Laura and Sophie’s Road Trip: Part One

Laura picked up her small duffle bag off the conveyor belt and looked up to find Sophie standing twenty feet away staring at her and smiling. Laura smiled back with her warm, blue eyes and instantly they both knew the actions of the last year were forgiven. Laura had gotten over Sophie leaving her for some asshole guy who was no longer in the picture and Sophie had gotten over Laura’s distasteful reaction to the event.

Laura took in Sophie’s appearance. Her hair was longer than when she last saw her, though it was still as dark and curly as ever. Her green eyes penetrated Laura and her soft, white skin look so inviting. She was wearing a pale blue shirt and a black align skirt, both of which hugged her curves well. Sophie’s full breasts and round ass were already beginning to make Laura’s heart rate increase.

She herself had simply opted for jeans and a white button down shirt that showed off the tan she had gained over the summer, nothing too fancy. Her wavy, long hair was down and fell to her waist, though she preferred a pony tail, she knew Sophie liked to see her hair down.

“How was your flight?” Sophie asked. “It was fine; are you ready for this road trip?” Laura replied, beginning to anticipate what was going to happen. “Definitely.”

Once they got into the car they began making small talk. Laura talked about how she had pathetically attempted online dating and told Sophie her horror stories of dates gone wrong that seemed like they belonged in some tv script. Sophie, in turn, spoke of her travels to Italy that summer and how the experience hadn’t really been everything that she had hoped it would be, but she would like to return again someday.

“Hey, you know I’ve been sitting all day, do you think we could stop at the next rest stop and go for a walk so I can stretch my legs?” Laura asked.

“Of course,” Sophie responded, with a hint of mischief in her voice. Sophie drove the car off the next exit to a rest area. Once they got out of the car, Sophie walked around and took Laura around the waist and led her down a path that went into a heavily wooded area.

Sophie’s hand gently started caressing Laura’s hip, causing a slight moan to escape her lips as they walked farther and farther into the woods.

Finally Laura couldn’t handle the tension anymore and turned and kissed Sophie passionately, pressing her tongue into Sophie’s mouth and exploring every corner. Sophie responded eagerly, taking Laura by the hips and pressing her up against a tree, and took her warm, wet kisses to Laura’s neck. Sophie’s hands began to explore, re-examining every crevice of Laura’s body that had once been so familiar. She reached up and grabbed Laura’s breasts, squeezing them nice and tight and playing with her nipples, getting them hard through the light fabric.

Sophie began to unbutton Laura’s shirt painfully slow while continuing to explore Laura’s soft skin with her warm, wet tongue. Finally, she popped one of Laura’s tits out of her bra and began sucking on it, lightly at first, but harder as she was encouraged by Laura’s moans. All the while her hands began to move down and slowly unbutton Laura’s jeans. To her surprise, Laura wasn’t wearing underwear, which pleased Sophie. She reached down to find Laura soaked and with one finger and began to press against her clit, lightly at first but adding pressure as Laura began to buck her hips. Sophie continued to suck on Laura’s tits as she slowly inserted one finger, and then another into Laura’s soaking wet hole and began to slowly press them against the walls of her vagina causing Laura’s breaths to increase and moans to get louder. Sophie slowly moved her fingers around inside, without removing them, continued to work Laura’s clit with another finger and moved back up to her soft lips to kiss her passionately. Laura was moaning in between breaths and bucking her hips faster and faster as Sophie continued to glue her lips against hers as Sophie increased the speed and pressure she applied to Laura’s clit. Suddenly Laura screamed out and felt the spasms of sweet release as she orgasmed and slumped between Sophie and the tree.

After several minutes Laura gathered herself. She put her clothes back straight and looked up at Sophie and gave her a devilish smile and said, “I think it is your turn, my dear.”
