the air mattress watching me and grace fuck. Weird how I found that strange now…

Grace requested I sleep on the floor with her for the night. I declined and went home. Not sure why, I think I just needed to get out of that hot smelly room. I felt like I had done my deed and now I just needed my space. So I left. Paul stayed with Molly. He claims nothing further happened.

The next day in class, the room mate before informs me how mad Grace was that I didn't stay the night.

I just laughed, I never saw her again. but that was a good night. It was a great bonding experience with a new friend too!


Practice safe sex. Don't let your mate nick your last condom during a fucking foursome!

For the record.

I didn't catch a diesease.

She didn't get pregnant to my knowledge.



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