Pining [M27 F24] [long] [romantic]

*I know it’s been a long time, but I still miss you. Just let me know where I can find you, or you can find me on any Friday night at the Neon Moon*

Still no response.



She quickly slipped her phone back into her bag and looked up. Jace was staring at her over the bar, frowning.

“Is everything okay? I asked you if you want to get take out after this like five times.”

“Huh? N-no I… I’m okay”

Stella tried to smile reassuringly. Jace raised an eyebrow at her, and she quickly glanced away, tracing the rim of her glass with a finger. Jace sighs.

“Please tell me you weren’t checking again…”


She fell silent. There was no point denying it. Jace knew her too well. They’d gone through this charade so often. She nibbled at her lip nervously.

“Stella… it’s been four years… And you sent that message three months ago. He isn’t coming. I’m sorry but… it’s the truth and you need to hear it.”

Stella’s bottom lip quivered. Jace sighed.

“I’m sorry… I just hate seeing you hurt like this. You need to get over him.”

“I-I’m trying. I swear I am… I went on that date right? I-”

“Shhh… I know ”

Jace reached over and squeezed her hand. She sighed.

“How did that go by the way?”

Stella’s face contorted in disgust. Jace laughed.

“No second date then I’m guessing”


Stella giggled. She smiled at Jace. They’d been friends ever since he accidently added rum to her virgin pina colada, which got her tipsy enough to break down and drone on and on about *him*. They’d spent a lot of nights talking and laughing as he worked his shift since, and he’d always been there for her.

“You still haven’t told me if you want take out”

“Oh um… No! I think I’m good. I have some food at home to finish and…I’m probably just going to call it a night after that. I’m tired and that’s probably why I’m all…”

“Okay… if you’re sure… Let me know if you change your mind and I’ll pick up something from Subway”

“Okay! Thanks Jace”

He smiled and she slid off her bar stool and began to make her way outside, weaving through the crowd. She stepped out into the cold night air and leaned against the red brick wall. She closed her eyes and pulled her coat around herself tighter. Not a good day to be wearing a dress.


Stella’s eyes snapped open. It had been years since she heard that voice, but there was no forgetting it. She turned around, and there he was, hands fluttering at his sides, looking just as nervous and unsure as she felt, and just as beautiful as she remembered. Alex. She felt her knees buckle slightly.

“Y-You came..?”

She stepped forward on shakey legs and reached up to gently touch his cheek, more to make sure he was real than as a sign of affection. She dropped her hand quickly as soon as it came in contact with his warm skin. Her eyes widened.

“Yes… I… I saw your message and… You didn’t think I would?”

Stella shook her head.

“After everything I said and… how I left you… I thought you hated me”

He smiled sadly at her.

“I could never hate you. Trust me I tried.”

Stella flinched and looked away as tears pricked at the corners of her eyes. He looked around warily at all the people around them and frowned.

“Can we go someplace more… private? I…”

“Oh um… yes… we can go to my place or… if you don’t want that then we can go to a restaurant or…”

“I’m not particularly hungry… Your place?”

“S-sure”, Stella said. She tried to force a smile but promptly stopped when she found that she couldn’t manage better than an uncertain grimace. “My car is right over there…”

“Oh… um… I got my own car actually”

“Yes of course… um… I’ll drive and you can follow?”

He nods, then quickly takes her hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze before dropping it and making his way to his car. Stella stumbled toward her own, and somehow managed to get the car open. She took a deep breath, bracing herself against the steering wheel, then started the car and began to drive. On her way home, Stella found herself glancing at the rearview mirror often to make sure that he wasn’t some apparition or creation of her mind who would disappear, then finding herself flustered thinking about what she was to say rather than reassured.

Stella’s hands shook as she pulled into her driveway. She gripped the steering wheel, trying to steady them, and glanced at the rearview mirror, watching him park behind her. She walked up to the house, fumbling for the keys and somehow managed to get the door open as he made his way up to the house. She held the door open for him, her heart fluttering in her chest as he brushed past her to make his way inside.

“Make yourself at home… I’ll get you some… Coffee? Water? Would you like anything to eat or..?”

“Just water will do”

She glanced at him briefly as he shed his coat and hovered anxiously by the sofa. Stella made her way to the kitchen and tried to steady her hands as she filled the glass. She’d never expected this to happen. She’d sent the message hoping that him never responding or telling her no would be enough of a slap in the face to tell her that he was never coming back and that that would help her finally move on. But now he was here, and she didn’t know why. Did he still want her and love her the way she did him? Certainly not..? Closure? But why come so far after so long?

Tears filled Stella’s eyes. All this uncertainty frightened her. Her knuckles whitened around the glass as she gripped it and tried to calm herself. She turned around and tried to focus on not spilling the water she carried in her shaky hands. Alex watched her, his brow furrowed with concern, and stepped forward, cupping her hands in his to steady her. Stella looked up into his deep brown eyes and her resolve finally broke. Tears began to streak down her face.

“I’m so sorry”, she whispered. Alex panicked visibly for a moment, but as he always did, he somehow knew exactly how to comfort her.

“Hey…It ‘s okay”, he said, gently taking the glass from her and setting it on the table. He guided her to the sofa and sat her down, then tilted her chin so she was forced to look at him. “Look at me… it’s okay. I’m not mad. I had a long time to think about it you know? We were both young and we both made mistakes. And you were going through so much… I…”

Alex gently touched his forehead to Stella’s.

“I’m sorry too…I realise now that your dad was trying to protect you and you didn’t have a choice and… I was insecure so I lied to him… and you… I never should’ve…”

He let out a shaky breath and cupped her face, weaving his fingers through her soft hair. He kissed her forehead, and she began to sob openly. His touch was a reminder of all that she’d lost for so long. Everything she’d spent years pining for. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

“Shhhh… Baby it’s okay… I’m here now. Just breathe for me okay?”

Stella closed her eyes and inhaled, then slowly let it out. She opened her eyes and glanced up at him and gently cupped his face. He smiled and kissed the palm of her hand. She let out a soft sigh and started to relax, slouching into him till her face was hidden in his chest. He stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head. The feeling of warmth and comfort she’d always felt with him returned. It was familiar and different at the same time. The feelings were the same, but she didn’t seek the comfort of his presence out of need anymore, she did it because she wanted to. She looked back up at him, and he kissed her nose and gently brushed the tears off her cheeks.

Stella leaned in closer. Alex inhaled sharply. Stella hesitated. As she began to pull away, his hand reached up and cupped her face, and he kissed her. It was just a gentle brush of his lips on hers, but enough to send shivers down her spine. She pulled away and looked at him, still uncertain. Stella reached up and cupped his face in her hands, letting her fingers knot in his dark curls. He didn’t try to pull away, only leaned in slightly so his nose touched hers.

Relieved, she pressed her lips against his and kissed him. He returned her kiss, his own hands shaking as they cupped her face, then moved down, smoothening her dark curls against her neck. He let his fingers lightly brush her shoulders, then briefly cupped her full breasts before moving his hands down to her small waist. They moved to the small of her back and gently guided her into his lap while he kissed her feverishly. When he pulled away, they were both breathless. Stella let her forehead rest against his.

“I just… I couldn’t forget you…”, Stella murmured. “Couldn’t stop loving you.”

Alex closed his eyes, basking in her warmth. He kissed her softly on the lips then looked at her. Even though her skin was splotchy and her eyes puffy and red, he couldn’t think of anything more beautiful.

“I couldn’t stop loving you either baby… I looked far and wide. but I couldn’t find anyone like you… you’re everything I’ve ever wanted “, Alex replied, his voice cracking a little. His eyes glistened with tears. Stella was speechless. In all the time she’d known him, he’d never broken down and cried. He was always her resilient king. She kissed him softly on the forehead.

“I love you so much, you know that?”

Alex sighed and closed his eyes, his hands tightening around her waist.

“I love you too sweetheart… so so fucking much”

They kissed again. Softly. Sweetly. Cherishing each other. They let their hands explore each other, trying to commit every edge and curve to their memory so they could relive the moment if they were ever apart again, though they hoped to never be. Alex’s hands found the hem of Stella’s dress.

“Can I..?”, Alex asked.

Stella nodded and lifted herself so Alex could take her dress off. She shivered slightly as his hands brushed the skin of her soft thighs and travelled up her body, gently sliding her dress off. He pulled her dress over her head and tossed it to the side, groaning appreciatively as he explored her now exposed body. Stella blushed. She shyly reached down and tried to unbutton his shirt, but her hands were too shaky. Stella pouted. She caught Alex watching her, a soft smile playing across his lips and blushed.

“Can you..?”, she began to ask, shy. Alex’s smile fell, and Stella felt him tense under him.

“Oh… um… yeah of course”

Alex slid his shirt off nervously. Stella’s hands traced a path along his stomach, then his chest and then settled on his broad shoulders. Alex relaxed under her gentle, almost reverent touch and smiled.

“You’re so beautiful…”, Stella whispered softly. Alex blushed slightly. Stella couldn’t help but smile. Alex always blushed easily. She was glad that never changed. He recovered quickly and pressed a kiss on her throat, making her melt.

“And you’re… fucking perfect… Just as gorgeous as I remember.”

They kissed again, peeling any cloth they encountered off of each other’s body till nothing separated them, and they were skin on skin, relishing each other’s warmth and touch. Stella pressed against him, gasping as she felt his hard cock pressing against her soft pussy.

“I want you so bad…”, Alex murmured with his lips pressed against Stella’s neck. He gently gripped Stella’s hips and pushed her down onto his throbbing cock. Stella whimpered as it slipped between her wet pussy lips, the shaft rubbed against her clit and the tip teased her hole. She slowly rolled her hips, rubbing her pussy against him, overcome with want. Alex chuckled.

“Easy, princess… I want to take my time with you. And with how tight your little pussy is, you probably want me to.”

Stella flushed, embarrassed, and hid her face in Alex’s shoulder. He stroked her hair and kissed her forehead.

“Shhh… it’s okay baby… We have all the time in the world. I’m not going anywhere.”

Stella looked up at him, feeling nothing short of pure love and joy, and smiled. Alex let his hands slide down to her ass, then stood, picking her up. Stella yelped in surprise and clung tightly to him.

“Shh. I got you baby. Just wrap your legs around me.”

She did, and he kissed her lightly on her collarbone.

“Good girl…”, Alex whispered, and she felt herself blush. “Let’s take this to the bedroom, shall we? Tell me where that is, baby”

“First door to the left ”

He walked to the bedroom, his eyes never leaving hers, and gently lay her down on the bed. He pulled away, and she tried to sit up, unable to stand being that far away from him, but he stopped her.

“Lay back princess… just let me look at you.”

Stella fell limp against the bed, turning redder and redder as Alex’s eyes slowly travelled up her long legs, to her thighs, her soft stomach, her full breasts up to her face.

“You’re so fucking beautiful baby…”, Alex murmured, letting his fingertips brush over her breasts and stomach. “God… I just want to kiss you all over. ”

Alex kissed her softly on the lips then slowly made his way down her body, lightly kissing, sucking and nipping at her soft skin. He moaned when he reached her plump pussy lips, which glistened with her arousal. She wanted him just as badly as he did her. He kissed Stella’s pussy, earning a soft whimper from her. He traced her slit with a finger, making her squirm and whine.

“Please…”, Stella begged.

“Tell me what you want, princess. It’s yours. I’m all yours.”

Stella whimpered at those words. He was driving her crazy. She lifted her hips, pressing her pussy into his palm.

“You…”, she breathed. “I want you”

Alex inhaled sharply, resisting the urge to take her then and there. He took a deep breath and continued rubbing her soft pussy.

“Soon princess… I want you too… But we need to take our time okay? I don’t… I don’t want to hurt you. I’ll start slow. Let me just…”

He pushed his finger against her tight hole, and it slid in easily, though her pussy was so tight it wrapped right around his finger. Stella moaned, grinding her pussy into his palm.

“Fuck you are so tight… but so wet… I think I can…”

He pushed a second finger in. Stella whimpered. It was a snug fit. Alex grit his teeth. It was taking every ounce of his will power to stop himself from simply giving her what she wanted though it would hurt her. He wanted to force his cock into her tight little pussy and pound it till it was moulded to his shape. He used his thumb to rub slow circles on her clit while he slowly thrust into her pussy with his fingers. Stella squirmed.

“Oh please! Please Alex… Please I need you inside me. I-”

Stella gasped as Alex put his hand on her throat and choked her gently. It didn’t hurt, just surprised her. Alex’s patience was wearing thin and her begging for him was not helping.

“Baby girl, look at me.”

He tilted her chin up and forced her to look at him.

“I want more than anything to be inside you. And if you beg like this… baby I won’t be able to stop myself. I’ll pin you down, push my cock inside you and fuck you till I fill you up.”

Stella whimpered. Before she could open her mouth to beg again, Alex put a finger to her lips.

“Shhh no…”

He pushed his finger against her full lips and they parted easily, letting his finger into her warm mouth. Stella looked at him, and sucked softly on his finger, her tongue curling around the tip. Alex moaned. He took a deep breath and pulled his finger out of her mouth. She was making it so difficult.

“I… I need you to be patient, okay baby? Just one more finger so I can stretch you out a little and be sure that you can take my cock. I… I don’t want to hurt you, love. So… Can you be a good girl and take them for me quietly?”

Stella nodded. She looked deep into Alex’s eyes, biting her lip as he began to move his fingers in her pussy again. By the time he slid a third finger in her pussy, she was soaking wet and panting. She moaned softly as he pushed it in, stretching her pussy out. He thrust into her pussy with them. His fingers slid in and out of her with ease.

“That’s three… you’re doing so good for me sweetheart”

Stella nibbled at her lip and watched him expectantly. Alex’s breathing quickened as he felt her warm pussy contract around his fingers. She gasped as he slowly pulled his fingers out.

“God baby… you soaked my hand”

Stella blushed. Alex chuckled.

“You still get so shy… it’s adorable”

She whimpered softly as Alex lifted his fingers to his lips and sucked her salty sweet juices off of them. Alex groaned, savouring the way she tasted.

“Fuck you taste good… I could eat you out for hours… but not today”

He gently pushed her legs open and got in between them, his rock hard cock inches away from Stella’s wet pussy. Stella looked at him, wide eyed and practically panting with need.

“Right now I *need* to be inside you”

Stella whimpered. Alex rubbed the tip of his cock against her slit, coating it with her juices. Stella bit her lip as his cock pressed against her tight little hole. She gasped as the head of his cock pushed inside her.

“God you’re tight”, Alex groaned. “You need to spread wider for me baby. Let me in”

Stella spread her legs wider, drawing them up so she opened up for Alex.

“Good girl”, Alex murmured softly. He leaned forward and kissed Stella. The taste of her salty-sweet arousal mixed with menthol on his tongue was intoxicating. He sucked gently on her bottom lip before pulling away. “Now just… look at me baby okay?”

Stella looked into Alex’s eyes as he pushed his throbbing member inside her inch by inch. She whimpered as she adjusted to his girth. Alex let out a stream of cusses through clenched teeth as he felt her warm wet pussy pulse around his cock. He pushed a little further and she gasped as the head of his cock hit her cervix. Alex inhaled sharply, letting his hand fist in the sheets beside her head. It was all he could do to stop himself from losing control.

“You okay?”

Stella nodded. She felt so full. Her pussy had never been stretched out like this before and it left her with a sweet ache that was very soon masked entirely by her need. She bit her lip and whined softly, shakily lifting her hips to give her the friction she craved so desperately. Alex grit his teeth and put his hand on her stomach to hold her still. She wanted him just as badly as he did her and she was making it evident, and it was driving him insane. Her movements would rob him of what little sanity he had left. He inhaled, trying to tame the almost animalistic urge he had to ravage her and claim her as his.

“I’m going to move now. Are you ready?”

Stella nodded eagerly. She bit her lip as Alex slowly slid out of her tight pussy. Stella moaned and gripped Alex’s shoulders. He thrust back in gently, glancing up at her anxiously. She was biting her lip, her eyes glazed with lust, begging silently for more. Alex began to thrust into her slowly, letting his hands travel up her soft body. Her soft moans and gasps were like music to him, and her warm pussy felt like it was made just for him.

He looked down at her, and all he could think was that she was. Made just for him. His angel. She looked so beautiful splayed out under him, her soft body glistening with sweat as she stretched, just for him. He reached down and touched her, trailing his fingers down her body till he reached her clit. He began to rub in slow circles. Stella cried out as her body was filled with indescribable pleasure. She cried out and came hard on his cock.

“Fuck fuck fuck…”, Alex swore through clenched teeth as Stella’s pussy contracted unexpectedly around him. He stopped thrusting and simply watched as the orgasm rippled through Stella’s body, making her shake uncontrollably under him. It was truly a sight to behold, her beautiful body quivering, her flushed cheeks, her back arching and chest heaving as she moaned and gasped through parted pink lips. She lay there after, panting as her pussy continued to squeeze gently around his cock. Alex shifted, intending to pull out, but Stella’s shaky legs wrapped around him and she shook her head. Alex looked down at her puzzled. Stella swallowed, and managed to say one word.


Her voice was soft and husky, and her heavy eyelids fluttered and threatened to close. She wore a seductive smile as she lazily lifted her lips to meet his. Alex chuckled and kissed her nose.

“Baby don’t be silly. You’re exhausted. Let’s just cuddle okay?”

Stella shook her head again. The teasing smile on her face was gone, and replaced with something unexpected. Fear. Her legs tightened around Alex, forcing his cock deeper into her pussy and making him gasp. He could feel her warm breath against his lips.

“Stella-“, Alex started to say, but he stopped abruptly when he pulled away and looked at her. Her eyes shimmered with tears, her expression as pained as it was utterly defenceless. It was like she’d just handed him her heart, and was silently begging him not to crush it under his heel.

“Please…”, Stella whispered. Her voice was barely audible and filled with a mixture of need, veneration and fear. She touched her forehead to Alex’s, looking at him through her lashes. “I don’t want this to be over yet”

Alex breathed out shakily and closed his eyes. He kissed her, reaching down to stroke her hair soothingly.

“Baby… I told you. I’m not going anywhere.”

She gently cupped his face and he pressed his cheek into her palm. Her thumb brushed gently across his cheekbone.

“I’ve spent four years longing for you. Trying to stop loving you… but I couldn’t”, she said.

A single tear slid down Stella’s cheek. Her lips quivered. When she spoke again, her voice broke, dropping to a feeble whisper.

“I can’t lose you again.”

Alex sighed and cupped her face, his thumb brushing the tear off her cheek. He kissed her, tasting the salt of her tears on her sweet lips.

“I couldn’t leave if I wanted to… and I don’t… I love you…”, Alex whispered.

“Claim me then”

Alex pulled away, surprised.


“I’m yours… cum inside me and claim”

Alex couldn’t think straight. He held Stella’s head in his hands, forcing her to look him in the eye, his thumbs pressing into her cheeks so hard that she thought they’d leave bruises. Not that Stella minded or cared. She was enthralled by him. His eyes were black with lust, and his breath on her lips was coming out in hot pants.

“Baby”, Alex said, his voice strained. “Are you sure?”

“Yes… Please”

Stella’s soft plea broke him. The last of the restraint and sanity that he was clinging desperately to slipped away. He looked down at her, revelling in the fact that his predatory, possessive gaze was met with one filled with complete trust. Alex kissed her fiercely, his mouth hot on hers while his fingers travelled down to her waist, immobilising her. And then he began to move.

There was nothing gentle about his thrusts this time. He was pulling out almost all the way each time and thrusting back with such force that it sent a jolt through Stella’s body, making her pussy ache slightly in a way that made her certain that she’d be sore, and sent waves of pleasure through her. It was intense. Too intense. Stella weakly tried to push him away, but he was relentless. His only response was to grab her wrists in one hand and pin her hands above her head and thrust in harder and faster. Alex watched with almost sadistic pleasure as all the fight in her left and her mind seemed to be wiped of everything but his name, which escaped her sweet lips in soft moans and gasps. He could feel her pussy squeeze tighter and tighter around his cock with each thrust.

“Fuck you’re getting so tight. You’re going to cum for me aren’t you?”, Alex asked.

“Yes… Fuck… Alex”, she managed to gasp.

“Good fucking girl…”, Alex said, punctuating each word with a rough thrust that made Stella gasp and whimper. “I’m close too”

He wrapped his hand around her throat and squeezed gently, noting with no small amount of pleasure that it made her pussy squeeze tighter around him. She looked at him, red faced, her beautiful eyes wide and her now free hands flying to grab his, though they showed no intention of making him stop. He looked into deep inside her dark eyes, hungry and possessive and pleading in equal measure.

“Tell me you’re mine…”

“Alex! I’m yours… Fuck!”, Stella managed to gasp. She swallowed, and her voice dropped to a sweet whisper as she said what only he was meant to hear. “I’m yours. I’m only yours… I love you”

Alex couldn’t take it anymore. He cupped Stella’s face and gave her a quick kiss before his thrusts went from relentless to erratic and frenzied and he began to shoot ropes of cum into her pussy. It pushed Stella over the edge. Stella’s body convulsed under him, her legs began to close in a desparate attempt to shield her sensitive pussy, but Alex wasn’t done with her. He pushed her legs wide open and continued to thrust till he finished fucking all his cum deep inside her pussy, prolonging her orgasm. He pulled out and watched with immense satisfaction as she was reduced to a panting writhing mess, his cum dripping out of her pussy, chanting his name like it was a prayer. He held her close, whispering in her ear how much he loved her and that he would never leave her as she slowly drifted off to sleep. He smiled at her sweet sleeping face and stroked her hair.

*There. I claimed you.*
