[F] On my fours in my office room with my newest employee and someone walked in.

This is something that happened over 2 days actually but I’ll try and keep it as short but as detailed and less confusing as possible.

Ever since me and this new employee (named S) hooked up couple of weeks back – the time in office has been kinky but risky to say the least. Those random spanks at work or gropes here and there – would get us excited for the evening after everybody leaves the office.
Every evening since the first morning – has ended up with us fucking like wild animals in our small little 15 people office. No area off-limits but we mostly would use my office/cabin – due it being more spacious and having more pieces of furniture to fuck on.

Day 1 – It was evening – and around 530 pm everyone had left except me. S had also left but he would always come back to office after a while – basically to fool everyone and be discreet. By 630 pm – I was on my fours on my carpeted floor in my office with S’s cock stuffed in my ass. Everyday we would fuck for a couple of hours – at times even eat something and then head back to our respective homes. This day was nothing different – except that S had a really rough day to one of our client’s attitude and in all honesty – I didn’t help him out much which he expected. For sure, today was a day of revenge for him and I knew that.

I wasn’t stopping him when he was slapping my face while he had stuffed his thick cock in my mouth. I wasn’t stopping him when he was spitting on my face and abusing me for being a bad boss to him in front of our client. I didn’t stop him when he stuffed his thick brown cock in my ass – using just his spit as a lubricant. My hole was stretched and my vocal chords were strained as I kept abusing myself – like he wanted. I had my ass up and my mouth almost licking the floor as he kept going at me mercilessly to say the least.

I had certainly assumed that there was nobody in the office – and all of sudden the door of my office opened up. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!

I can’t describe in words how shocked I felt – as I tried to raise my head up to see who it was. It was our Office Help – Young North-Eastern guy whom we had hired from an Agency. I’ll call him A – short for his real name.

S still had his hand behind my neck-pushing me into the floor and his cock inside my ass – as I tried to look towards A. My first obvious reaction was to get out of this position and cover myself up but S didn’t care if anybody had walked in. S was still fucking me from behind – and now had a harder grip on my neck. And I heard A say “Sorry Sorry” a few times and he shut the door and moved out. It was only 5-10 seconds at max – but he surely got a good view of what was happening and who it was happening with. He obviously knew – The married Boss was getting fucked by her employee in her office. Almost as soon as A left, S had picked up his pace and he came inside me. I am sure A was hearing all of that outside but I had no way to stop what was happening.

As soon as he loosened his grip and moved away – I lost my cool and certainly was super scared considering the situation I was in now. I asked S to go and check if A is still around but he wasn’t. I was still shitting bricks but that didn’t stop us from fucking a few more times before we left office. The fucks after were so much wetter – as we continuously got turned on and scared as well thinking what A has seen and what all he can tell people.

Day 2 to follow!


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/110v8q8/f_on_my_fours_in_my_office_room_with_my_newest


  1. I wish…if ever u give me a chance for the action….have been looking since a longg time for a slutty like u r

  2. Seems like this is gonna lead to a threesome, blackmail, or him leaving without saying a word… either way I wanna know what happens next!


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