Blackmailed by my neighbor! [mature][M/f][blkmail][oral][rimming]

This is just a quick and dirty story and I'm writing it straight into reddit.

Hi, I'm Tammy, I'm 23 and live with my grandma and take care of her as my parents don't want to put her in a nursing home. I'm a newly graduated nurse so it works out well though I don't have that much in ways of income. She has a nice little house with a very secluded garden, and I figured it would be the perfect place to grow a little something to supplement my income.

One night, just after I had put her in bed, at eight or so, there was a knock on the door downstairs. I was heading to the front door when it knocked again and I realized it was coming from the back door, from the garden! Why the fuck was someone back there? You had to climb a six foot wall to get in. With a lot of trepidation I headed back there and looked out the window to see the next door neighbor standing there, twirling a leaf. Fuck!

I opened the door and tried playing it cool, saying, "Hi mister Roberts! What are you doing in my back yard?"

Mister Roberts was a 50-something widower who worked as an engineer when he wasn't puttering around in his garden or out running. He smiled and answered, "Well Tammy, I was trimming my apple tree and dropped the saw over into your garden so I climbed over to fetch it, and couldn't help but notice some strange plants with these very distinctive leaves." He held up the leaf in his hand and I tried to come up with some explanation, some excuse, but nothing came out, so he continued, "Now I know you young people have a very liberal view on pot, and hell, I've smoked a joint or five in my day. The police do not share your view though, and if I were to call them you would go to prison for a very long time, and we wouldn't want that, would we?

I shook my head and pleaded, "Please, mister Roberts, Allan, please don't turn me in, I'll pay you, I'll do anything, please don't call the cops!"

He smiled and answered, "I don't want your money, but I like this subservient, pleading side of you and I think something can be arranged." With that he reached out and ran his hand up from my hip, up along my narrow waist to cup my breast, making it abundantly clear what he meant. I almost tore his hand away and slapped him, but I realized this was the only way, so I took a deep shuddering breath and let him grope me. His other hand started tracing my belly along the top of my yoga pants as he said, "Good, now, is your grandmother asleep and is she likely to wake up?"

"She is asleep, and I gave her a sleeping pill, she would sleep through an earthquake. AAH!" He had found my hardening nipple through my top and pinched it hard. He nodded and said, "Good! I think we'll start with something simple." He led me by the nipple to the living room where he threw a pillow on the floor, sat down and told me, "Take off your clothes and kneel, I want to start with a blowjob."

I felt numb, used, scared, nervous and strangely turned on as I started stripping out of my clothes. All too soon I was naked and kneeling, unbuckling his belt and sliding his pants and underwear off. His cock was hard, maybe six inches, but coke can thick, and I wondered how the hell it would fit. Before I could think too much about it he grabbed my braids like handlebars and pushed me down his fat cock. He started fucking my face faster and faster, deeper and deeper, and soon I was taking it all. To my surprise and shame I was getting really turned on by being dominated like this, and started rubbing my wet slit as I sucked and licked.

I could feel him swelling and his pace getting erratic, I knew he was getting close and I was getting ready for his load when he surprised me by pulling me off him. He raised and spread his legs, and pulled me by my braids right into his ass as I shook my head. He growled out, "Eat my ass my little slave, learn your place!"

Humiliated beyond anything I thought possible I let my tongue drag up over his bunghole, and thanked the lord he seemed newly showered. He moaned as I swirled my tongue around and around, and I found myself getting into it, and I started working my fingers in my slit again as I worked my tongue deeper and deeper inside. His moans and grunts were getting louder and suddenly he pulled me out of his ass and pushed his entire cock into my mouth, skullfucking me until his cock started twitching and swelling. He buried himself in my throat and shot his thick load straight down my throat as he growled loudly. I came as he filled my belly with his cum, and I came hard! Being choked by his thick meat, being dominated and humiliated, it all made me feel so submissive and used, and it made me so fucking wet I felt some of my juices squirt out of me as I came!

He pulled me off his wilting dick and I laid my head in his lap, gasping and breathing hard as I recovered. He petted my head in silence for a few minutes and then said, "Jesus fucking Christ, that was good! I'm going to get Viagra tomorrow and really get everything out of this little arrangement!"

"I thought this was it! That this was what I needed to do!"

"Oh, my sweet little girl, this is just the beginning! I own you now, and I will use your body as much as I possibly can. I know you got off on this too, don't deny it, and I'll play your body like a fiddle, make you cum so much you won't know what to do with yourself."

I didn't know what to say, the idea of being his slave, his pet terrified me and turned me on at the same time, and I really had no choice, he had me under his thumb.

He continued, "Tomorrow after you have put your grandmother to bed you will take off all your clothes and put on just a coat. The moment you step over the threshold into my house clothes are forbidden."

He stood up and put on his clothes, then he went and picked up the saw that started all of this and with a wink he walked out the front door.



  1. Very, very nice! IMHO, it would be spectacular if the neighbor were a married man. But that’s just my personal preference. I adore my husband’s sexy little subs!

  2. Cheating is a turn-off for me, so I won’t write stories about that, sorry, but to each his/her own

  3. Of course you’re right. Everyone has their own turn on. I don’t believe in or condone cheating either, for the record. My kink is cuckqueaning – everything is in the open and wife/gf is turned on by husband’s pleasures with other girls. I practice compersion. Thank you for your reply. Love your writing! :-)

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