Vacation – Part 5 of 8 ( mF mFF Inc Mother/Son Aunt/Nephew Coercion)

Kristin left us – Aunt Karen on her knees, me slouched back on the sofa with my legs spread apart and Mom standing off to the side, just as naked as we were – while she hooked her camera up to her computer and started transferring the movie she had just made.

Once that was started, she made an announcement.

"Karen, honey, I'm afraid your good times are over. You'll be spending tonight in your bedroom, alone, like all women should, the night before they lose their virginity. And, to make sure you are suitably eager, we're going to take measures to be sure you don't do anything that might ruin your appetite."

Kristin's measures turned out to be a full set of leather manacles, which she had Mom and I buckle on to Aunt Karen's wrists and ankles and then to the corner posts of the wrought iron bed frame, leaving my aunt naked, spread eagle and helpless.

"We'll order some supper, later on. Until then, we're going to leave you alone to think about tomorrow. Okay?"

Aunt Karen hadn't said much, since giving me the best first blow job in the history of the world. She and Mom had talked, while Kristin was uploading her movie, but Aunt Karen's replies, to Mom's questions, had all pretty much been limited to one or two words.

Now, looking a bit nervous, she nodded at Kristin.

"Great. Danny, why don't you give her a nice, sloppy good-night kiss."

I did my best, swapping spit with Aunt Karen for five or ten seconds.

"Very nice. Now give her one on the lips."

Confused, I bent down and gave Aunt Karen another kiss, although the first had been right on her mouth.

"No, Danny. Not those lips."

My dick, which hasn't been completely limp for twenty-four hours, stiffened, yet again, as I bent over Aunt Karen's pussy.

"Just a kiss, now. You want her to be ready for tomorrow."

I nodded and pressed my mouth against the top of Aunt Karen's pussy.

She was very wet and smelled like heaven on earth. I had limited experience but, based on the way she had responded, the night before, I knew I could make her come with very little effort. But I was getting used to doing what I was told. I just kissed her, although I did lick my lips clean, when I stood back up.

Aunt Karen was flushed and her nipples stood, tall and proud. There was a pleading look, in her eyes, but she didn't say a word.

"Your turn."

I turned to look at Mom who was giving Kristin a glare that could have melted glaciers. But, like her sister, she kept her mouth closed and, like me, she did as she was told.

Her hair hid their faces, as Mom kissed Aunt Karen. But it lasted longer than a light peck would have. And then she took a step to the side and, with one knee on the bed, bent down to kiss Aunt Karen's pussy.

Aunt Karen raised her head and watched, as Mom dipped her face between her thighs. Once again, Mom's hair hid the action, but it was obvious, by the time that elapsed between Aunt Karen's sharply in-drawn breath and when she finally exhaled, as Mom raised her head, that my mother had spent at least as long, with her lips on Aunt Karen's sex, as I had. I envied her.

But, as I was soon to discover, I would get plenty of opportunity to enjoy the taste of pussy, that night. Starting when Kristin led Mom and me into the master bedroom, where she promptly removed her bikini.

"Your tongue, right her, right now." She looked pointedly at me as, sitting on the edge of the bed, she spread her sex open with her fingers. I dropped to my knees and, with my mother watching over my shoulder, dove in.

Aunt Karen tasted better, but Kristin tasted pretty damn good, too. She was soggy, slick, and wide open, welcoming my tongue.

I went at her with all the enthusiasm you would expect from a 15-year-old boy who suddenly found himself starring in a porno fantasy.

It seemed like I was just getting started, when Kristin pushed me away. Disappointed, I stared at her twitching pussy, from a few inches away, and licked her nectar off of my lips.

"Jesus, this boy is good." My ego swell at Kristin's compliment, followed by my dick, when she added, "Do you want to turn?"

Within a minute, or two, Mom was sitting beside Kristin, spreading her legs, and I was lowering my face into my third pussy of the evening, almost exactly 24 hours after I had my first taste of a woman's nectar.

"I could get used to this," I thought, as I lapped at my mothers smooth, wet pussy.

I ate Mom until she grunted her way through an orgasm, then shifted back to Kristin, until she pushed me away, and then back to Mom. I had been eating pussy for most of an hour before I finally took a break.

It didn't last long but I didn't mind because, as I was wiping my face with the back of my hand, Kristin was directing Mom to get on her hands and knees in the middle of the bed.

"I know you said you've never given anybody a rim job but have you ever had one?"

Mom looked over her shoulder, at me, and, blushing, said, "No."

"Well, since you happen to be in the presence of a naturally gifted analinguist, now is the perfect time. Spread your cheeks and ask nicely."

Mom gave me a last glance, sighed as she lowered her shoulders to the mattress, and reached back to grab her ass.

"Danny," her voice was barely louder than a whisper, "please lick me back there." Her pink, puckered anus, easily visible between her wide spread cheeks, twitched.

"Back where?" Kristin prompted.

"My bottom," Mom hissed. And then, after taking a calming breath, corrected herself in a much clearer voice. "My ass-hole. Please lick you mother's virgin ass-hole."

A grinning Kristin nodded at me.

I crawled onto the bed, behind Mom, dipped my head and stuck out my tongue.

I had already licked Mom to several orgasms, during which, aside from some grunts and heavy breathing, she had remained mostly silent. But the moment my tongue touched her ass-hole, the floodgates opened.

"Oh, god! Oh fuck. Holy shit, that's nasty. Jesus, Danny. Holy fuck. Oh yeah. Oh, fuck yeah."

The tirade of profanity continued, rising in pitch and volume, as I lapped at Mom's butt. Her enthusiasm was catching and I was soon attacking her ass with gusto, taking over the job of spreading her cheeks so that I could squeeze them as I stuck my tongue up my mothers ass.

I never knew that a person could come, that way, But Mom, if there was any truth in shouts of, "I'm coming. Oh fuck, yes, I'm coming," certainly seemed to indicate that she, at least could.

As Mom was coming down from her unusually vocal orgasm, I rocked back to catch my own breath and admire her. The round, full cheeks of her ass had hand-shaped red marks, I had squeezed them so hard. In her head-down, ass-up position, her anus, glistening with my spit, was barely visible and lower, between thighs spread until her knees were about shoulder-width apart, her hairless vulva, open like a blossom, and glistening with its own moisture, was displayed like a work of art.

"Did you like that?"

Mom lifted her head and, without looking back at either of us, nodded.

"Good," Kristin said, as she crawled up onto the bed, beside Mom. "Let's see if you can give as well as you receive."

Mom rocked back and rose up into a kneeling position beside Kristin's upraised ass. She twisted to look at me, blushing.

"Do it, Susan. Do it," Kristin spread her ass open, just like she had made Mom do.

Mom looked down at Kristin's ass then up at me. I nodded, for some reason. It wasn't like I had any say in the matter but I guess I was expressing me desire to see it happen.

In any case, my small nod seemed to make up Mom's mind. She shivered and shuffled over behind Kristin.


Mom froze with her face a few inches from Kristin's ass when she heard Kristin say my name.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"This is going to take a while. Why don't you make yourself useful and order up some room device. Some sandwiches would be good. And, if they have some sort of fruit plate., get a couple of those, too."

I nodded, although she wasn't looking at me, and got off of the bed. I did pause, at the bedroom door, to watch my mother slowly lower her face between Kristin's spread cheeks.

"Good girl," Kristin said, as I left to figure out the room service menu

Remembering how big our lunch portions had been, I only ordered two club sandwiches, along with the fruit plates Kristin had demanded.

And then, thinking it would probably be best if I wasn't naked when the food arrived, I put in one of the heavy robes that hung in the closet and went back to watch my mother.

It took more than half an hour for the food to arrive. And my mothers face was buried in Kristin's ass the entire time.

As far as I could tell, Kristin never came. But she seemed to thoroughly enjoy the attention and kept telling Mom what a great job she was doing.

They both came out if the bedroom, after I had signed the check and tipped the waiter with a ten dollar bill from Mom's purse. Kristin was practically glowing; her whole body was pink. Mom looked a little sheepish but her stiff, fat nipples and the flush that spread across her chest made it clear that she hadn't exactly hated the experience.

At Kristin's instruction, I removed the robe and the three of us went into the second bedroom to share our food with Aunt Karen.

But, first, we had to wake her up. A task which Mom and I accomplished by sucking on both of her nipples, at the same time. And when she was flushed and panting, we ate off of her body.

That is, we ate the sandwiches off of the plates they had come on. But we put the contents of the first fruit plate on Aunt Karen and ate it without using utensils or even our fingers. We ate the fruit by picking it off of Aunt Karen with our teeth.

Mom and I shared the job of feeding Aunt Karen by passing bites of food from our mouths to hers. And when the first plate of fruit was gone, we put the second in its place

When the food was gone, Mom and I worked together to lick Aunt Karen as clean as we could until, pragmatically, Kristin finally had us resort to wash-cloths.

Aunt Karen wasn't exactly frantic, when we left, but she was definitely breathing hard.

When Kristin, Mom and I were back in our room, Kristin said, "I think that's enough foreplay." She crawled back to the center of the bed and, on her hands and knees, once more, without so much as a glance back at us said, "Fuck me, you bastard."




  1. (…continuing) Mom watched, her eyes gleaming, as I climbed on to the bed and lined my cock up with my second pussy of the day. And, for that matter, of my life. Kristin was tighter than Mom had been. Or maybe the different position made it seem that way. In either case, she was definitely not as wet as Mom. Not that she was dry; she was far from dry. It’s just that Mom had been so much wetter, when she sank onto my cock to take my virginity. I took my time, working my way into Kristin. And, when my hips were solidly up against her ass, spent a while savoring the feel of her and stroking her flanks. I fucked her slowly, until she demanded, "Harder." Then, with all the strength and endurance of my youth, I did my best to pound the shit out of her. I know she came at least twice, by the way she clamped down until I couldn’t move. After the second time, when I tried to start back up, she jerked away, off of my cock, and, laughing, rolled onto her back. "Susan, I’m going to need your help." I turned to look at Mom, my dick jumping at the thought of fucking her, again. But Kristin had a different plan. "Oh, no. I know you’re a motherfucker, at heart, but your cock is all mine, tonight." She twisted until she could reach my dick and pulled me towards her pussy. "You just put that right back in here. Oh, yeah." She sighed as my dick slid into her much more smoothly than the first time. "That’s nice. Now, don’t move, for a while." While I waited, on my hands and knees over her, Kristin shifted until she could wrap her legs around my back. "Now spread your knees apart." I did, but didn’t understand why until Mom, who seemed to, crawled onto the bed. "You know what I want," Kristin said. Mom quietly said, "I think so," and I felt her hair, and then her hands, on my ass. I had discovered that I didn’t mind licking a woman’s ass, like I would have thought. I even enjoyed it. But I never expected to be on the receiving end. "Feels nice, doesn’t it?" It felt good. Damned good, actually. Especially with my cock in Kristin’s tight pussy. I looked down into her smiling eyes, as Mom flicked her tongue across by anus, and nodded. "Now fuck me." I nodded, again, and started to pull back and thrust forward, nice and slow, so Mom could keep up. That felt even better. "Stop, Susan," Kristin suddenly demanded. Mom backed away, a little, and, looking up at me, Kristin said, "Don’t you dare come until I do. Understand? Susan, you can finish him off, but I come first." "Yes, Kristin." Snarling in frustration, I started to jack-hammer pound Kristin’s cunt. She didn’t seem to mind, though. Laughing, she met my thrusts until our bodies slapped loudly against each other. Then her smile faded and Kristin’s motion became more urgent. I had her close which spurred me on to drive even harder into her. Mom, for her part, was stroking my ass as I pounded Kristin into the mattress, until, once again, Kristin’s cunt clamped down on me, joined by her legs, which locked around my hips. The moment I could no longer move, Mom’s face was back between my cheeks. As Kristin’s pussy was squeezing my cock, my mother was shoving her tongue into my ass. I came so hard I literally saw stars and my vision shrank to a narrow, dark tunnel. When my sight returned to normal, what I could see was the ceiling. My head was thrown back and my throat was raw from an apparent scream that I have no memory of. Kristin reached up, with one hand, and pulled my head down to look at her smiling, content, and sweaty face. With my mother gently stroking my ass-hole with her tongue, I bent down and kissed Kristin on the mouth. A few minutes later, my shrinking dick plopped out of Kristin’s cunt, at which time, she pushed me off of her, rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom. Mom crawled up the bed and, wordlessly, pulled my arms around her. * [Part 1]( * [Part 2]( * [Part 3]( * [Part 4]( * [Part 5]( * [Part 6]( * [Part 7]( * [Part 8](

  2. Brilliant work mate! I,m staying tuned for the next thrilling instalment

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