A night I will never forget. [M23, F23, F24]

Just going to set this up so you understand the situation a bit better as whole.

Also, this is going to be long. So get a cup of coffee or something and chill for this one :)

At the time, I was 23, my GF (Samantha) was 24 and her best friend (Lucy) was 23. I had been with my GF for around 3 or 4 years at this point. At the time, our relationship was rocky at best. I stuck around because I didn't know really what life would be like without her and I didn't want to find out. I had developed some major trust issues with her and really everything was a ticking timebomb. I knew that, which is why I had no qualms about what happened that night.

So yea, I met my GF pretty much the first night of University and she, along with the other girl struggled to meet new friends for whatever reason. Lucy lived in the University Halls the room opposite mine, so I was able to get her and my GF to start hanging out together, so they became best friends, at University.

The 3 years of University flew by. Before I knew it, all 3 of us where graduating. Interestingly, Lucy spent 3 years of Uni in a relationship with her BF back home and as soon as she finished Uni, they pretty much broke up. My GF and I wound becoming long distance at this point though, but it was around 2 hours apart on the train. All 3 of us, infact lived in seperate towns.

So my GF came to visit me and we decided it would be good if we went to Lucy's hometown to visit her, I did all the talking to Lucy when organising it. She seemed very happy about the meetup, borderline flirting with me despite knowing my GF would probably be reading all the texts.

The day consisted of first, going to Meadowhall (a large shopping "mall" here in the UK, near Sheffield). Upon meeting up with Lucy, the first thing I noticed was the extremely tight jeans she wore. Damn her arse looked amazing. It has never been a secret in the past I found Lucy attractive. My GF knew, Lucy knew, the rest of my Uni friends knew. It was basically out there in the open and a running 'joke' I wanted a threesome with Lucy and my GF. Neither them minded me making the occasional remark regarding Lucy's lovely derrière. Weirdly so, the three of us went into Ann Summers (Lingerie/Sex Toy shop). Somehow I was left alone with Lucy in the shop as my GF wandered off looking for a bra that would actually fit her (32DD, hard to find in the UK apparently). In this time Lucy was asking me for my opinion on what I liked underwear wise. So I essentially picked out the underwear my GF's best friend was going to wear later that night. Not sure how strange that is. but again. My GF knew this was happening, but she didn't make a problem of it.

After this shopping trip, the plan was to go see a movie (PitchPerfect), get some food, go back to our hotel room (me and my GF's) and get ready to go out for drinks. As you can see, everything we seemed to do was for the girls (apart from the food obviously). If I weren't so comfortable around both the girls I would have hated every second of it, apart from the underwear part.

So we get back after some food to the hotel room and chill out with some drinks we brought in with us, Lucy goes for a shower leaving me alone with my GF for the first time of the day. We get a few gropes and kisses in while we have a bit of privacy, but we don't get too naughty since Lucy will obviously finish her shower at any moment, however since my GF was planning to get the next shower she wasn't too bothered by the fact I had started to undress her. I'm nice like that you see, helping in any way I can. Just as my GF is down to only her underwear, the bathroom door opens. Steam from the shower flows out moments before a towel covered Lucy struts out.

You probably know where this is going.

Except you don't because this isn't even the good bit.

My GF looks a bit uneasy with this development, finally she shows some hint of jealousy you would expect from her friend being a bit flirty with her BF. She is unwilling to go in the shower herself as it would leave me alone in a room with a hot girl in just a small hotel towel. (Bear in mind my GF knows me very well and knows I find that really hot when she does it). A very bad, albeit natural, part of me really wants my GF to go in the shower on the off chance Lucy drops that towel and gives me a view I wouldn't forget.

After some serious stalling, and a few moments from lucy which displayed more flesh than my GF was happy with, my GF eventually dragged me into the bathroom with her. My GF didn't let this obvious discomfort on with Lucy mind you, she was in a way going along with it. but you could tell, the GF part of her didn't want her BF enjoying the sights of her friend too much. Which is fine, not like I expect to be allowed to sit there watching Lucy pull a towel off her perfect body.

So we shower together and, as you may have experienced in the past yourselves, the hotel only had 2 towels, and 2 hand wash towels.

So we had a bit of a predicament in the bathroom as we realised this fact far too late. So I wait there naked in the bathroom as my GF runs out in a towel to go fetch the one from Lucy for me to reuse, yay soggy towel!.

I hear a comment from the room from my GF along the lines of "God damn it, you're in no rush to wear clothes today are you". My GF comes back into the bathroom with the towel, informing me she had to rip the towel off Lucy. Not sure she meant it to sound the way it did in my head, but my dick certainly didn't care as I imagined that happening right behind that door and it got a little bit harder with each bit of blood pumped through it.

So I wrap the towel around my waist, and my now semi erect dick has left a rather distracting buldge visible on the surface of the towel. As I was dragged into the bathroom, the fresh underwear and clothes for the evening where not in the bathroom with me.

I poke my head around the corner through the bathroom door to ask Lucy to throw me my bag with the items in I wanted. As I do this I see Lucy completely naked, bending over reaching into her Ann Summers bag, I sometimes wonder if she held that position the whole time waiting for me to exit and see, as honestly it was too perfect to be accidental. I stood there mouth agape and looked back into the bathroom at my GF who was too busy with her eyeliner to notice anything. That sight hadn't done my semi any favours, by now the damn thing was holding the towel up.

I still hadn't actually got my bag. At this point, knowing Lucy was completely naked I wasn't sure what to do about retrieving the bag. During my hesitation my hard on went back down to a semi level so without wanting to run into the awkward situation of seeing Lucy naked (again) I shout out asking if she can bring me my bag.

"Hold on, give me a sec" she called out. To be honest, I suspected she was using this 'sec' to put some damn clothes on. Either way, I was horny as fuck and since my GF had just finished with her eye liner, it was now safe for me to rub my semi hard dick up against her arse. Towels still the only thing covering us. Just as I finished being a horny, sex deprived little git, Lucy appeared around the corner with my bag wearing just the thong I had advised she buy earlier and a top (which she also bought earlier, tags still on – am I weird or is there something sexy about a girl wearing clothes with the tags still on, or maybe the sexy part was the almost naked bottom half of her body…. yeah was probably that) covering the top half of her body. She looked straight at the growing buldge in my towel and seemingly just held her eyes there for far longer than what would be a socially acceptable amount of time to look at a taken man's dick.

She then gave me some serious "Tell your GF to fuck off and come fuck my brains out eyes" and did a gentle little twirl as if to a) highlight she is wearing the underwear she bought earlier and b) To give me the best view possible of her beautiful arse. The twirl set her in the direction away from the bathroom and she walked back towards the bed and I could not refrain from sticking my head out the doorway to watch her arse wiggle as she walked away from the bathroom.

This was some very strange, but incredibly hot behaviour. My GF, I don't even think noticed any of this as she has now moved onto applying more makeup. Again, in my lost control, horny mindstate I closed the bathroom door and turned to my GF and made it seem like the real reason I was so horny was because of her. I pulled her towel off her, and dropped mine so we were both stark naked and pushed up behind her, rubbing my dick against her pussy. She moaned in a sexy way to stop because we can't have sex right there with Lucy in the next room. Reluctantly I stopped, but my problem remained. and it remained for the whole evening as we went out for drinks.

By the time me and Samantha left the bathroom dressed, Lucy had put on her tight little skirt. I'd already seen way more than I should have done but that didn't stop me wishing I had just been a complete pervert and tried to catch her full frontal.

I must confess, I did feel a lot of tension, shame and guilt as I kept playing all this back in my head all night. With each drink, the image of Lucy bending right over so sexually like that became more arousing. I spent most of the night with a hard dick tucked into my belt. Honestly though, I was about ready to explode. As the night went on, the girls started getting more tipsy and seemed to be almost taunting my poorself (hah). Dancing with each other, grabbing each others arse. That sort of stuff. At one point my own GF even grabbed MY hand and put it on Lucy's arse telling me to feel how amazing it feels. She was right, it did feel amazing.

Since Lucy was from the area, the original plan was for her to go home after the drinks and leave me and my GF to the hotel room. At this point I just wanted Lucy to go away so I could fuck my GF for the 15 seconds I would manage to last after all this. but no, Lucy decided she wanted to come to the hotel room for more drinks. Samantha agreed, so there you go it happened.

I was torn in emotion about this at the time. On the one hand my porn instincts were telling me this is the perfect set up for a threesome, on the other hand my BF instincts were telling me there is no way Samantha would let me fuck her best friend and this is just delaying me getting laid, if not preventing completely if Lucy ends up crashing in our room.

So we get up to the room, the girls immediately jump onto the bed and my GF playfully mounts Lucy as if she were riding her. I blurt out "Sammy, you're mounting the wrong person!" which was met with a giggle from both the ladies.

Sammy then glanced over at the Ann Summers bag (not sure what her original intention was for looking over there) and she noticed it had already been emptied. She then said, again in a playful teasing manner, "oh I see you're wearing the underwear my BF picked out for you".

At this point Lucy began to get extremely embarrased, spotting this Samantha said, rather seductively "Don't worry, he picked out mine too!" She then raised her bum up off Lucy enough so she could pull her dress right off before continuing her sentence "See! He's got good taste!".

Lucy agreed and all of a sudden Samantha appeared next to me and pushed me onto the bed, exclaiming she was now going to mount the 'right' person.

I weren't sure what was going on, but I now had a half naked, drunked GF on top of me, dry humping her pussy on my dick, kissing me. It almost seemed like the jealousy from earlier was taking it's toll and Samantha was basically saying "THIS IS MINE".

I was so horny from the shenanigans earlier that my dick was basically busting out my jeans. I didn't even care I just started making out heavily with Samantha, I forgot about Lucy for a moment. I think we both did. Before I heard a gentle voice from Lucy explaining "Guys, I'm still here you know", but it was said in a nice tone which showed she wasn't disgusted by it.

Samantha then lept off me and went straight to Lucy and tried pulling her clothes off explaining she wants to see the underwear I picked for her. It was crazy, it's like my GF had been possessed by a bisexual sex demon. I fucking loved it. Lucy didn't even prevent her clothes being taken from her. Samantha's reaction to the now underwear clad Lucy was "Holy shit you look good" and then proceeded to make out with her, with me rubbing my now diamond hard dick through my jeans as I watched.

After a while, Samantha turned to me and unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them of. I looked over at Lucy who was watching every second of it, I could almost see the buldge in towel incident in the reflections of her eyes. My jeans where off and next my shirt, until all 3 of us where in nothing but underwear. My GF then pulled her hands behind her back and took her bra off, exposing her damned amazing 32DD's to the audience of me and Lucy. Not long after Samantha headed back towards my boxers and pulled out my dick and wasted no time at all in putting it in her mouth.

I forgot Lucy existed for a moment as my mouth in that wet sloppy mouth of my GF was ecstacy after being hard basically the whole evening. After a few minutes my GF stopped and looked over at Lucy who was now rubbing herself through her underwear. God damn. Samantha then pulled down her own knickers revealing her tight little pink pussy, this was the type of pussy that caused wars. Honestly, it was immaculate. she climbed back on top of me as Lucy watched and attempted to put it inside her but it wouldn't go, for some reason me and her could never start with her on top, I always had to carefully put it in missionary to get things started. So I flipped her over and did just that.

I looked across at Lucy who had now moved her underwear out of the way to reveal an almost equally war inducing pussy, and was really properly masturbating now as she watched me fuck Samantha.

After a few minutes I could feel myself coming already, so I pulled out of her and laid on my back and looked towards Lucy who was now removing the remaining items of underwear. Bra first. Then she slipped off her thong. But Samantha wasn't waiting around to watch that happen, she had climbed on top of me and put my dick inside her. You have no idea how good it felt as she dropped herself slowly down my dick with her tight pussy.

It was weird because Lucy being naked, playing with her pussy was more interesting to me than the fact my equally attractive GF was bouncing up and down on my rock hard cock. I guess the interest of the unknown. I wanted so badly to find out what Lucy's pussy felt like.

I had to be careful, I was already treading into territory I would never have expected from my GF.

I wasn't quite sure where I stood in this situation, and I didn't want to find out the wrong way. Was I going to be allowed to fuck Lucy or not?

After I realised I couldn't handle my dick being rode much longer I stopped Samantha with the hidden intention of moving closer towards Lucy to see what will happen.

Samantha went onto all fours and crawled over to Lucy "THIS IS IT" I thought, but what actually happened was even hotter.

I watched from behind Samantha as she dove her head right into Lucy's pussy and started to use her tongue on her. I had no choice but to put my dick in Samantha doggy style and fuck her as she 'tried' to perform oral on her best friend.

I say 'tried' because she kept stopping the oral to let out the sexiest moans I have ever heard come out from her. Honestly, this is and always will be the hottest thing I will ever see in my life. Fucking my girl while she's going down on Lucy. Dark haired girl and Blonde haired girl, It's the perfect mix.

I still wanted to fuck Lucy really badly though. and I was struggling more and more to carry on pounding Samantha from behind as I just wanted to blow my load so bad. but at the same I wanted this moment to last forever. Especially since there was still a chance I could fuck Lucy if I played my cards right.

Lucy was really enjoying my GF going down on her, two girls moaning at the same time is a better sound than any singer can muster up. I had to make a move soon if I was going to fuck Lucy though, my GF wasn't exactly going to set that up herself.

I pulled out of her and she stopped on Lucy, I looked at Samantha, then I looked directly at Lucy's open legs and back at Samantha. That was as big a hint I dared to give, but it was enough.

Enough for my GF to shake her head "no" and imply rather clearly that I wasn't allowed to fuck Lucy. I went back onto my back and Samantha climbed back up onto my dick, she didn't seem fazed by my obvious request. Rather amusingly, my GF was soon met with the exact same hint from Lucy, Lucy looked at Samantha and then my face while rubbing her clit.

My GF gave her the nod and before I knew it my face was gloriously smothered in pussy.

She was wiggling around like crazy on my face as I tried to retain my tongue on her clit, I managed for long enough to make Lucy come hard. Which, in turn. Turned me on so much that I came inside Samantha, I confess I couldn't actually see how Samantha reacted to it all since Lucy was covering my face! but the noises I heard told a good story. Lucy then collapsed off me to the right and Samantha slowly lifted herself away as my now spent dick flopped out of her and come drizzled out of her pussy, but she didn't care, she just collapsed the other side of me.

We all fell asleep as we laid there trying to catch our breath. I remember having a terrible nights sleep though as they both kept getting up in the night, like you know how bad it is with just one girl getting up in the night to pee, imagine two… fuck sake. The best part is that neither of them but any clothes back on so I got to see the goods of Lucy once again in the morning! was no morning sex though, despite my obvious morning wood. I guess my GF decided I had already had way more than she wanted me to have!

So me and Samantha ended up breaking up about a year later for unrelated issues. We don't really speak anymore, I still speak to Lucy and meet up with her time to time. I have another amusing story with her kinda similar to this which I could post if there's interest. Lucy is damned amazing though but I can't be in a relationship with her despite the feelings we both have due to the history and the fact her and Samantha are still good friends. but I have wankbank material for life, and I loved every second of writing this out, hence why it's so fucking loooooooooong.

TL;DR No sex will ever compare to this in my life ever again so I may aswell just lock myself in a room and search for the closest porn video I can find to my situation.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/32oyct/a_night_i_will_never_forget_m23_f23_f24


  1. Lucy ….Samantha..Sounds like someones got a Scarlett Johansson Fetish…(Movie GeeK Alert)

  2. Did you forget to write the part where you pulled your camera out and took a bunch of pictures for your horny friends on Reddit? ;)

  3. Yeah I could use another Lucy story. Makes me mad though that your girl was too prudish to let you fuck her friend.

  4. Holy fuck. One of the hottest stories I’ve read on the sub! Definitely hanging to hear more of Lucy!

  5. I wish I had pictures. I have plenty of Samantha still but eh…. :P

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