[F] Drunk sexted my junior most employee believing I was sexting my other FB.

Embarrassing dangerous but satisfying is how I’d describe this.

So this guy recently joined our team – mostly into editing and tech side of things. Tall and Good looking young guy – from Jaipur. It’s been only a couple of weeks since he had joined us – good at his work and apart from that my interaction with him had been limited – just a bit of work banter amongst all of us. What was coincidental in all of that was that his name was same as one of my other fuck buddy (guy from call centre – believe I’ve talked about him earlier).

Last Monday- post an event and getting drunk, I came back home extremely horny – to my snoring husband in our bed at 10pm. Instead of joining him – I decided to stay up for a while – maybe Reddit and work too. Next day, due to an event all of my team including me weren’t going to office – rather directly to venue. I decided to message my friend – sext with him a bit and invite him to office next morning for some long pending anal from him (He is anal for anal always haha). I opened my app and sent him:

R – Hey. You up?

And almost instantly he responded:

S – Yes Mam. How are you?
Honestly, I wasn’t surprised with him using “Mam” but yes by “how are you” I was but who cares. I responded –

R- ohho itni izzat (so much respect)! Is the little S also up?

S – Sorry? What do you mean mam? You deserve respect.

I honestly was like – what’s wrong with this boy? Has he become a saint of something?

I responded with a butt-fie of mine and messaged “This 🍑 deserves your 🍆”

He read the message – but didn’t respond. Even after a couple of minutes he had not – so I messaged him again “Are you shagging already”. He didn’t respond again – he didn’t respond for some minutes. I messaged him again:

R – My office is empty tomorrow and my 🍑 too. You want to come tomorrow morning?

He read it again but took a while to respond but did:

S – I don’t know how to respond to that but are you sure?

R – Obviously! Everyone is going directly to event tomorrow – so let’s fuck at 9.

He again didn’t respond as excited but I was also sleepy – so decided to doze off.

I woke up next morning and my husband had already left for work. I checked my phone and S had messaged that he has left for office. I got fresh myself – a long poop to clean up my anus for his sexy thick cock to enter. Took a shower (sent him a naked selfie too) and got ready – and left for work. It’s only a 5 minutes drive from my place – so reached pretty quick but as I parked my car I saw my employee S – his bike parked and he was listening to music on his phone. I wasn’t happy looking at him but couldn’t show it – so politely asked him – “What are you doing here? We all had to meet at the event today right?”

He had a confused expression on his face but said “Mam. You asked me to come”. I was now confused to – trying to remember when did I so I asked him – and he said “Last night and today morning”.

My heart was in my mouth – as my legs literally were like shaking under me. Oh my god – the blunder I had made. I was still opening the office door lock – but with my hands shaking I wasn’t able to.

He said “Let me help you with that”. He casually took the keys from my hand and started to open the door – standing very close to me – almost rubbing our bodies. We entered the office – and he entered behind me. I still had 10000 thoughts in my head – wondering now what? Me being the boss – have kept my colleagues off limits for myself but this was now different!

And as I walked in front of him – he smacked my ass and said “I knew it last night and I knew about you”. I honestly – never in my life been so quiet as I was just shocked at what I had done. I had no other option at that moment – I had to be casual and persuasive with him – as he obviously knew my secret and had chats and pictures not worth getting out. There wasn’t much conversation after that – but he asked “Is this still on or you not happy?”

In all honesty – he was better looking than my actual fuckbuddy – so wasn’t much to lose either. I responded and said “But our secret. You can’t talk about it with anyone”. He came close to me and for the first time kissed me on my lips – slightly forceful and groped my ass – and then said “Obviously Yes”.

The kiss was amazing – and his hands had now stripped me off my leggings as he was groping my bare ass with his cold hands. He broke the kiss and casually pushed me towards the ground – basically telling me to suck him off. I could feel his hardness – and I flung it out. It was bigger better cleaner and honestly brought a smile to my face as I swallowed his entire cock in the first go. His hands were on my head as he literally went full throttle on my mouth – making me spit and gag and slap my face. All of his respect was now gone – as he slapped me a few times more and said “How can you be so smart but so dumb mam”.

He got me up – and bent me over my office table. He lined up his cock on my crack – teasing both my holes and without any warning, using my own spit as a lubricant entered my ass in one go. Oh my god – the loud groan I let out but the table wasn’t letting me move.

He again said “This is what you wanted right? In your ass”. He fucked me – no stopping for a few seconds only as he finished inside my ass. Oh it was a massive load – a fuck he said he was getting after almost 8 months. His first fuck in Delhi since from his home city. His cum dripped out of my ass – as he sat on the chair behind. He made me lick and clean up his cock after that.

He laughed at this crazy situation a few times over the next couple of hours – as we fucked multiple times all over the office before leaving together for the event. While driving I finally asked him what he meant by “he knew about me” – to which he responded that the entire team has a rumour that I was sleeping around with this British guy on the last work trip to Thailand. I was surprised but happy that they don’t know more details about that Trip!

Its now been a week since this incident – and now almost every evening we fuck in our office after everyone is gone. Even during day – a couple of times we have gone to his place for a quickie then back to work with cum deposited in my ass.

Turns out he is another guy – who is so into anal.


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10uuikg/f_drunk_sexted_my_junior_most_employee_believing


  1. I love reading your stories and am amazed by the hidden sex drive of Indian women! Very rarely do you get to hear the real desires of women and what they would have liked to do in their minds.
    Great to see that insight and ofcourse read your sensuous stories of lust and desire

  2. So the next day you woke up and text him and still didn’t realize your mistake? Right…..

  3. Loving the fact that you are getting bolder in your adventures now 🍻 and thanks for sharing the buttfie who can say no to that invitation right ;)
    Have always enjoyed reading ur posts and looking forward to a lot more fun filled posts from u 🤠

  4. Lucky are the ones who get unexpected DM’s :P
    This is def one of the hottest stories 👉🏻👈🏻

  5. Im adding your profile to my favourites.


    The Indian setup just ticks off all the boxes in these stories x)

  6. It’s really good to see the sex craving side of my Desi girls. Hard to broach these topics IRL because you never know how it’ll be received.
    That young guy was very lucky an I hope he had more such opportunities

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