“I’m sorry John. We accidentally used your bed for fucking” [F/M]

It was somewhere in the summer when I just turned 19 and John and I (whom I’ve already told a little story about) were out in the park to meet up with one of John’s best friends. He told us his name was Matt. He did a study somewhere in Sweden, was 21 years old and compared to his younger friend John (and actually any guy in the park that day) incredibly handsome. A strong tanned body, that sexy English accent and a hug I could hide away in all day.

As I said in my story on John and me, we were nothing but friends at the time. He had that stereotypical friend zone vibe that just wasn’t working for me. I always had that feeling that he fancied me a little, but I tried to ignore it. He was just not my type then, but I also didn’t want to lose him as a friend. And most of the time this was working for us, but there were these occasions when we went out and I was dancing with someone else, that I could feel his stare. And I felt sorry for him.

The day we met Matt was such an occasion, I really wanted a taste of that fine English meat, but how could I, knowing that John wasn’t going to let me.

Unfortunately nothing really happened that day. We talked. We ate ice-cream. Laid in the grass. And talked some more (I loved to hear Matt talk). When the sun set and we were about to say our goodbyes, he asked me for my number. Matt shook John’s hand and then turned to me catching me again in his arms, holding me and giving a soft kiss on my cheek. He said we should do something again sometime. I didn’t know if he was talking to the two of us, but I remembered his eyes only looking into mine. However, John answered his request with a “Yea, we should”. As Matt got on the train I really hoped I/we would see him again soon.

We did.

I was thrilled to hear from John that Matt asked him when we could meet again a week later. I remember John telling me that Matt specifically asked whether his “lady friend” could join them. We decided to go to the movies and then have some drinks. When I was walking towards the steps in front of the cinema, I could already spot Matt sitting there and by the look on his face, he had also spotted me (I really wanted to impress Matt this time and the extreme weather was giving me the perfect excuse to wear my short black skirt and loose white shirt which fell perfectly around my DD sized breasts and was just short enough to show my bellybutton). I liked him looking at me as I made my way towards him. I could feel his gaze penetrating me and I was wondering if he noticed I wasn’t wearing a bra (I hope he did).

As was to be expected, I said in between the two guys. I don’t even remember what movie it was. All I could remember was the tension that was between the Matt and John. I had the feeling that I had to make a choice. It was as if John was asking me which of them I wanted. I wanted Matt. So to answer the question I stood up and leaned over Matt to reach for my purse. Slowly, with my breasts hovering a few inches above his crotch and forcing my butt up to make sure he wasn’t watching the movie anymore. I got back in my seat with my phone in my hand, acting like I had something to check urgently. I guess he saw I didn’t even unlock it (and only wanted to put on a show), because he had put his arm on my armchair with his hand hanging above my leg. I stroked it and he laid his warm hand on the inside of my leg.

When the movie ended and the lights slowly woke, Matts hand retreated from my leg, I think he knew of the feelings John had for me, but I also noticed his feelings towards me looking at his bulge when he stood up. I pulled my skirt down and I smiled at Matt as we walked out of the cinema. I knew we had the plan to go grab a drink, but I didn’t want to anymore, I was getting horny in the movie theatre, I just wanted to lay down and relax (preferably with Matt on me). Just as I wanted to share my idea with the group, Matt raised his voice and told John that he was tired and wanted to go home (he slept at Johns place because he lives in Sweden). John agreed and said goodbye to me, but apparently Matt didn’t want to part ways just yet. He took my hand and asked if I could come with.

I could.

After 20 minutes of walking, sweating and awkward silences, we finally arrived at Johns placed. I didn’t mind the sweat though. Matts back was dripping wet and I could see his strong back muscles moving around as he walked up the stairs. In turn I was also covered with wetness and there was no doubt that he didn’t notice the lack of bra under my shirt. Everything was sticking against each other and my shirt that, at the beginning of the evening, was so lose and windy, was now between and around my boobs, giving the exact location of my nipples. As we were waiting for John to unlock his apartment, Matt and I were practically standing against each other. Only a few inches away from the tip of my breasts touching his stomach and his cock touching my bellybutton.

Still recovering from the walk and sexual tension that was building up all evening we sat down on his couch. John put on a movie and took some beers from the fridge. As he was done providing us, he took off his shirt and told us he was getting a shower. Matt and I looked at each other and John left us. It felt so natural when Matt put his arm around me and it felt so easy when he placed his other hand again on the inside of my leg. I drank some beer and slowly placed my hand on his belly. After a few minutes of him massaging my leg and me feeling his abs, I slowly descended down. Playing with his pants and finally getting in and touching the sweaty skin of his hard cock. The wetness was slowly replacing the sweat in my panties and I was getting more aroused with every stroke I gave him. He abandoned his safe place on my leg and moved over to my neck, touching everything on the journey. He took me by my neck and turned my head. He gave me a long and passionate kiss and when he stopped and wanted to move down again to take hold of my warm end wet boob, we heard the door opening. John was done. And so were we.

Matt was second in line to have a shower and I was last. And although the water was a refreshing escape from the awkward fifteen minutes alone with John, I missed Matt’s hand on my leg. And I was seriously doubting whether to masturbate in the shower to get him out of my mind, but I didn’t have to. I heard a knocking on the door. I stopped the water to ask what it was. “Violet, let me in”. It wasn’t John’s voice, it was Matt’s! I opened the door a tiny bit so that the boys wouldn’t see me naked. “Where is John?” I asked. “He’s gone to get Chinese or something”. I opened so that he could gaze upon my naked body. He took off his shirt and pulled me into the room and pressed me hard against the wall. My bare breasts against him and his bulge pulsing against my naked belly. I kissed his neck and turned him over so he was against the wall. I went down on my knees and started to undo his belt.

When I shoved his pants down I could finally see what he had been hiding for me all night. I took the head of his thick cock between my lips and started to suck it. Softly. Slowly. Getting deeper with every bob of my head. I could feel him grow bigger and myself growing wetter. After getting almost to the base and having felt every inch of his cock in detail I wanted him to fuck me so I detached myself from his warm and now even bigger dick. He understood me. He took me up, lifting me by my legs and holding me up with my pussy against his cum covered cock. He laid me down on John’s bed and rubbed my clit with the top of his dick a few times before entering. As he went deeper I slowly moaned and arched my back to open up for him. As all the inches were inside he waited a few seconds before slowly moving out and in and out… He pounded me faster and I moaned louder and louder. I loved to look down and watch his huge dick disappear inside me.

I couldn’t hold back any longer and with a final thrust I came all over his dick. Tightening my legs and contracting fast and loud. As he came out with his dick still hard and dripping with cum and sweat, I knew what he wanted. I pushed him back, came of the bed and began to suck his dick again, but faster, much more aggressive and much deeper than before. I could feel he was about to cum in my mouth, so I took him out of my throat and placed the head between my lips as I jerked the shaft with both hands as fast as I could. He could only last a few seconds before his dick began twisting and shooting a huge load of warm cum in my mouth, down my throat. He stroke my hair as he finished coming and I finished swallowing the rest of the semen. I stood up and he kissed me on my forehead. I kissed him on his neck, walked away, into the bathroom and put on some clothes.

When John arrived with the food we were just in time back on the couch to be acting like nothing ever happened.

Until today John hasn’t found out anything about me and Matt and I hope he never will, because next month we will be going on a holiday to Sweden and I know just the fun place to stay at.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/32ta3f/im_sorry_john_we_accidentally_used_your_bed_for


  1. So you’re dating John now, but you fucked his best friend before you guys got together because he was in the friendzone? On his own bed no less? If I was John I’d be leaving you in an instant.

  2. A. John and I are not really dating as much as we are fooling around a bit and B. John doesn’t even know ;)

  3. He has a right to know. He had an interest first and it was his bed. I feel bad for him that you friendzoned him and then when you wanted him he was still just a horny boy enough to want you too. Only when you saw him for more was it okay to have sex. I wouldn’t be dumb enough to leave you and Matt alone together and on the off chance I couldn’t avoid that situation I would absolutely know that you guys fucked while I was gone. Good thing John is not the brightest light bulb – for your sake.

  4. As long as John knows you’re just fwb’s then I guess he won’t mind you fooling around with Matt too

  5. Not to hop on the band wagon too much. But I was in that situation once. Make sure he gets that you’re just FWB because I guarantee he doesn’t. Especially if he’s been pining after you for as long as you suggest he has.

  6. How did we get the idea that they’re FWB? I didn’t get that impression. Maybe I overread a line. Anyways she should tell him. Was in a situation like that aswell. It’s hard to find out about stuff like that by "accident" or over other people gossiping.

  7. > A. John and I are not really dating as much as we are fooling around a bit That pretty much means FWB as far as I’m concerned. I don’t think she needs to tell him that anything happened, she just needs to make sure that he gets that they’re only FWB so that he doesn’t get hurt when she ends up sleeping with other guys.

  8. Actually, you know what? Fuck it, at the time you didn’t want John, you wanted Matt. So you fucked Matt. Good for you. You’re not obligated to sleep with John, the ‘friendzone’ is bullshit. Now, some time later, you’re sleeping with John, presumably because you want to now- good for you. If at some point in the future you want to bang Matt… Well, first you need to make sure John understands that you see you two as non-exclusive, non-monogamous. If ok with that, great, if he wants a monogamous relationship (which is a valid emotion for him to have) it might be better to break it off. Mostly I’m just shocked at the people who come to this sub to read stories of sexy women being sexy, then slut-shame them. WTH.

  9. There is no slut shaming going on here. Majority of people just feel that John deserves to be told that his bed was used by his two best friends behind his back. Now she has changed her mind and wants John after thinking he was just a buddy, he has a right to know what happened. As much as she deserved to act on urges for Matt, John needs to know what happened so he can decide if that friendship is worth keeping – which she isn’t a good friend to keep.

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