Playing Chicken with a Co-Worker Became an Affair [MF]

At a previous job, I had a cubicle across the way from a married woman. We got a long very well, she helped me through a breakup and we talked about emotions and all that stuff fairly frequently. After some time, things started to feel flirty but I wasn’t sure how to break the ice.

I asked her if she wanted to play sexual chicken. She asked how I meant and I suggested we push the boundaries of “Safe for Work” with eachother until we find the boundaries of where we might be uncomfortable. She blushed and asked where would we start? She was wearing a dress that day so I said “I’ll drop a pen under your desk and go under to retrieve it. Open your legs if you’re not a chicken.”

While reaching for the pen, I noticed she was displaying baby blue and white striped panties. I hadnt given consideration to the thought of her actually participating and I became very hard (which she noticed when I got up to leave her desk). We were both blushing and anxious.

I carefully scurried back to my cube and we took the concept to text messaging. She asked if the house I was living in with my ex at the time was vacant after work. I said it was. She came over after office hours.

I was imagining we would go at a much slower pace and didn’t actually see myself having sex with a married person. We weren’t in the house ten minutes before she asked if I would show her my cock. I unzipped my pants, lowered my briefs and she immediately put it in her mouth. I don’t remember us taking our clothes off, but I remember looking down at her while she was on her knees requesting “fuck my throat”.

There was a bit of an age difference between us and although I’ve mostly been with older women, this was a new age range difference and I was not used to a woman telling me exactly what she wants and I was into it. We were both sweating as I was straddled over her shoulders, thrusting into her throat. The top of her head occasionally bounced off the wall. I felt a little bad, but had never deep throated before and wasn’t going to stop. I put a pillow behind her head and continued.

During a brief pause, she told me she wanted me to fuck her. It did feel too fast, especially for one day, but you know how it goes. We fucked for probably an hour before finishing and smoking a little bit on the patio. We got pizza afterwards, both aware of how far we had drifted from our comfort zones, but still felt comfortable.

We’re no longer sexual partners, but we carried on fucking for a few years when we could in the most random places due to circumstances.



  1. That is Awesome… I miss the office environment. I had many flings with other workers back then. mind you this was the 80’s where every office had something sexual going on between alot of those working in the same building. I was working for a Computer Maintenance company then, and It was well known, Every Sales guy was doing his Admin Asst then going home to his wife.

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