NSFW reminder at Work [MF]

Before affiliate links, Amazon had introduced a “Smile” campaign for non-profits to make a little money off of transactions from folks who registered their preferred organizations with their accounts. I was working in a marketing department at the time and was tasked with putting together some collateral and tutorials on how to set it up for our customers.

My manager wanted to walk me through the process, so she had me come to her desk to watch her go through the steps on her screen. When she logged in, she couldn’t go through the proper steps as she had already registered the company we worked for as her preferred organization. She logged out and told me to enter in my info and we’d walk through it from there.

I typed in my credentials, stepped back and she clicked to log in. My account opened up with the full screen “you forgot this in your cart” notification which included a very large picture of a vibrating cock ring. My girlfriend and I had been trying toys for the first time and my manager got a peak. She lifted her hands off of her keyboard and exclaimed “I don’t even know what this is” and clicked out. It was never brought up, at least with me.

Office Event Affair [MF]

In a previous job, I would assist in the logistics of higher budget events put on to recognize professionals in the related field. After a few years of helping facilitate these evenings, I learned that it was common for the professionals to disguise these evenings as a long night of work and would head to nearby hotels with each other for quiet affairs. I learned this of course from a co-worker who I was in an affair with. She had been in a similar role at a related company where folks would co-mingle with our participants to switch it up. I started to notice how touchy the attendees would get as the evenings progressed. It was hard to ignore how sexually charged the air was.

After one of these particular events, my co-worker and I sat together near the exit and watched the attendees leaving, trying to guess who was about to sneak off with who and to which hotel. She was wearing a dress and would sit close enough for me to offer access between her bare legs. I slowly ran my fingers across her inner thigh as she would say things like “Those two, hotel a block away. She will start as the top and slowly transition over time to him sweating over her until he climaxes. Probably a screamer.”

Snow Day Affair [M20s/F40s] [Affair]

During a time in which I participated in an affair with a co-worker, our employer would practice snow days based on the local schools. If the nearby school was delayed or closed due to snow, the office would follow suit. My coworker who I was in an affair with had kids who attended a different school didtrict. They did not have a snow day and our office had a late start. So, we decided that I would make the trip to her and she would sneak me into her house.

Her husband was always at the office early (regardless of weather), so after she dropped her kids off, I met her at a nearby park to leave my car. Quickly hopping into hers, we lowered the seat and snuck me into her house. Our hands immediately reached for each other’s desired body parts as we stepped in from the garage. My left hand gently pinching her nipple through her clothing, right hand reaching for the button on her pants. Both of her hands went for my cock.

Flirty, but not Bold [MF]

I had been working on a project where a collaborator was brought in who I was specifically told to not fall for. Do the project, keep my mind on the final product. Look, but don’t touch.

Turns out we worked really well together. Her and I started creating our own projects on the side which led to frequent 1×1 time.

On one particular evening, I was at her apartment before we went to meet up with some of her friends from college. Her and I were listening to music and pre-gaming with some drinks in her apartment kitchen. We slow danced in a dorky fashion to a few tunes.

After about the third song still holding eachother, she quietly said “hmmmm. Flirty, but not bold” into my ear. I pushed her to arms length and made eye contact to which she replied with a smirk. I turned her around, bent her over her kitchen island while unbuttoning her pants and slipped three fingers to her pussy. In a sultry playful voice “whoa… Who are you?”

Cubicle Blowjob [MF]

During an affair with a co-worker, my partner (who I’ll refer to as “L”) shared a cubicle wall with a pretty disagreeable human who was often on an offensive, personal rant to anyone within proximity.

The cubicles in our office had walls that didn’t reach the ceiling, leaving no enclosed private space. Each door had a foot wide window expanding from just below the floor to the top of the cube wall. L and I would give each other quick flashes from time to time as my desk was located across from L’s without a door (L was higher up in the office hierarchy than I – hence a “better” desk).

A few weeks prior to this particular story, I tested the waters of an empty back half of the office and put on a small tease for L in her cube, unbuttoning the top couple buttons of my shirt, her pawing for my cock. Timing was everything for this ridiculous show as again it was during an exceptionally vacant day.

Office Basement and Stairs [MF]

At a previous job of mine, I was in an affair with a coworker who had a full family schedule. We would mostly fool around right after work or more often than not, in the office. There was a basement that no one visited as it was mostly storage and a server room (also rarely visited).

It was a long hallway of a basement with access on either side only via stairs. When both of us were horny on the busier days, we would text each other to meet at the stairs. On days she wore a dress or skirt, she would slip off her panties at her desk for the occasion. I would stand behind her, a couple steps down and lick her pussy from behind. From time to time I would penetrate with a finger, but that always led to a quicky.

Sometimes we would leave one side of the basements lights off and fuck on the floor in the dark. On the off chance a coworker came down, the light would alert us. Our office had a business casual dress code, but the mentioned dress and skirt days always brought the energy. She wouldn’t wear any leggings and I would sometimes perv on her bare legs, knowing I would be in between them at some point during the day.

Snow Day Affair [MF]

During the time I was in an affair with a co-worker, our employer would practice snow days based on the local schools. If the nearby school was delayed or closed due to snow, the office would follow suit. My coworker who I was in an affair with had kids who attended a different school didtrict. They did not have a snow day and our office had a late start. So, we decided that I would make the trip to her and she would sneak me into her house.

Her husband was always at the office early (regardless of weather), so after she dropped her kids off, I met her at a nearby park to leave my car. Quickly hopping into hers, we lowered the seat and snuck me into her house. Our hands immediately reached for each other’s desired body parts as we stepped in from the garage. My left hand gently pinching her nipple through her clothing, right hand reaching for the button on her pants. Both of her hands went for my cock.

Playing Chicken with a Co-Worker Became an Affair [MF]

At a previous job, I had a cubicle across the way from a married woman. We got a long very well, she helped me through a breakup and we talked about emotions and all that stuff fairly frequently. After some time, things started to feel flirty but I wasn’t sure how to break the ice.

I asked her if she wanted to play sexual chicken. She asked how I meant and I suggested we push the boundaries of “Safe for Work” with eachother until we find the boundaries of where we might be uncomfortable. She blushed and asked where would we start? She was wearing a dress that day so I said “I’ll drop a pen under your desk and go under to retrieve it. Open your legs if you’re not a chicken.”

While reaching for the pen, I noticed she was displaying baby blue and white striped panties. I hadnt given consideration to the thought of her actually participating and I became very hard (which she noticed when I got up to leave her desk). We were both blushing and anxious.