[F] Day 2 of me being caught and made to bend over to repay

Day 2 – I wanted to talk to A – tell him that he can’t tell this to anyone. A usually came in the afternoon – as our office is small and we didn’t need a full time office help. I had told S that he has to talk to A and get things sorted – or maybe make him talk to me. A came in the afternoon – and before this I would have never noticed him but today I noticed him. I noticed his every movement – not because I was turned on but wanted to know if he is talking to anyone. I messaged S to get A in my cabin in an hour – and he did. Obviously this whole conversation happened in Hindi.

A – “Yes Mam. S sir told me that you wanted to talk to me”

Me – “Yes Yes. Had something to talk”

I was shy – obviously. How will I tell my office help to stay quiet about what he had seen. So there was a bit of a silence and suddenly A said

A – “You want to talk about what I saw yesterday”

Me – “Yes Yes”

A – “What about it? That I don’t tell anyone or your husband about it”

I was shocked at his tone and the way he said it. It was almost out of utter disrespect and disdain. It almost seemed he knew he had me in a vulnerable spot

Me – “Yes please. Don’t tell anyone”

A – “Will think about it” with an attitude.

A – “Lets meet in the evening now as I have work to do. Supervisor will come in sometime”

Me – “What do you mean meet in evening? For what?. Don’t tell anyone and if you want some money help I can do that”

A – “For what? Want to do the same that S sir was doing”

I was shocked.l wasn’t honestly extremely surprised but was surprised how easily he had said that.

Me – “What? Are you serious?”

He laughed and said “Obviously”. And then said “Else anybody can start talking”.

Getting arm-twisted and being forced to do certain things hasn’t been new to me and I did realize that the blunder of last evening – I would have to repay it with my body and respect. I wasn’t saying much but had so many thoughts in my head. He was standing a lil away from me – and as I wasn’t responding he came next to me and grabbed me by my waist to shake me up and said “Okaaay?”. I didn’t say anything but nodded.

As soon as he left, I called S to my cabin and told him what A has told me.

S – “He told me this before coming in”

Me – “What?”

S suddenly like lost his cool and said:
“What What you Bimbo?”
“He wants to fuck you and has been craving your ass for months” he said.

I was very turned on by now – like I could feel a damp dripping patch on my undies. S also left but next 4 hours, I didn’t work at all. I couldn’t.

People of my office left and before S could enter my cabin, A had entered.

A – “Everybody has left Mam. You can get Naked now”. It was like an order.

What’s happening. How’s he talking to me? I was being insulted but was getting turned on too.

I didn’t strip but he came next to me and said “First Kiss mam” and we literally had eachother’s tongue in our mouth a few seconds later. His hands had stripped me out of my skirt and shirt – as I stood there in my white bra-thong set. He broke the kiss – and I could literally see a huge tent in his pants – he saw me noticing and said “You’ll get it soon”

I’ve never been spanked with such disdain ever – as he spanked me red bent over my office table. Must have been at least a 50 spanks – fingering my pussy and ass in between. I was still bent over – when I finally felt the tip of his cock rubbing against my holes and he entered my ass. He wasn’t as thick – but long – so he slipped in easy but made my eyes roll up and throat screaming loud. And before I knew it – he was groaning louder than ever. He had just ejaculated inside me – as he came crushing down on my body.

His cum dripped out of my ass for minutes – seemed he had emptied his entire body. And he looks at me and says – “Thank you. You made me a man today” and I realised I just took away a boy’s virginity.

He was still regaining his energy as S walked in to the cabin. He looked at A and said “Fucked her already Dog” to which A responded with – “The night is still left”

It felt something extraordinary as they both fucked me one by one and then together – they both so comfortable with each other too that it seemed almost planned in advance. But didn’t matter as we fucked, ate and drank – till 4am in the morning.

They made a mess of me and of my office – as the smell of their what not was all over me. Used condoms on the floor and spit and cum stains on the carpet. A had work to do in my office next day 😉

This was the first time – but similar scene happened last Friday night as well before we said bye for the weekend. It seems I now have 2 men at work to satisfy to keep my cover in place.


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/110vbxd/f_day_2_of_me_being_caught_and_made_to_bend_over


  1. ohh solid story and i am wondering if they will offer you upto others as well. You seem to be the ideal punjabi randi :D

  2. A boy lost his virginity by fucking your ass. Some people are just lucky in life.

  3. Reminds me of Jack Nicholson’s dialogue from A few good men! ” I say promote all the women, because there is nothing better than getting a blowjob from your boss first thing in the morning.”

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