That Time In The Car [MF]

It was already slated to be a pretty good night with us going to an art show followed by a nice dinner at that one restaurant where you have pots of hot substances melted for you to dip various other foods in. You know the one.

Anyway, I had a great time and a couple of drinks throughout the night at the show and again with dinner. It was our first time really out in public in more than just a casual way. This was clearly a date (which could be easily be noticed by my short dress and heels) and I was more than happy to be all over you throughout its entirety.

And maybe it was in the air or the lowered inhibitions brought on my mild alcohol consumption, but even before we even got to dessert I found my hands being attracted to your body. Like magnets. I couldn’t keep them off of you. Our kisses elongated and increased in frequency. It was very clear to see where this was heading. Then the dessert came. And for once in my entire existence I wasn’t concerned with the chocolatey goodness sitting before me. I only wanted you.

Room 426

As I walk down the hallway glancing at the typical green carpet, the nerves begin to build. Just thinking of the possibilities that this night could bring caused chills to run down my entire body. I walked up to the door and checked the text again. Room 426. I stood in front of the white hotel room door staring at the gold numbers shining in front of me. Finally, I knocked.

I took a step back as the door opened slowly, unprepared for what came next. Seeing him standing before me became too much. Before I knew what was happening, I leapt towards him, closing my arms behind his neck and buried my head on his chest, taking in his scent. He lifted me up, folding his arms around my waist, pulling me even closer to him. I willed myself to finally look up at him. I stared into his eyes seeing every shade of green shining back at me. I drew my legs up, wrapping them around him and felt his hand move all around the curve of my butt down my thigh just to the end of my black skirt.

Girl At The Party (by request) – [M,F]

He looked around the room trying to find someone, anyone to talk to so that he didn't have to listen to yet another sorority girl tell him that he was her favorite player on the football team. It was fun sometimes, seeing them pretend to know which position he played and what his major might be. But he really wasn't in the mood tonight. He emptied his red cup and made his way to the kitchen for a refill. On his way back to his friends, he saw her. Jessica.

Long, dirty blonde hair swept in front of her beautiful round face and big brown eyes. Her cutoff top putting her amazingly flat stomach on display. The bright pink skirt showing off her incredibly juicy ass and making her already lengthy tanned legs seem endless.

He'd seen her at practice before and at the games several times, being that she is a cheerleader, but he never fully noticed her until now. Maybe it was the sixth cup of cheap beer, or just the sheer site of her, but he wanted her. Now.

Roommates (by request) – [MF, panties]

Once again, your roommate has left all of her panties out to dry all over the apartment. You pick up the closest pair, a black lacy thong and feel the material between your fingers.

Why did it feel so good? And why could you picture her wearing them… and only them?

With your eyes closed, lost in the thought of seeing her in them, you didn't hear her open the door…

"What are you doing with those?"

"I, uh, nothing… You really shouldn't leave them to dry everywhere."

"Looks to me like you might like it," she says with her eyes at your waist.

You instinctively try to cover up as she moves closer to you.

"If you like those, you'll love the ones I have on now… Red is your favorite color, right?" she said with a wink.

What was happening?

"I've been hoping you'd notice me for a while now, but you haven't said anything. I was worried that you didn't find me attractive."

Still in awe, you're frozen as she moves closer to you.

"I… No, you're very attractive. I didn't know you thought of me like that."

Car Ride [m,f]

In your Mustang, we drive around Atlanta heading to our preselected restaurant.

Me in a green dress, watching you drive, so serious looking in your button-up shirt and jeans. Eyes locked onto the road. You can feel me staring. I look down to see a bulge in your jeans. I reach down, rubbing your thighs… Feeling your bulge grow. Unzipping them. Reaching my hand in, pulling out your cock, hearing you gasp. My hand wraps around it, slowly pumping you. I feel the first drops of wetness on my fingertips, so I know you're ready. I inch backwards as you watch, confused. I bend over and lick your precum. My first taste of you. Yum. I lick your shaft and roll my tongue around the tip, paying close attention to the slit, licking it slowly.

You have both hands gripping the wheel as I wrap my lips around your cock and take it inch by inch down my throat. Making sure to taste and suck as much as possible.

My face buried in your pants, I gag just a little. But back up and go down again, taking more of you inside me, feeling you at the back of my throat.

Beach Aftermath [m,f]

Part 1

We walk hand in hand in no direction in particular. Having had our fill of the beach for the day, we stopped at a local ice cream shop to get to know each other more before we decided to go for a walk. Before long, we came up to the local bakery where my friend, Amy, worked.

"This is where my friend works. I should stop in and say hey." He stared at me bewildered, dropping my hand.


"My sister works here."


He opens the door for me and let's me go ahead of him. "John!"

I look over to see a cute European-looking girl running up to him and wrapping her arms around him.

"Lo!" A second later I'm nearly tackled as Amy's blonde hair whips around me and her arms squeeze.

"I'm sorry, do I know you," I smile at her.

"Ha! Jo-Jo, this is my friend, Lauren. Lauren, this is Joanna."

"And this is my brother, John," Joanna says.

"Finally I get to meet your brother! I've heard so much about you! Is your wife coming down to visit soon?" Amy asks.

The Beach After Labor Day [m,f]

It never fails. I feel like I'm constantly waiting on my friends. But by now I know the routine well enough not to expect them to follow through with the plans that we made. I check my phone. Sure enough, Amy texted me "sorry Lo. gotta work. lunch later?" I'm only here for the week and so far I've barely seen her. But it could be worse. At least she lives close to the beach. And by now I knew the best route to get to West Palm Beach with limited traffic and ample parking. So I change into my blue and white bikini, threw on some shorts and a tank top, grabbed my beach bag still packed from the day before and headed out the door.

I drive the short drive to the parking lot, park the car, grab my bag, and set off to the same spot I had been going for the past three days. My sandals come off the minute the concrete ends as I walk toward the lone umbrella sticking out of the sand. Seemingly miles away from anyone else. I spread out my blanket, set my bag on top of it, and strip down to my bikini. I lay down and pull my book out of my bag, enjoying the view of the nearly empty beach. I purposefully plan my yearly trip to see Amy the week after Labor Day so that everyone else is back at work and the kids are back in school. Much more peaceful that way. I find my bookmark and resume reading.