Vacation – Part 2 of 8 ( mF mFF Inc Mother/Son Aunt/Nephew Coercion)

I woke up, the next morning, on my back, with my arms above my head, and a small, naked woman pressed against my side, with her head on my chest.

After wiping my semen off of her naked body, the night before, Kristin had led me into the bathroom and actually giggled as she held my dick while I peed into the toilet. She then led me back to the bed, where she unlocked my wrists long enough to cuff them to the wrought iron headboard, before going back into the bathroom to drain her own bladder.

Now, she was breathing heavily, apparently in a deep sleep.

"Are you okay?"

I jumped at the unexpected noise, looking to my side to see Mom and Aunt Karen, their arms still intertwine and locked together, standing in the open doorway.

"We heard you, last night. Did she hurt you?" Mom asked.

I started to shake my head, but Kristin, who had either been awake or, more likely, woke up when I jumped, answered for me.

"Don't worry, Susie," she said, stretching and kicking our blankets off. "We had fun, last night, and we thought about fucking, but we decided that Danny's first time should be with you."

Kristin grinned at Mom, whose face had gone pale, either at the thought of the two of us having sex, or, just as likely, because of Kristin's use of the diminutive form of her name.

"And it looks like he's ready, now," Kristin added, taking my morning erection into her hand. "But I'm afraid it will have to wait. We have things to do, today." She glanced at her watch, the only thing she was wearing. "For one thing, I only have half an hour to cancel the job that will your emails. We wouldn't want to miss that, would we?"

Mom's eyes widened and the blood drained from Aunt Karen's face.

"First, I think we can take off the handcuffs, don't you?"

Kristin got out of bed and un-cuffed Mom and Aunt Karen before giving the keys to my mother so that she could lean down, her much larger and heavier breasts swaying pendulously, to unlock me.

"Now, everybody in the bathroom." Kristin ordered.

The en-suite bathroom, attached to master bedroom that Kristin and I had slept in, was very large and had a pair of double doors with ornate, wrought iron handles that matched the bed frame. After we were closed in, I could hear the rattle of metal on metal as Kristin used a pair of handcuffs to lock the doors closed.

"Everybody do what you need to do and take a shower," Kristin said. "You have 15 minutes."

The bathroom was fairly large, and very sparse. There was a toilet and pedestal sink, along one wall, and most of the rest of the space was taken up by the shower, which was big enough for four or five people.

"Is there any way you could do something about that?" Mom said, nodding at my dick, which was standing at full attention.

Reflexively, I looked from Mom's naked body to Aunt Karen's. And then, realizing how inappropriate that was, I stared down at the floor. I wasn't sure what Mom might have had in mind, but I sure as hell wasn't going to jerk off in front of her, no matter what had happened the night before.

"I don't think so," I said, quietly, shaking my head. "Sorry."

"I see. Well, why don't I shower first. You might want to use the toilet. Karen and I already took care of that."

The thought of Mom and Aunt Karen taking turns sitting on the toilet, naked, with their arms locked together, did nothing to ease my erection and, I knew, there was no way I was going to be able to drain my bladder.

So, with nothing else I could do, I stood beside Aunt Karen and, since she was watching Mom, through the clear glass shower door, so did I. The shower had three large heads, overhead, with jets along the side and back walls which, until Mom figured out how to turn them off, sprayed her from all sides.

As I watched Mom wash her hair and lather up her body, using the dispensers built into one wall, I became aware that Aunt Karen was slowly moving closer to me until her shoulder was pressed against mine.

"Are you okay?" I asked, when I saw the way she was looking at me.

Aunt Karen met my eyes, slowly shaking her head and, suddenly she was in my arms.

I could feel her breasts against my chest and my dick was trapped between our bodies. But her tears and the shaking of her shoulders as she sobbed did what a handgun couldn't, then night before. My erection quickly subsided as I patted my sobbing aunt on her bare back.

"What's going on?"

If Aunt Karen's tears hadn't killed my erection, the tone of cold accusation in Mom's voice would have done the trick. But it seemed to go right over Aunt Karen's head.

"I'm sorry. It's all a bit…overwhelming." She pulled out of my arms and, sniffling, whipped her nose on the back of her hand. "I never though something like this… It's just so…so…"

"I know," Mom said, bluntly.

"And my fucking body keeps betraying me. You're not the only one having that reaction. You just can't see what it does to me." Aunt Karen looked down at my dick. "Oh. Never mind." She seemed disappointed that I was no longer erect.

"No. No." Something in her tone made me feel like I should apologize for losing my erection. "It's just that you were crying, and it doesn't like tears."

Mom, naked and dripping wet, cocked an eyebrow at me. "It doesn't like tears?" she asked, sarcastically. But her tone seemed more playful than upset, and she actually smiled.

I grinned, sheepishly, back at her and, feeling my body start to react to our nudity, now that the tears had stopped, I decided to retreat.

"I should take a shower." I acted on my words without waiting for Mom to reply.

I washed up, quickly, with my back to Mom and Aunt Karen. When I turned the water off and turned around, they were quietly talking and watching me.

Aunt Karen smiled and stepped in as I got out and it wasn't until I noticed that Mom's hair was dripping on her breasts that I realized that there were no towels.

I realized, with a start, that, once again, I staring at Mom's tits, and she was fully aware of it.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

I turned to stand side by side with her, but that meant I was now watching suds flow down Aunt Karen's back and across her bare ass. I couldn't help myself. Remembering what I had done to Kristin, I imagined pressing my face between those globes and running my tongue over her most delicate places, despite how the image made my dick stand at attention.

"We don't mind, you know."

"What?" I snapped out of my reverie sand glanced, guiltily at Mom.

"It doesn't bother us, when you look at us. That is," Mom chuckled, for some reason, "it does bother us, but we don't mind. Karen and I talked, for a long time, last night." She snorted. "When we weren't listening to you and her." Nodding towards the door, Mom made the three letter pronoun sound like vulgar profanity.

"Sorry," I said.

"There's no need to be. You had no choice. Which is my point. None of us have a choice. Between the gun and what she recorded us doing, Kristin holds all the cards. At least for now. Like I said, Karen and I talked for a long time and she thinks, that is to say, we think that our only choice is to play along, for now, at any rate. We do what she says and hope she either gets careless or decides that we've been through enough and lets us off the hook."

"Which is why we were so glad to hear the two of you, last night." Aunt Karen added, as she stepped out of the shower.

I opened my mouth to ask why, but Mom beat me to the punch.

"We hope that, maybe, she'll get emotionally attached to you."

"Like Stockholm Syndrome, but the other way around."

Mom looked at me, as if I had grown a second – er, third – head. "Where did you learn about Stockholm Syndrome?"

"I read a lot." It was true. I had brought me e-reader, loaded with about a dozen new books, on our tropical vacation. I read every chance I got. Fiction, biography, history – you name it, I read it. (Except Teen Paranormal Romance. I had some standards.)

But I wasn't about to admit that I had read about the Stockholm Syndrome, which is when captives get emotionally attached to their captors, in some online BDSM erotica.

"I see," Mom said. "Of course. I should have realized. In any case, we also decided that, given your age, gender and lack of experience, we could either be furious with you, all the time, or accept that you are going to look at us and that your body is going to have a normal reaction to what you see."

"Like now," Aunt Karen added, looking down at me.

I wasn't hard as steel, but I was definitely stiff and getting stiffer.

"Exactly. Since it's going to happen, let's just accept it and move on. Besides, it's almost certain to please Kristin."

"It sounded like it pleased her last night." Aunt Karen grinned and I couldn't believe she had been a sobbing wreck, just a few minutes earlier.

"I didn't… You know, have actual sex with her."

"No," Mom said, flatly. "So she said. You're saving that for me."

Mom, blushing, fell silent as the door started to rattle.

"Sorry," Kristin, dressed in a bikini, with her hair pulled back into a ponytail, pulled the doors open. "That took longer than I expected." She laughed. "I almost didn't get signed on in time. The messages were very nearly sent."

"But they weren't sent, right? Kristin? You made it on time, didn't you?"

"Relax, Susie, I made it. And I even changed the scheduler to noon and midnight. You know, in case we want to sleep in."

Mom stiffened, at the hated nickname, but didn't say anything.

"Now, we need to get our asses in gear. We need to get some breakfast and do some shopping, before we hit the beach."

She had us dress in our bathing suits and even let Mom an Aunt Karen put on some light cover-ups they had brought.

My suit was surfer style, baggy and almost down to my knees, so, with a t-shirt and some flip-flops, I was ready to face the public.




  1. (…continuing) In fact, the only one of us that was scantily dressed was Kristin, who wrapped a sort if thin, over-sized scarf around her hips and didn’t even bother with shoes. From the waist up, she just wore a few square inches of red fabric, cut into triangles and held up with a couple of strings. She acted like we were a couple, at the restaurant, where nobody seemed to even notice her lack of clothing. She kept her arm around my waist kept smiling at me and even bumped me with her hip, as the hostess was showing us to our table. We ate a light breakfast of fruit and pastries and headed for a souvenir shop, off the hotel lobby. It didn’t take long to figure out why – there were a couple of racks of bathing suits, in the back. Kristin picked out some bikinis for Mom and Aunt Karen but, to my surprise, she didn’t even look at the thongs. In fact, the suits were bigger than what she was wearing. Of course, when they put them on, it became clear that size was relative. The bottoms weren’t to bad. They completely, if just barely, covered their butts. But her top left more of Mom’s breasts exposed than Kristin even had. And Aunt Karen’s was worse, since it was the same size but had more flesh to fail to cover. "My friends were wondering if they could wear them out," Kristin told the clerk who, having almost certainly seem tourists dressed even worse, agreed and, after collecting our room number and providing a bag for the old suits and cover-ups, turned to help somebody else. "Don’t worry," Kristin said, as she led us to a taxi, "you won’t be exposed, like that, for long." She was true to her word. After the taxi dropped us off at a beach a few miles from the hotel, and agreed to pick us up at eleven, we passed a sign that warned, in half a dozen languages, that complete nudity and public sex were forbidden. After tossing the bag with most of Mom’s and Aunt Karen’s clothes into a trash can, Kristin explained what the sign meant. "You have to wear at least a g-string. But topless is allowed so…" Kristin’s voice tailed off, meaningfully. Mom understood and, glaring at Kristin, reached up to untie her top. Aunt Karen didn’t seem to get it until Mom’s pale tits and thick nipples were out in public view. Blushing, she followed suit and, after watching her get topless, I was surprised, when I turned around, to see that Kristin’s breasts were out, too. She held out a small, drawstring bag she had brought and, after Mom and Aunt Karen had dropped their tops in, and I had added my shirt, led us over to a small shack where we could buy four large beach towels and a tube of SPF-30 sunscreen and charge the cost to our hotel room. As we made our way toward the water, I saw a few other people. None of the women looked nearly as good as Mom or Aunt Karen or even Kristin. And as for the men… "Disgusting, isn’t it?" Kristin asked, after I winced. "Most women are beautiful, in one way or another, but men…" She shook her head. "Your bodies can be hot and sexy, under the right circumstances, but, as a group, you are not pretty." I smiled and Aunt Karen actually chuckled. We found a spot with nobody very close, which was not hard at ten in the morning, and spread out our towels. Then came the matter of sunscreen. Kristin insisted that nobody would put any on their self. And, in fact, it was my job to take care of all the women. Which meant I had to suffer through rubbing the thick, slick cream liberally and thoroughly onto every inch of exposed female flesh. Following Kristin’s directions, i started with their breasts, worked over the rest of their bodies and, after gently doing their faces, just to be sure, since they were so pale, finished up by rubbing another layer on their tits. I did Mom, first, then Aunt Karen, and finished up with Kristin, whose tits, I had to admit, were still nice little handfuls, even though they were so much smaller. Finally, it was my turn. Karen took Mom and Aunt Karen a few feet away and explained what she had in mind, where I couldn’t hear. It wasn’t complicated. They put sunscreen on my by rubbing a thick coat onto each others tits, which made me rock hard, and then rubbing them on my body. They started with my chest and back, with Mom behind me and Aunt Karen in front. Then, the made me kneel and close my eyes while they stood, side by side and rubbed all four of their tits across my face. Kristin handed me a towel, to wipe my eyes, while they reloaded each other before kneeling and, with my hand on their heads for balance, picked my legs up, one at a time, and rubbing them, along with my feet. They even raised the legs of my suit to expose my thighs and rubbed their tits on them. By then, I was just about ready to explode. That problem was easily resolved. Presumably acting on Kristin’s orders, Mom stood up behind me and, wrapping her arms around my torso, slid her hands down my belly towards my waistband, while rubbing her tits on my back. I was going to get a hand-job from my mother! I had shaved and eaten her pussy, the night before, not to mention her sister’s, then a naked stranger who, while admittedly psycho, was pretty damned hot, had jerked me off after giving me my third taste of pussy and my first of ass. And now Mom was getting ready to grab my dick. Except she didn’t. I had been so caught up in what Mom was doing that I didn’t even notice Aunt Karen’s hand sliding up my leg, under my suit until it was under the lining and caressing my balls. The moment Aunt Karen wrapped her hand around my dick, I erupted like Mount Vesuvius. And all of that happened under the watchful eye of a small, digital video camera that Kristin had pulled out of her trusty bag. I wanted to go out into the surf to clean out my shorts, but Kristin wouldn’t let me. So I had to lay there sticky and slimy. Fortunately, by the time we had finished, there was only about ten minutes before the taxi was due to take us back to the hotel. * [Part 1]( * [Part 2]( * [Part 3]( * [Part 4]( * [Part 5]( * [Part 6]( * [Part 7]( * [Part 8](

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