Another story about Lucy. [M24, F24, F23]

You guys seemed to enjoy my previous story I posted here about Samantha and Lucy. I said I had another similarish story, so I thought I would deliver it :)

So this one happened after me and Samantha broke up. It's always seemed like Lucy was more on my side when me and Samantha had any problems in our relationship and it seemed as though she sided with me during the breakup and me and Lucy became closer in a different way than before. Before she was my GFs best friend I wanted to bang, now she was just my friend. Who I wanted to bang.

As I mentioned previously, Lucy lived in a separate town to me, about a 1.5 hour drive away. So while it's not like a major problem for me to go visit her every once in a while, it's probably just a tad too far to really develop any true feeling for each other to wind up in a relationship, which is a shame of course as I really like her, but within this story you may come to understand the issues at hand and why I have accepted Lucy and I aren't going to be, not any time soon anyway.

Let me put it this way, if I were ever to make one of those "If we aren't married by the time we're 40" deals, it would almost certainly be with her.

This all happened last summer (2014). I was 24, Lucy had just turned 24 and her best friend (Samantha was her best 'uni' friend, Amy is her actual best friend since youth), Amy who was 23.

Being in contact with Lucy, I organised to visit her for a night out. It was for her birthday if I recall. That would make sense, given I literally said 2 paragraphs up that she had just turned 24 haha.

I go to book myself a Hotel around Sheffield, but if i recall correctly, there was something to do with the Tour De France around that area and because of that I couldn't find a room around Sheffield cheaper than £100 for one night, which is ridiculous for Sheffield. That's London prices. Either way, I told Lucy about this and she said she would check with Amy if it was okay for me to crash on her sofa (Lucy was already planned to stay there with Amy). I was happy with this because saving £100 is obviously nice.

Amy greenlights it, I have met her a couple of times before and she seems to get on well with me. I can quite easily take the piss out of her (in a non-serious teasey kinda way), which is a big sign I am comfortable around someone.

I get there and we have a bit of a catch up. I believe the world cup was on, and I recall trying to convince them to put it on. Then I ordered some chicken from a “good chicken shop” takeaway. The chicken was TERRIBLE. So I popped out the Jaegermeister and made us all some Jaegerbombs, and we drunk whatever alcohol we could find. Predrinks are essential.

They weren't ready to go out yet mind you, but that was to be expected since it was still fairly early really. Anyway, time moved on they decided it was time to get ready. Being in a small apartment with two girls about to get ready certainly brought back memories of Samantha and Lucy. but obviously now neither of these girls was my GF, so there won't be no dragging me into the shower to escape the towel wearing sexy Lucy.

The girls go to Amy's bedroom to change into their outfits. Lucy obviously was still comfortable showing her body off to me as she walked out the room to grab something in her (unzipped fly) jeans and just a bra on top. This girl. I swear. If there is a god, he created Lucy just to tease the living shit out of me. It would have been funny if she was wearing the same underwear from the previous story, but a good year between stories… No hot girl keeps the same underwear for a year do they? That would have been so sexy if she did that though.

Lucy goes into a bag she had left out in the living room I was sitting in and just kinda smiles at me. Doesn't even say anything. By this point, I know what she's doing to me. I'm not too bothered though, I like naked Lucy. It's a good Lucy to come visit.

Eventually she finds what she wanted (hair straighteners) and walks off to the room and shuts the door.

After what seemed like an eternity finally both girls emerged from the room completely dressed and ready to go. I suppose they had been doing their makeup and hair before they put on their dresses. I got to watch the World Cup and drink by myself though, so that was cool. (I got ready myself in this time)

A bit more time passes with us chilling in the living room having a few laughs before we leave to go out.

Now, Amy lived out of the city. So to get to where we wanted to be we had to walk to the train station and catch a short train journey into town. During the walk Lucy became subconscious that her dress was too short and asked me if I could see her arse in it. I couldn't. Which was a shame. However, I told her to do the bending over test to pinpoint at which point her arse will be visible. She didn't go for that. We had a laugh about it though.

The majority of the night was kinda uninteresting though. It was basically spent with Lucy getting hit on. Of course we I forgot to mention we were meeting up with Lucy's friends when we got there. So there were a fair few out.

Naturally everyone was getting drunk by the end of the night and we decided it was time for some food.

Where better to go than KFC at 2am? I was surprised it was even open. While in KFC, Amy turned weird with me. She was telling me about the guy she was seeing and that she has a bite mark on her boob from him. Cool story I thought. Then she proceeded to pull out both her tits and point them right at me, nipple on display. Then points to the bite-mark. Saying look! I came out with the cringe worthy line of "Not the breasts I expected to see in KFC". Which was met with a laugh from Lucy and Amy. At this point I saw a guy at another table look over and saw that Amy had her boobs out, he certainly looked interested. For the rest of the time we were in KFC he was looking over, probably hoping she would get them out again. She didn't though. Not yet.

Did I mention Amy is notorious for bitching about her feet hurting? Jesus Christ. After KFC we had to walk to a taxi we had prebooked. She literally couldn't walk. Basically crying with every step. She took her heels off and walked bare foot for quite a bit, then that was too much for her too. So I ended up giving her a piggy back ride all the way to the Taxi.

It was during this piggyback ride Amy drunkenly let slip that she knows I like Lucy and that Lucy has feelings for me, but Lucy respects Samantha too much for me and Lucy to ever become anything more than friends. By this time I was pretty drunk myself, Amy was drunk as shit and Lucy well… She didn't seem too bad actually. I should point out, because I was giving Amy the piggyback, we had fallen behind the group a bit so she was able to tell me that without Lucy hearing.

A bit further along, part of the same conversation Amy informs me that if she wasn't seeing someone she would totally get with me. Honestly, that didn't mean anything to me though. I was feeling far too down about what she said about Lucy to appreciate any sort of compliment from her though.

We caught up with the group when we got to the taxi, naturally more people = cheaper taxi so we got as many as possible. During the taxi ride I kinda just sat there staring out the window thinking about the Lucy situation. Damning myself for ever introducing Samantha and her in the first place. If I hadn't done that maybe things would have worked out differently. Annoying, Lucy's good qualities of caring about others feelings so much kinda worked against me.

We get back to the apartment and by this point I have shaken the bad thoughts out of my head and was ready to be social again and carry on enjoying my time visiting. The girls go into Amy's room almost immediately to change into PJs.

After they get changed they come back out into the living room and we sit talking again. I make a comment about Amy flashing me her boobs in KFC and I ask her if I can see the bite-mark again. Without a moment’s hesitation she pulls up her top (no bra to be found under the PJs) and flashes her tits again. Jesus. I can see why these girls are best friends. Lucy gasps. I push my luck and ask if I can feel the bite-mark… Gotta try… Didn't let me :) haha. A few moments pass and I point how dirty Amy's feet where from walking barefoot. She goes a bit mental. "arghhh whattttt omg i cant go to bed like that"

She tells me to come wash her feet in the bath??? We get in the bathroom and she turns the shower on, she pulls off all her clothes, stands in the bath and passes me the shower head to clean her feet for her. I did what any guy would do and I 'accidentally' sprayed the shower all over her body before actually washing her feet like she requested. Obviously she could have just done this herself. Hell even if she needed help she could have done it without getting naked. But who am I to question a drunk girls logic. I could feel my dick getting hard in my jeans. I knew I had to readjust, but Amy spotted my attempts and knew immediately what my problem was.

Meanwhile, I should add the bathroom door was wide open. Amy shouted out for Lucy to come to the bathroom. Lucy walks in the bathroom and clearly looks bemused to the whole situation, before Amy eventually blurts out "he's hard hahahaha!". Lucy looks kind of mad about this. She dragged me out the bathroom. Into Amy's bedroom and we both lay down on the bed, as close next to each other as we could without actually spooning. It was nice though. Just lying there with the girl I came all this way to see. It was the first time we had been alone properly, actually. She leant over me and hugged me while laying down, kissed me briefly on the lips and smiled. Then apologised for Amy.

Before of course Amy re-entered the room wearing just a towel and interrupted everything. Amy left the room again sensing she had interrupted something. Once we regain some privacy, Lucy says "This situation reminds me so much of the night at the hotel". She wasn't wrong. It did me too. I was taken back a bit by her bringing it up, as I thought it would be a "pretend it never happened" type situation. Obviously she may have enjoyed that night more than I thought.

I remark about how that was pretty much the most prominent memory I have of Samantha, and I reckon that's just because she (Lucy) was in the memory. Lucy then goes on to express how she still thinks about it. (we all know what that means).

As we lay there smiling at each other, Amy creeps the door open, now back in her PJs. And says we can either join her, in her bed or we can get out and sleep in the living room. We couldn't be bothered to move, so I pull off my jeans and climb into bed. Not loads of space with us all in there, but I wind up next to Lucy and spoon her. As we are laid there talking still I am thinking about the hotel room night. I can feel my dick getting harder, not the best thing to happen when spooning Lucy with just my boxers on.

I know for a fact I am starting to poke her with it. Amy makes a comment about a dance they did earlier and both the girls start wiggling their bums as if they were dancing. I warn Lucy "If you don't want to be poked, I'd be careful about how you're wiggling that arse on my crotch". She seemed to take my warning as a challenge more so. and yep. Before I knew it, my dick was rock hard. Lucy grabbed my hand I had wrapped over her and put it on her boob. As soon as that happened and I didn't complain, she saw that as a greenlight to reach behind her to grab my dick. Bear in mind this whole time Amy was laying just ahead of us both in the same bed, none the wiser.

After a while I moved my hand off her boob and went down into her PJ bottoms and felt her pussy, holy shit she was wet. This whole situation being so 'in the moment' and 'naughty' with Amy right there was a major turn on for us both it seemed. That sexual tension which had built up since the Hotel night. I was rubbing her Pussy quite freely, but obviously Lucy couldn't exactly return the favour without it being really obvious what was going on. I could tell though, Lucy wanted me to herself in this moment. I was okay with that. In fact, that's what I wanted more than anything, I wasn't interested in Amy.

There was no way we could do more though, without Amy knowing. Even me rubbing her clit was very gentle to keep it sneaky. Which only made things hotter. My dick was hard enough to support a suspension bridge. I pulled out Lucy's arse and shoved my dick between her legs, rubbing against her pussy. Holy shit. Lucy then tried to push my dick inside, but it took a while to finally get it in. It's not the easiest position to get a decently sized dick into a tight pussy.

This was not as discrete as me and Lucy must have both imagined because she let out a huge sigh, I did too. It felt so amazing. All these years of sexual tension just released in that moment.

Amy quickly sat up though, she asked what was going on back there. I lay there, dick still inside Lucy (under the sheets so she couldn't see) and pretended to be asleep. hahaha fucking classic. Lucy asked what she meant. "I heard you both just let out a sigh… " Amy said, Lucy replied "Yeah I'm not very comfy" Then we all readjusted positions a bit and just like that, my dick had exited the valley of dreams. The moment was dead. Lucy had gone to lay on her back instead (which meant I had even less space in the bed now) and I felt awkward, like I knew lucy moving onto her back was her saying to me "yea best not stick your dick in me with Amy here"

However, it also said, hey look, my pussy is easier to reach with your hand now, which she confirmed as she guided my hand back down her PJ bottoms, in that moment, whatever blood left my penis, well it knew it was time to come back. I went back to just rubbing her clit, she came, which she disguised as further readjusting her position in the bed, it was genius, actually she kinda jolted from the orgasm but in the same motion sat up and moved a bit to make it seem as though nothing bad happened. I was impressed. She carried on playing with my dick really softly. but that's all it needed. I came all over the inside of my boxers. Quite frankly it was disgusting. but so worth it. I pretended to get up to go to the toilet, got my next days boxers out my bag which was in the living room, cleaned up and got back into bed and spooned the night away with Lucy.

I haven't had chance to meet up with Lucy since this though, mainly because I started dating a girl in my hometown. We still talk, and we have made some light plans to meet up some time this summer so we shall see what happens this time. Maybe I can come back and write a glorious story about passionate sex ;)


I threw away the boxers, no mother should have to wash those.



  1. Not quite a threesome. Sounds as though Amy would have been up for something if you let on. Or maybe that’s my imagination wishfully thinking better of the situation. So the sex with Lucy lasted… Ten seconds?

  2. Was never claiming it was a threesome :P Probably could have been but it didn’t go that way. I wouldn’t even call it sex, my dick just slipped inside her and that was it really. I got like one thrust in, but there was no way we could have had proper sex. We maybe could have sneaked out the bed to the living room in hindsight

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