Vacation – Part 6 of 8 ( mF mFF Inc Mother/Son Aunt/Nephew Coercion)

"You know, Susie, the camera was turned off."

With my arms around my naked mother and my face in her hair, I opened my eyes and raised my head to look over her shoulder at Kristin, standing in the bathroom doorway.

"What do you mean?" Mom asked.

"I mean that you seemed to enjoy yourself quite a lot. And you can't tell me you were faking it for the camera. I suppose you could try to tell us that you were doing it for my benefit. Is that what it was? We're you pretending to be a slutty MILF because you thought it was what I wanted?"

Mom, who had been thoroughly limp was now stiff, in my arms.

Before she could come up with an answer, Kristin went on.

"I'm going to take a shower. Why don't you get under the blankets and think about things, until I get out. Leave room next to your stud, for me."

We did just that. Mom and I crawled under the sheets, with me in the middle of the bed, and lay facing each other while shower noises came through the open bathroom door.

"She's right." Mom's face was less than a foot away, when she finally said something.

"Is she?" I was a tired, idiot teenager. I had no idea what I was supposed to say.

"Yes. Yes she is. I… I acted like a total slut, tonight. Partly, that was because I have decided to give Kristin anything she wants. But if I am honest with myself, I have to admit that pleasure was all genuine. Something inside of me has woken up. Something I never even imagined could even exist." Mom chuckled. "My inner MILF. I don't know where this is all going to end, but I don't think I can just turn that off. All I can do is hope you don't hate me."

"Hate you? I don't hate you. I love you!"

I was shocked by the very idea. Some of the kids I knew were like best friends with their parents. My mother and I have never been like that. Ours was a purely parental relationship. She made the rules and set the expectations and I did my best to follow them. I had never really thought about whether I loved her, or not, until I saw her threat and then I realized the depth of my feelings for her.

"I love you!" I repeated.

Mom smiled, with years running down her face.

"Even though I've suddenly turned into some slutty MILF?"

"I like my MILFs slutty."

I had joked because Mom was grinning, but the suddenly serious expression that dropped onto her face made me think that it had been a bad idea.

"I know you never intended to lose your virginity to me. That was supposed to be special"

I could see the guilt in her eyes and, in an attempt to assuage it, consciously decided to be completely honest. I even told her as much.

"I am going to be brutally honest, Mom. Girls might have fantasies about the romance of their first time, but most boys, and I include myself in this group, plan to lose their virginity to the first halfway decent looking girl who is willing to spread her legs for them. I never thought it would be you, you are right about that. But I could never imagine my first time with somebody so beautiful. There is nobody would have made it more special."

The smile was back on Mom's face as she leaned forward to kiss me on the tip of my nose.

"So you didn't mind becoming a mother fucker?"

"Actually, I'm sort of hoping to be a serial motherfucker."

Mom slid her fingers down my belly and took my dick in her hand. It had been so hard for so long and I had come so many times, that day, that it ached, like any overused muscle. But it did it's best to respond to her touch, despite the pain.

It was probably a good thing that Kristin made an appearance at that point. Otherwise, I might have done some damage to the poor thing.

"Let me in," Kristin said, as she raised the blankets and crawled in behind me. "Now put your arms around me. I liked that, last night."

I would rather have had my arms around my mother. But Kristin was in charge, so I rolled over and she snuggled up with her back against my chest. After a couple of minutes, Mom slid up behind me, and pressed her soft, smooth, naked body against my back.

There are worse things in the world than the meat in a naked woman sandwich. Even though my dick was struggling to become erect, my mind had had enough, and I soon dropped off to sleep.

I woke up to find myself alone in the middle of the bed. Kristin was gone and, when I rolled over, I could see my mother lying with her back to me, near the edge of the bed, with just a sheet covering her from the waist down.

Intending to go back to sleep, I slid over lie next to her.

"Shh." Mom hushed me, even though I hadn't said anything. She grabbed the hand that had frozen as I was reaching down to pull the sheet up, and placed it firmly onto her breast.

"Can you hear her?"

Squeezing Mom's tit, I listened. Sure enough, I could hear huffing and moaning coming from the other end of the suite.

"I wonder what she's doing to my sister."

"I think you should wonder what she's making her sister due to her. That's Kristin's voice," I quietly pointed out.

Sliding back to press her ass against my dick, which still ached but seemed ready for more, Mom made a noise halfway between a sigh and a moan.

"Can you imagine what that must feel like? To be restrained and helpless, knowing that, at any time, Kristin could come in and do anything she wanted to you?"

I could feel Mom's nipple stiffen as she contemplated her sisters predicament.

"Maybe, someday, if you're very good…"

I left the thought hanging. We hadn't really talked about what would happen, when Kristin was back out of our lives. Mom's comment, the night before, had implied that they might not go back to normal, but I had just about offered to tie her up and sexually abuse her.

Either Mom did not understand my concern, or it worried her less than I would have expected. Her reaction was to shiver and break out in goosebumps while her already stiff nipple became diamond hard.

"Fuck! That feels good. Ah, yeah. Just like that. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."

Kristin's voice was getting louder and, all of a sudden, Mom jumped out of bed and almost ran out of our room. I followed a bit more slowly, trying to keep my stiffly bouncing dick under control.

I found Mom, standing outside the other bedroom, watching Kristin's ass gyrate as she ground her pussy against Aunt Karen's face.

Her face was the only part of Aunt Karen that wasn't obscenely visible. Her breasts, flopped out to the sides and bouncing and jiggling as the bed shook, were flushed and her nipples were almost as stiff as Mom's; her belly was pink, too, and her pussy was open, swollen and visibly wet, as were her wide-spread thighs.

Standing behind Mom, it seemed natural to put my arms around her.

"I'm sorry I ran away," Mom whispered, leaning back against me as I cupped her tits.

"Did you?" I had assumed she was running too, not away.

Before I could wonder why, Mom explained.

"We need to be careful about being alone until this whole thing is over. God only knows what Kristin would do if she found us fucking."

Mom's head was turned and her lips brushed my ear as she whispered. But it was her words that sent a chill down my spine. She wanted to fuck my so badly that she didn't trust herself to be alone with me. And the way she said we had to be careful "until this whole thing is over," implied that, at some point, we could stop being careful and just go ahead and do it.

With my right arm crossed under Mom's right tit and my right hand squeezing her left, I slid my left hand down her belly. Mom responded by pushing her hips out and taking a step sideways, with one foot, so that my finger slid easily between her legs and into her slick wet pussy.

I slowly fingered my mother while we watched Kristin fuck herself on Aunt Karen's face and listened to her long stream of expletives. She sensed our presence, before too long, and glanced back to see me strumming Mom's clit and pinching her nipple while Mom gripped my wrists with both hands.

Fortunately, Kristin didn't seem to be upset. If anything, in fact, she became even more aggressive in her attack on Aunt Karen's face.

It didn't take long for Kristin to bring herself to a gasping, yelping orgasm, after which she collapsed, sweaty and panting, onto the bed.

Aunt Karen, with her face wet and still secured to the bed was panting as well, but seemed to recover pretty quickly and, as soon as her ragged breathing stabilized, she asked, "Was that good enough?"

This odd-sounding question made Kristin laugh, out loud.

"I should say so. Your entire family has remarkably gifted tongues. Let me get the camera."

"What's going on?"

Mom's question made me realize that I was still holding her tits and rubbing her pussy. When I tried to move them, however, she forcefully put them right back, which seemed to amuse Aunt Karen.

By the time the position of my hands was established, to Mom's satisfaction, Kristin was back with her camera in hand, the red light already glowing.

"Remind me, again, Aunt Karen. What was our deal?"

"If I did a good enough job licking your cunt, you would let me have a reward."

"That's right. And I have to admit that you did an outstanding job. So, what reward did you have in mind?"

Aunt Karen turned away from the camera and looked intently into my eyes.

"I don't want to wait until noon. I've been waiting for this for almost thirty years and I don't want to wait anymore."

Mom stiffened, in my arms.

"What, exactly, do you mean?" Kristin asked.

"I want Danny to fuck me. Right now, right here. On front of the camera." Her eyes flicked from me to Mom, sliding down her body, where my hands were still active. "And my sister."

"Well, since you kept up your end of the bargain, I guess I don't have any choice."

Mom stiffened, even more, for a second or two, then twisted in my arms and, pressing her naked body against mine, kissed me.

"Fuck her, Danny. Fuck my sister. My sweat, sweat mother fucker. Go fuck your aunt."

She kissed me, once more, and slipped out of my arms, leaving me to face Aunt Karen,

I had already had sex with my mother and her extortionist. I'd had a deep-throat blow job, licked three pussies, played with tits, both big and small, and even licked a little ass. My sexual experience was growing by leaps and bounds. And having sex with my aunt seemed like it would be just another step down that road.

But, after I kissed my way up her naked body, pausing to taste her dripping pussy and suckle, for a few seconds, on her nipples; as I reached between us to line myself up with her sex, I saw the expression on her face and knew it would be more than that.

Aunt Karen looked terrified and excited, but there was something else in her eyes. Something I can't even hope to describe. It made me realize how incredibly important this was to her and made my own eyes well up with tears.

"Are you ready?"

Aunt Karen nodded.

I kissed her on the lips and tried to say, "I love you," but was too choked up.

So I entered her. I tried to go slowly, but, not surprisingly, she didn't have a hymen and there was no sign of pain, on her face. I was in her, up to my balls, in three easy strokes.

Before I could start to move, Aunt Karen's eyes opened wide, she gasped a surprised, "Oh!" and her pussy gripped my cock.

I made long, slow love to her. I stroked her body, supporting myself with one hand. I kissed her face, eyes and mouth, tasting Kristin as well as the salt if the tears that ran freely down her cheeks. Meanwhile, Aunt Karen just laid there. After all she didn't have much choice – her wrists and ankles were still strapped to the bed frame.

And she came. I kept a mental count, but lost track around seven or eight. The final number was probably nearly double that but, by then, I was completely lost in her eyes.

My own orgasm was as much a surprise to me as Aunt Karen's first had seemed to be, to her. One second I was languidly stroking in and out of her, the next, I was drowning in her eyes as I filled her with semen.

Shortly after I collapsed on top of her, Aunt Karen put her arms around me. I raised my head and saw Mom releasing her ankles, having already unbuckled her wrists.



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