The Beach After Labor Day [m,f]

It never fails. I feel like I'm constantly waiting on my friends. But by now I know the routine well enough not to expect them to follow through with the plans that we made. I check my phone. Sure enough, Amy texted me "sorry Lo. gotta work. lunch later?" I'm only here for the week and so far I've barely seen her. But it could be worse. At least she lives close to the beach. And by now I knew the best route to get to West Palm Beach with limited traffic and ample parking. So I change into my blue and white bikini, threw on some shorts and a tank top, grabbed my beach bag still packed from the day before and headed out the door.

I drive the short drive to the parking lot, park the car, grab my bag, and set off to the same spot I had been going for the past three days. My sandals come off the minute the concrete ends as I walk toward the lone umbrella sticking out of the sand. Seemingly miles away from anyone else. I spread out my blanket, set my bag on top of it, and strip down to my bikini. I lay down and pull my book out of my bag, enjoying the view of the nearly empty beach. I purposefully plan my yearly trip to see Amy the week after Labor Day so that everyone else is back at work and the kids are back in school. Much more peaceful that way. I find my bookmark and resume reading.

I must have fallen asleep as I woke up to my phone going off. A text. From Amy. "no time for lunch. promise we will hang out tonight!" Not that it wasn't expected, really. I put my book back in my bag and looked around.

The sun hanging high and bright in the bluest sky I've seen all year. The water so clear that you can see straight to the bottom. The white sand stretching miles beyond what I can see. And that's when I saw him.

He was coming down the beach in my direction. His tan accentuating his abs. The sun bouncing off his shoulders and his chest as he walked. I felt myself staring, but I couldn't look away. The way his shorts sat low on his hips. His legs showing his muscles as he trudges through the sand. God I wish I knew what was beneath those shorts.

I shook my head. It had been too long since I had seen beneath anyone's shorts… I looked back up to see his face. He saw me. Shit. Of course he did. We were the only ones on the beach. The couple of people who were here earlier had long since left, leaving me to enjoy the peace alone. Until now.

I try to look at the ocean. Focus on the soft waves crashing on the shore. Don't look at him. Don't look at him. I know he must be close now. I can't stop my head from turning.

He stopped. Why there? The whole beach is empty and he stops ten feet from me. Why? And why can't I stop staring?

He looks so serious standing there, just staring at the water. His eyes darkened and focused on the view in front of him. His lips pursed and tensed. His jaw clenched. Sweat rolling down his head and neck, dripping down his chest and abs. His hands tucked into the pockets of his shorts.

I wish those hands were on me. Running up my legs. Cupping my breasts. Holding my ass as I straddle him. I close my eyes as my mind begins to wonder…

"Great view," he said, startling me out of my fantasy. His voice hinting at an accent that I couldn't quite trace. "It really is," I said as I stared back out at the seemingly endless ocean of blue-green water. "Want to go for a swim?" I looked at him questioningly as I heard my inner thoughts warn me away from the idea. However, I wasn't quite thinking with my brain at this point. "I won't bite, I promise. And I'll even keep this much distance between us if you like," he added. "You don't have to," I blurted. Shit. What is wrong with me? The smirk on his face made me question if his mind was possibly on the same track as mine.

We walk to the water, making small talk about how we are both visiting and how pretty the beach is. He holds back a little, letting me go in ahead of him. I turn to give him a polite smile and lose my footing and start to fall. I feel his arms close in around me from behind before I have time to react.

He pulls me up against him and stands me back up. I brush up against him as his scent fills the air around me. His musk surrounds me and draws me in. I stand to face him as he looks down at me and asks if I'm okay. I stare into his deep, dark eyes and instead lean in to kiss him.

I part his lips with my tongue as the kiss deepens and lust takes over. I press against him leading him away from the water and back up under the umbrella. Once we reach the blanket, I push him down onto it and climb on top. Straddling him, I can feel his cock growing between both of our legs as he unties my bikini top and slips it over my head, letting my breasts fall freely out in the open. I slide down his body and remove his shorts, freeing his stiffened cock. I'd love to take my time exploring every inch of him with my hands and my mouth, but my want is too strong right now. I waste little time removing my bikini bottoms and climbing back on top of him. Excitement grows as we lay in the middle of the beach. Naked.

My hand reaches between my legs to stroke him as I lean down to kiss him. His groans become too much for me. I guide his cock to my wetness and slip him into me slowly. Feeling all of him as I slide down onto him. Overtaken by the moment, I moan louder and louder with every inch, not caring about what kind of attention it might attract.

I rock my hips back and forth slowly, enjoying the feeling of being full. I've missed this feeling. I run my hands across his chest and down his abs, almost drooling over them. I close my eyes as I continue the rhythmic motions, and picking up the speed. I feel his hands explore my body, grabbing my breasts and pinching my hardened nipples. I moan louder. It won't take much more to send me over the edge.

All of a sudden, his hands grasp firmly on my hips and flip me onto my back in one swift motion. I don't waste time reacting and raise my legs onto his shoulders as he thrusts deeper and harder into me. Oh god, I'm not sure how much longer I can last.

He uses one hand to push down on my shoulder as the other slides down my leg and takes hold of my ass. Feeling his grip and feeding off his hunger, I can feel myself getting closer and closer. My moans have turned to screams of pleasure, drowning out the sounds of the ocean. His groans become grunts and I know he's getting closer too.

He thrusts harder. And deeper. And faster. I can't hold back anymore. And I don't want to. The waves of euphoria come crashing out of me as my juices flow out and onto him. Seconds later, his thrusts become more jagged as I feel his cock unload, pumping everything he has out of himself and into me.

Once he's done, he gives me a kiss and pulls himself out of me, rolling over to lie next to me. I try to catch my breath as my mind starts playing tricks on me. Is this real? Did that actually happen? I know the answers but it still seems so unreal.

I turn to look at him, to reassure myself that ok not dreaming. He smiles.

"Want to go get some ice cream?"


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