Quick Flash – I May Need to Get Another Job…[MF][Interracial][Masturbation]

In this weeks Quick Flash, Jaime may have to find another job after she has a private meeting with her team leader…in the stairwell.

As always, all three blogs have identical content. The WORK and COLLEGE blogs are "vanilla" and appropriate to read in each location.


Euphoria & Lust – Quick Flash – I May Need to Get Another Job…


Be a Value to Your Employer – Friday Team Building – When Possible, Take The Stairs


Student Hive – Friday Fun – Fire Drill Safety

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1itute/quick_flash_i_may_need_to_get_another


  1. I wrote a sequel to this one. Take a look and see if you also like the latest episode.

  2. late response: Your writing style is light and easy to follow theres build up and climax that was pretty steamy and we see just a bit of the character through the dialogue so its not generic and over satuared. All and all its well suctured with none boring characters

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