Vacation – Part 8 of 8 ( mF mFF Inc Mother/Son Aunt/Nephew Coercion)

When I woke up, I was flat on my back, with Aunt Karen laying beside me; she had one leg draped across both of mine and her hand was under the sheet, which was pulled up to our waists, holding my dick. I couldn't see her face, just the top of her head, which was sort of laying on my chest.

Deciding I could get used to waking up to a naked woman stroking my stiffening dick, I stroked Aunt Karen's bare back. She responded by squeezing my dick and bending so that her head moved a few inches down my torso and closer. She was going to suck me, again! At least, that what it seemed like. I moved my hand from her back to the top of her head and, sure enough, she turned and rolled, pulling her knees under her to sort of kneel, curled forward, at my side, with her head just above my cock, which she had pushed the sheet off of.

Vacation – Part 7 of 8 ( mF mFF Inc Mother/Son Aunt/Nephew Coercion)

I woke up to the feel of a warm, slippery hand on my dick.

Kristin had left for the beach, leaving Aunt Karen and I alone in bed, after our emotionally intense bout of love making. But we didn't do anything else, together. Aunt Karen, who seemed pretty pensive, sent me to take a shower in the master suite while she bathed, alone, in the second bathroom.

I was pretty bummed, when I got out of the shower. Up until then, even though we had been forced to do things that were way beyond anything we would ever have considered, both Mom and Aunt Karen had seemed to be pretty much okay with it, or at least able to act like they were, which made it okay for me, too. Hell, to be completely honest, it was a lot better than just okay.

But if it was bothering Aunt Karen, I didn't really think I could continue. I had to put an end to the whole, insane situation.

Vacation – Part 6 of 8 ( mF mFF Inc Mother/Son Aunt/Nephew Coercion)

"You know, Susie, the camera was turned off."

With my arms around my naked mother and my face in her hair, I opened my eyes and raised my head to look over her shoulder at Kristin, standing in the bathroom doorway.

"What do you mean?" Mom asked.

"I mean that you seemed to enjoy yourself quite a lot. And you can't tell me you were faking it for the camera. I suppose you could try to tell us that you were doing it for my benefit. Is that what it was? We're you pretending to be a slutty MILF because you thought it was what I wanted?"

Mom, who had been thoroughly limp was now stiff, in my arms.

Before she could come up with an answer, Kristin went on.

"I'm going to take a shower. Why don't you get under the blankets and think about things, until I get out. Leave room next to your stud, for me."

Vacation – Part 5 of 8 ( mF mFF Inc Mother/Son Aunt/Nephew Coercion)

Kristin left us – Aunt Karen on her knees, me slouched back on the sofa with my legs spread apart and Mom standing off to the side, just as naked as we were – while she hooked her camera up to her computer and started transferring the movie she had just made.

Once that was started, she made an announcement.

"Karen, honey, I'm afraid your good times are over. You'll be spending tonight in your bedroom, alone, like all women should, the night before they lose their virginity. And, to make sure you are suitably eager, we're going to take measures to be sure you don't do anything that might ruin your appetite."

Kristin's measures turned out to be a full set of leather manacles, which she had Mom and I buckle on to Aunt Karen's wrists and ankles and then to the corner posts of the wrought iron bed frame, leaving my aunt naked, spread eagle and helpless.

"We'll order some supper, later on. Until then, we're going to leave you alone to think about tomorrow. Okay?"

Vacation – Part 4 of 8 ( mF mFF Inc Mother/Son Aunt/Nephew Coercion)

"It's true, you know," Mom said, as we waited for the elevator.

"What's true?" Kristin asked.

"My son is a motherfucker." Mom's tone was flat and unreadable. "No matter what happens, now. It doesn't matter if you send copies of what we did to everybody I know or destroy every second of video and leave us in peace – my son will always be a mother fucker."

"That's very true." Kristin sounded serious but was grinning from ear to ear. "Now, give the motherfucker a kiss and let's have lunch."

Mom looked almost sad, as she put her arms around the back of my neck. But she pressed her scantily clad body against mine, when she pulled me in to kiss her. It didn't last ling, just two or three seconds. But it was warm and soft and, somehow, just as erotic as the tongue dueling and spit swapping we had done, earlier. It was enough to make my dick, which should have been worn out, by now, jump to attention.

Vacation – Part 3 of 8 ( mF mFF Inc Mother/Son Aunt/Nephew Coercion)

I was less than thrilled about riding back to the hotel with a sticky mess in my shorts and smelling like semen.

I also didn't like the way the driver looked at Mom and Aunt Karen. All three women had put their tops back on before walking up to the road, but I could tell he was imagining what they looked like, without them.

Kristin made me feel a little better when, after we were back in our room, Mom and Aunt Karen were, once again, naked, and she had done whatever it took to keep our video from going public she made Mom pull my shorts down and lick me clean.

I didn't get a hand-job from Mom, that afternoon, but I came pretty damned close to getting a blow-job.

Vacation – Part 2 of 8 ( mF mFF Inc Mother/Son Aunt/Nephew Coercion)

I woke up, the next morning, on my back, with my arms above my head, and a small, naked woman pressed against my side, with her head on my chest.

After wiping my semen off of her naked body, the night before, Kristin had led me into the bathroom and actually giggled as she held my dick while I peed into the toilet. She then led me back to the bed, where she unlocked my wrists long enough to cuff them to the wrought iron headboard, before going back into the bathroom to drain her own bladder.

Now, she was breathing heavily, apparently in a deep sleep.

"Are you okay?"

I jumped at the unexpected noise, looking to my side to see Mom and Aunt Karen, their arms still intertwine and locked together, standing in the open doorway.

"We heard you, last night. Did she hurt you?" Mom asked.

I started to shake my head, but Kristin, who had either been awake or, more likely, woke up when I jumped, answered for me.

Vacation – Part 1 of 8 ( mF mFF Inc Mother/Son Aunt/Nephew Coercion)

"You know what to do?"

Mom glared at the small, blond woman. She glanced at Aunt Karen, who sighed and, gravely, nodded, once.

The blond was named Stacy. I had never seen her before but, apparently, she used to work for my mother.

That's not too surprising; my mother worked as the head of human resources for a medium-sized company, back in Des Moines, where we were from. She hired, fired and laid people off all the time. It was part of her job. And, in the case of Stacy, Aunt Karen had gotten involved, as well. My aunt was a partner in the law firm that Mom's company kept on retainer.

Susan and Karen Cooper, my mother and my aunt, made a pretty intimidating pair. Both well over 6 feet tall with straight, dark hair, high cheekbones, and long, angular faces. They were the sort of faces you see on fashion runways, except that the Cooper sisters were far too curvy to be models.