[F] Bumped into an ex-wedding fuck at a place I had never imagined – MY HOME!

As I was entering my home last evening, I saw a nice Beamer (BMW for those who dont know haha) parked outside our home along with my Husband’s. As I entered my living room, I could see a guy in Turban – his back to me though. My husband greeted me while sitting down and introduced me to his friend – Lets Call him D (short for his name).

He got up and turned to face me – I could see in his eyes and his expressions – he knew me! Oh my GOD – I KNEW HIM too. It took me a few seconds – but oh god I recognized him. I had met him in a wedding in Delhi a few months back – and he and his 2 friends (no kidding) took turns on me for 4 days – starting the engagement night. It was a big fat Punjabi wedding – at their farmhouse some 100 kms away. The party was crazy the first night – which was engagement night I had hooked up with D. He was “The Friend of the Groom from UK” – he was polished and smart and amazing with his words – and we ended up hooking up the first time in his room. As we were finishing – 2 of his friends – they were also not from India – but friends of the Groom , entered the room – uninvited. It definitely seemed it was accidental from them – as they just assumed D isn’t in the room and used the key to open the room. I was in a more embarrassing situation than him – and he seemed proud.

I [F] visited him again and got “almost” caught twice

So by him I mean the Retail employee at the Mall

[F] Seduced a Retail employee to an evident boner and then fucked in Mall’s Fire exit. from gonewildstories

This visit to him was out of sheer need of a round 2 with him – same way like the last time as the flashbacks of first time still turns me on – the experience of exposing to a random stranger in change room was something. First time it was – but don’t think it’ll be last time.

Anyway – he had a BEEMING smile as he saw me again there. I smiled back – as I walked past the store. He was at the door – and no one was in the store except other salesperson. I walked past the store – honestly with an expectation that he’ll follow. And he did – only a minute later he came up to me and said

“Hey! Couldn’t stay without me haa?” and laughed.

[F] A night where I fulfilled not just my fuck buddy’s but also someone random’s wild fantasy by risking it all

People have asked me before – “What if the driver makes a move on you?”. This incident is of when we made the driver make a move.

Its an incident over two days actually – with the same fuck buddy but different cab drivers. He has shared me around before as well – so wasn’t all that new to him or me.

Day 1 was a bit of a bummer – something we didn’t expect. The driver didn’t like what we were doing in his back seat. He literally stopped the car after a while with his cock up my throat. Even after offering money- he wasn’t up for it and asked us to book another cab. He looks at me says “This cab is not a brothel for whores” (in hindi) – which got us both a bit angry but he had the right – and we got out.
We ended up going back to his place for a quickie that night.

The next day – I was back in Gurgaon for work – and my buddy also stays in Gurgaon. I again met my friend after work for drinks – and this time we got drunk a bit more. We canceled 3 cabs – before finally booking one with a young driver who looked the absolutely perfect fit – for the act. Nervous but excited.

[F] Seduced a Retail employee to an evident boner and then fucked in Mall’s Fire exit.

A lot of people ask – “Tell us your latest experience” – but I always miss out on posting something as soon as it happens. But not this time. This is something that happened last evening/night.

I went out shopping – to a mall in Noida and after doing enough window shopping – I entered a clothing store. Got greeted by a couple of female employees there and then this extremely cute guy walks up to me and greets me. He does his usual chit-chat – asked me what am I looking for and if he could help. I usually do my shopping on my own – hate it when the sales people are on top of my head but I told him that I am looking for a jeans – and if available a couple of casual shirts for work. He gave me a few options and guided me to the changing room – and stood outside of the room to help me if needed.

[F] Celebrated Valentine’s day with a first ever couple off Bumble

An experience off Bumble. Wasn’t actually looking for a couple – I was basically looking for something shiny and hot for 14th.

So I have never ever believed in Valentine’s Day. Not because it’s western but just on the belief that it can’t be just that day. Anyway.

Just one of those right swipe to a decently hot looking young guy. He had a few pictures and he had a couple of them with this one girl – not the prettiest maybe but looked quite bold with her looks and attire. I had not swiped for that girl – but yes seemed odd that a guy uploads pictures with one girl – like a couple.

And after that first hi from me – it was evident. He messaged back with with a very straightforward telling that they are a couple and if I am interested or not. Turns out it was the girl itself who had swiped for me. She video-called almost as soon as I typed “Maybe” to her. It was only her on the call and it was more to verify. We didn’t talk for more than 5 seconds and went back to chatting. She was in her college class haha. She gave an intro about her – and it was her and her fwb seeking action. Her fwb into mature woman and she was “just” kinky and found me “hot”.

[F] Day 2 of me being caught and made to bend over to repay

Day 2 – I wanted to talk to A – tell him that he can’t tell this to anyone. A usually came in the afternoon – as our office is small and we didn’t need a full time office help. I had told S that he has to talk to A and get things sorted – or maybe make him talk to me. A came in the afternoon – and before this I would have never noticed him but today I noticed him. I noticed his every movement – not because I was turned on but wanted to know if he is talking to anyone. I messaged S to get A in my cabin in an hour – and he did. Obviously this whole conversation happened in Hindi.

A – “Yes Mam. S sir told me that you wanted to talk to me”

Me – “Yes Yes. Had something to talk”

I was shy – obviously. How will I tell my office help to stay quiet about what he had seen. So there was a bit of a silence and suddenly A said

A – “You want to talk about what I saw yesterday”

[F] On my fours in my office room with my newest employee and someone walked in.

This is something that happened over 2 days actually but I’ll try and keep it as short but as detailed and less confusing as possible.

Ever since me and this new employee (named S) hooked up couple of weeks back – the time in office has been kinky but risky to say the least. Those random spanks at work or gropes here and there – would get us excited for the evening after everybody leaves the office.
Every evening since the first morning – has ended up with us fucking like wild animals in our small little 15 people office. No area off-limits but we mostly would use my office/cabin – due it being more spacious and having more pieces of furniture to fuck on.

Day 1 – It was evening – and around 530 pm everyone had left except me. S had also left but he would always come back to office after a while – basically to fool everyone and be discreet. By 630 pm – I was on my fours on my carpeted floor in my office with S’s cock stuffed in my ass. Everyday we would fuck for a couple of hours – at times even eat something and then head back to our respective homes. This day was nothing different – except that S had a really rough day to one of our client’s attitude and in all honesty – I didn’t help him out much which he expected. For sure, today was a day of revenge for him and I knew that.

[F] Drunk sexted my junior most employee believing I was sexting my other FB.

Embarrassing dangerous but satisfying is how I’d describe this.

So this guy recently joined our team – mostly into editing and tech side of things. Tall and Good looking young guy – from Jaipur. It’s been only a couple of weeks since he had joined us – good at his work and apart from that my interaction with him had been limited – just a bit of work banter amongst all of us. What was coincidental in all of that was that his name was same as one of my other fuck buddy (guy from call centre – believe I’ve talked about him earlier).

Last Monday- post an event and getting drunk, I came back home extremely horny – to my snoring husband in our bed at 10pm. Instead of joining him – I decided to stay up for a while – maybe Reddit and work too. Next day, due to an event all of my team including me weren’t going to office – rather directly to venue. I decided to message my friend – sext with him a bit and invite him to office next morning for some long pending anal from him (He is anal for anal always haha). I opened my app and sent him:

[F] First ever Bumble date ended up being a wild MMF with his flatmate

I had always been so so intrigued by Tinder/Bumble – but the fact that I am married and a bit well known in my area had always stopped me from getting on any such apps. But last Friday night – I wanted to give it a go. I was home with my kid and my mom-in-law while my husband was away for a few days. I downloaded Bumble after going through some stuff here on Reddit which got me excited about it. I ended up making a profile – didn’t show my face but still a couple of photos and information about what a nasty little wife I am. I was truthful in my bio but wasn’t sure if I needed more than just chatting at that point in time.

[F] Fucked 6 different people on a work trip to Thailand for 4 days – AMA

This was last week and the first fuck started with my flight to Bangkok from Delhi

1st Guy – Random fellow traveller in the flight to Bangkok. Joined Mile High club for the first time

2nd Guy – Groom’s friend. Hot af guy. Amazing in bed. Fucked him for all 2 days that I was in the wedding. Fucked him on the beach too.

3rd Guy – Groom’s elder brother. Married. Fucked him on the cocktail night in my room while his wife was sloshed sleeping in their room. Didn’t see me eye to eye the entire next couple of days.

4th Guy – 2nd guy’s friend on the last night. Asked me if I was game for a 3some with a friend of his – whom he lost a substantial amount of money in poker during the wedding. So glad that he turned out to be a Britisher staying in that resort. Fucked him for next 2 days – god knows how many times. Got seen getting out of his room many times by people at the wedding.