Cubicle Blowjob [MF]

During an affair with a co-worker, my partner (who I’ll refer to as “L”) shared a cubicle wall with a pretty disagreeable human who was often on an offensive, personal rant to anyone within proximity.

The cubicles in our office had walls that didn’t reach the ceiling, leaving no enclosed private space. Each door had a foot wide window expanding from just below the floor to the top of the cube wall. L and I would give each other quick flashes from time to time as my desk was located across from L’s without a door (L was higher up in the office hierarchy than I – hence a “better” desk).

A few weeks prior to this particular story, I tested the waters of an empty back half of the office and put on a small tease for L in her cube, unbuttoning the top couple buttons of my shirt, her pawing for my cock. Timing was everything for this ridiculous show as again it was during an exceptionally vacant day.

Back to the current story, L and I were both annoyed with our office neighbor’s loud speeches. This day had a full house in the office, but I was feeling risky. L and I had been texting with how we wished we were fucking instead of listening to our neighbor go off, so I snuck across the way and quietly closed the door behind me. I stood in front of the window with my back obstructing any view and quietly undid my belt, opened my fly and presented my cock. Her eyes lit up with surprise and locked onto my standing erection. She rolled her chair close and quietly put me in her mouth. Our co-worker answered a phone call and was talking pretty loud while L explored my shaft with her lips.

I caught myself about to let out the deep satisfied exhale of an orgasm and covered my mouth. L sucked me in with one final increase of pressure to make sure there was no evidence of this interaction. She swallowed and swiveled back to her computer, wiping her lip with her thumb and shared a winking smile. I concealed myself and walked back to my desk with the strangest feeling of euphoria from the riskiest blowjob I had ever received and knew I couldn’t tell anyone about.
