Vacation – Part 7 of 8 ( mF mFF Inc Mother/Son Aunt/Nephew Coercion)

I woke up to the feel of a warm, slippery hand on my dick.

Kristin had left for the beach, leaving Aunt Karen and I alone in bed, after our emotionally intense bout of love making. But we didn't do anything else, together. Aunt Karen, who seemed pretty pensive, sent me to take a shower in the master suite while she bathed, alone, in the second bathroom.

I was pretty bummed, when I got out of the shower. Up until then, even though we had been forced to do things that were way beyond anything we would ever have considered, both Mom and Aunt Karen had seemed to be pretty much okay with it, or at least able to act like they were, which made it okay for me, too. Hell, to be completely honest, it was a lot better than just okay.

But if it was bothering Aunt Karen, I didn't really think I could continue. I had to put an end to the whole, insane situation.

I was sitting at the small desk, near the window that looked out over the ocean, just opening Kristin's laptop, when Aunt Karen gasped, "What are you doing?"

"I've got to find a way to make this end. I … I was okay until I realized what this must be doing to you. Now, though … It has to stop, don't you think?"

Aunt Karen stared at me, for a few seconds, with her head tilted slightly to one side while I struggled to keep my focus from wandering down her naked body. Her skin was starting to take on some color, already, and the lighter stripe her bikini bottom was leaving, around her waist and framing her hairless vulva, tugged at my eyes.

"Let me judge what this," she waved an arm, expansively taking in the hotel room, "is doing to me, okay? Just, whatever you do, don't screw with Kristin. It would … It would destroy your mother, especially, if those videos got out. Please?"

Defeated by the pleading tone in her voice, I nodded and closed the computer.

"Now put away that towel, before Kristin gets back and decides to get really nasty. I've had a … a big morning and I would very much like it if you would come lie down with me."

I hung the towel on the rack, in the bathroom, and went back to the smaller bedroom, where Aunt Karen had spent the previous night and where I had taken her virginity, while she was tied to the bed, within the last hour.

She was laying on her back with her head on a couple of pillows and the white sheet pulled up to her waist.

I couldn't help myself. Despite my best intentions, I saw her laying there, with half of her nakedness on display, and I had to pause and drink in the beauty of her. Her breasts and belly were lightly tanned with a hint of pink; her full breasts had fallen to her sides, her nipples were stiff and long and her skin looked deliciously clean and soft.

I snapped out of my reverie when her breasts shook, as she patted the bed beside her.

"Please," she quietly asked.

I nodded. Fervently wishing that there was some way to conceal my dick, which was stiffening, yet again, but having no choice but to let it bounce, I crossed the room and crawled into bed.

I tried not to touch Aunt Karen's breasts but, after maneuvering me onto my side, so that she could lay her head on my left arm, she pulled the right one tightly around her waist, pressed up against their undersides. Still thinking she was upset about being forced to have sex with me, I was ashamed of my, now rigid, dick. But Aunt Karen seemed content to press her ass against it and, not five minutes after I got into bed, she was breathing deeply and seemed to be asleep.

I woke up to a warm, slick feeling from my dick.

I was flat on my back. The sheets were gone and Aunt Karen was sitting beside me, stroking my dick while dribbling something onto it, from a dark brown bottle.

I heard myself grunt at the pleasure and Aunt Karen's looked up, from my slippery crotch, to look intently into my eyes.

"You took my virginity, this morning," she said, in a low voice. "Are you ready to do it, again?"

I chuckled, nervously, and shook my head.

"You can only lose your virginity, once."

"That depends on how you define virginity, doesn't it?" She smiled and hitched her head toward the door. I glanced that way and saw Kristin, with her camera, recording us. It was another semi-scripted show.

"How do you define it, then?" I asked, looking back up at Aunt Karen.

"Once again, that depends on the context. The way I see it, I'm a virgin at anything I've never done before. But, right at this moment, I'm talking specifically about the virginity of having a bodily orifice that has never been … fucked. Until very recently, I was triply virginal. But, in a very short time, you have come in my throat and my cunt, leaving me just one last virginity to offer."

I could feel my eyes get wide as I realized what the oil was for. I was, as it turned out, only partially mistaken.

Aunt Karen's laugh was husky and sensual.

"You want to fuck my ass, don't you?"

I nodded.

"Maybe, some day. But the problem with giving you my final virginity is that my sister, who I love very much, has yet to give you any. She remains doubly virginal, while I have just the one remaining. So I think, in all fairness, that you should take one of hers, next. Okay?"

Nodding, I looked around the room, half expecting to see Mom. But she wasn't there.

A few seconds after Aunt Karen pulled me from the bed, my oily dick bobbing as I left the bedroom, I found Mom. She would have been hard to miss.

My mother was on all fours, on the over-sized ottoman in the middle of the main living room. Her knees were perched at the very edge, with her feet hanging in mid-air, and her hands were gripping the edges. A couple feet away from her, one of the floor-to-ceiling windows looked out over the crashing surf.

Her ass and upper thighs glistened – it seemed that she had been well lubricated even before I was. Nevertheless, Aunt Karen, ignoring Kristin and her camera, walked up and, after giving Mom a loud, wet slap on one cheek, pulled her ass open and dribbled more oil onto Mom's already oily anus. I watched, mesmerized, as her ass-hole twitched and the oil ran across the hairless, parted lips of her pussy.


The voice was so low-pitched and husky that it took me a while to realize it was my mothers. She was looking over her shoulder at me, or, more specifically, at my dick, which was now throbbing.

"Please!" she repeated, looking up at me with hungry, animal eyes.

I nodded and stepped up, behind her.

I didn't have to do very much. Aunt Karen took my cock in her fist and angled it down until I could press the end against Mom's virgin ass-hole. All I had to do was push.

I expected some resistance, but Mom opened up and accepted me on that very first, fairly gently thrust. Then she clamped down, her sphincter gripping me so tightly, right behind my glans, that I couldn't possibly have withdrawn.

"Yes!" Mom hissed, her head still twisted back to look at me. "You feel so good. Give me more."

I grabbed Mom's hips and pressed against the resistance of her clenched anus. At first, I made no progress, at all. I pushed harder, and harder still. And then, all at once, I slid into the depths of her. The cheeks of Mom's ass slapped against my belly and I now felt her ass gripping the very root of my shaft.

Mom screamed. A loud wail that made my ears ring. She turned away from me, threw her head back and screamed until her lungs were empty. And even then her mouth remained open and the tendons on her neck stood out as her scream soundlessly continued. And, as she screamed, her body trembled and her ass gripped my cock in rhythmic spasms.

I couldn't tell if she screamed from pain or pleasure. If she had tried to get away, I would have pulled out, but she remained upright, her ass pressed tightly against me, and I didn't dare move.

After what seemed like an impossibly long time, all the tension drained out of Mom's body at once. Her sphincter relaxed it's grip on my cock, her rigid thighs went slack and her head dropped between her shoulders as she drew a long, shuddering breath.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

Anticipating that her answer would be no, my dick was already starting to soften, somewhat. But the way she rasped, "Oh, yes!" made it jump right back to attention.

That was all I needed to hear. I had been on a bit of an emotional roller coaster, that morning, and all the stress, concern and worry was somehow transformed into a deep sexual need. It was a need that I satisfied by fucking my mother in the ass as hard as I possibly could.

It's possible that I might have backed off, if Mom had asked or if I thought I might be hurting her. But, as it turned out, that was not an issue. Mom responded to her anal pounding by rocking back, to meet every thrust, and grunting every time I bottomed out in her ass until, after a minute or so, she reared her head back and yelled, again, in a lower pitch and not as loud, as her trembling body clenched my cock.

For my part, I paused, buried in her bowels, until her grip weakened enough to allow me to move, took a few slow strokes, until Mom's body stopped bucking, and then picked up the pace and pounded her, some more.

My mother, and more specifically her sweaty back, her oily ass and thighs, the back of her head, and the stringy strands of hair that clung to her shoulders, became the center of my universe. On an intellectual level, I could remember that we were in Panama, that there were two other women in the room, with us, and that, in theory, at least, we were doing this against our wills. But, emotionally, I existed only to fuck that ass.

When Aunt Karen had been stroking my cock, while I was still in bed, and I thought I was going to get to fuck her ass, I was already starting to feel the ache behind my balls that signaled that an orgasm wasn't far away. So I shouldn't have lasted very long. But, in that zen-like state of pure ass-fucking, it wasn't even an issue. I fucked Mom's ass for a solid twenty minutes, until sweat was running down my back and dripping from my face, until her skin was flushed and her hair was as wet as if she'd just taken a shower, until, in fact, I had fucked the shit out of both of us.

And only then, while I was motionless, balls-deep in Mom's ass while she rode out yet another orgasm, her scream reduced to a hoarse groan, did I let myself come.

Mom must have felt it. She looked over her shoulder at me, wide and wild eyed, and her body redoubled its bucking and trembling. Her clenching ass milked me dry and, when her orgasm finally wound down, she slumped forward, my shrinking cock popping out of her.

She curled up on her side on the ottoman and looked at me, but her eyes seemed vacant.

I have never been particularly strong but, without a thought, I picked Mom up and carried her back to the bed where I had laid with Aunt Karen, not long before.

Aunt Karen, herself, followed us and, when Mom was in bed and I was beside her, covered both of us with the sheet. She then crawled into bed with us, pressing up against my back and stretching her arms over both of our torsos.

After a few minutes, I became aware that my mother was quietly crying, when I felt tears drip onto my arm.

"Are you okay?"

Sniffing, Mom nodded and snuggled back, closer to me.

"Did I hurt you?"

Mom nodded and, in a low, quiet voice, mumbled, "Oh, yeah!"

I was sandwiched in between her naked body and at Aunt Karen's. Mom's tits were pressed against my arm, her ass was against my dick. Aunt Karen's tits were against my back, and her warm breath was on the back of my neck. Most of my skin was touching naked female flesh.

But knowing that I had hurt my mother was enough to keep my dick completely limp, for a change.
