Girl At The Party (by request) – [M,F]

He looked around the room trying to find someone, anyone to talk to so that he didn't have to listen to yet another sorority girl tell him that he was her favorite player on the football team. It was fun sometimes, seeing them pretend to know which position he played and what his major might be. But he really wasn't in the mood tonight. He emptied his red cup and made his way to the kitchen for a refill. On his way back to his friends, he saw her. Jessica.

Long, dirty blonde hair swept in front of her beautiful round face and big brown eyes. Her cutoff top putting her amazingly flat stomach on display. The bright pink skirt showing off her incredibly juicy ass and making her already lengthy tanned legs seem endless.

He'd seen her at practice before and at the games several times, being that she is a cheerleader, but he never fully noticed her until now. Maybe it was the sixth cup of cheap beer, or just the sheer site of her, but he wanted her. Now.

He sat himself close by her and stretched himself out so that she'd have to notice. And she did. She wasn't sure if it was because his pants looked baggy and yet she noticed how they contoured around his firm round ass, or the fact that his shirt seemed two sizes too small in the way it hugged his muscular frame and accentuated his chest, abs, arms, and shoulders all at the same time, or… maybe it was something in his eyes. A hunger almost. Like he had some kind of animalistic need for her. Not that she minded. She always did have thing for darker skin.

Still, she sat talking and laughing with her friends while he sat watching her, ignoring the girls who tried to flirt their way next to him.

Then, some of the cheerleaders decided to do a few cheers for the group. He watched as Jessica jumped and shook her ass, hoping to catch a glimpse of what was underneath that skirt each time she bent over. And he almost had his chance until one of the other girls, a bit too drunk for cheering, bumped Jessica off balance and right into his lap.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey, nice catch," she replied.

"You're Jessica, right?"

"Yeah," she said, trying not to sound too surprised that he knew her name.

"I'm Chris."

"I know," she laughed, "everyone knows who you are."

He smiled as she looked a little embarrassed for having said that and laughed with her. Now, more than ever, he was more aware of his hand on her perfectly round ass and his blood flow was following his thoughts. He saw the moment she felt it by the surprised look on her face as she turned to look back at him and, without thinking, kissed him. He was a little taken aback as he felt her tongue slide between his full lips and massage his, but he relaxed into it as they headed for a full-on lip lock. Her hands on either side of his face and his slid down for a better grasp of her ass from both sides now.

"Want to go upstairs?" she asked as her hand moved down his face, past his abs and began tracing the waist of his pants.

"Yeah, but… I don't have a condom on me."

She leaned down to his ear and whispered just loud enough for him to hear, "we don't need one. I want to feel all of you."

And with that they both got up and walked to the staircase, seemingly unnoticed by anyone else. Taking two at a time, it took less than a minute from the couch til they found an empty bedroom at the end of the hallway upstairs.

As he closed the door behind them, she pulled him to the middle of the room and knelt before him. She unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and brought them down to his ankles. She paused before bringing his boxers down too, anxious for what she would see beneath them. She was not disappointed.

Her hand barely wrapped around his cock as she licked her lips and looked up at him. He watched and waited to see just how much she could take.

She wrapped her lips around his cock and slowly bobbed back and forth taking more and more in, sucking as much as she could as she went. She got at least 6 inches deep before she gagged the first time, bringing a smile to his face. She backed up and tried again, taking in another inch before gagging once more. She seemed so determined, but it was clear that she couldn't quite take all of him.

He brought his hand behind her head and grabbed a handful of dirty blonde hair as he thrusted his hips forward and started fucking her mouth. She stared up at him willingly as he moved faster and faster, feeling her gag as he hit the back of her throat. He pulled out of her mouth as tears started running down her face.

He stood her up and bent her over the side of the bed nearby. She propped herself up on her elbows as he pulled her skirt up over her perfectly round ass, revealing her matching pink thong. He couldn't help himself and gave it a hard smack. He could tell by her moan that she loved it as much as he did.

He moved her thong to the side, feeling how wet she was as his finger slid against her pussy. He positioned himself behind her, staring at her milky white ass before running the tip of his dick along her slit. She whimpered at the feeling, needing to feel him inside of her. He smiled to himself knowing full well that she'd get exactly what she wanted.

In one quick motion, he buried his cock deep inside of her without warning. She tried to suppress her screams to no avail. She could feel herself stretching to accommodate him. He pushed her head into a pillow to muffle her moans as he sped up, fucking her deeper and harder each time. She felt so tight and wet that he never wanted to stop.

It didn't take much longer before she couldn't control herself or hold out any more as her body shook and she came all over him, dripping down her leg. As she came, her pussy tightened even more, making him feel even bigger inside of her. He kept pounding her, grabbing her hair and pulling her back against him even harder. Her screams picked back up, so he let go of her hair and pushed her head back into the pillow. His eyes focused on watching her ass bounce every time his hips smacked against her.

Both of his hands dropped to her hips as he felt himself getting closer. Her screams echoed throughout the room as her body tensed up again. She couldn't stop it and she really didn't want to. She came even harder the second time, collapsing onto the bed, unable to hold herself up any longer. Feeling her cum again, her pussy tightening around him and seeing her so spent from him fucking her was all he needed. He pulled out of her in just enough time to cum all over her ass, letting it drip down between her cheeks and join her own juices flowing along her leg.

He walked to the adjoining bathroom and grabbed the first towel he saw to clean himself off. He brought her another towel and watched her wipe both of their cum off of her as much as she could. She couldn't quite get it all off of her thong, but it didn't seem like she cared. It was almost enough to make him want more. He helped her up as they fixed their clothes.

"This party is going to seem so boring after this," he said as they headed to the stairs.

"Then maybe we should meet in my car in 15 minutes," she said, winking at him as she disappeared into the crowd full of people.


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