The Taking of Ms M

I've been working at your office for 3 weeks as an Intern. You are my direct supervisor. I really need this job, and you know it. For the past week, when no one can back up my claims, you call me "Limp Dick" because you found a prescription for Viagra in my desk. You think this is hilarious because I am so young.

It is late Friday night and you've taken particular pleasure in picking an intern and making them stay late on Fridays working on your "personal" projects. Finishing the grunt work you couldn't give a fuck about.

You've been expecting me to deliver finished the necessary paperwork for an important account for the last hour.

Annoyed, bordering on infuriated you have spent the last 15 minutes searching for me – when you find me in the break room. I've taken my tie off, undone my shirt buttons and have almost opened one of your special coffees from the break room fridge.

You are completely livid rushing to within an inch of my face you begin your famous screaming rampage.

[M/F] Theater class

Im bored as fuck right now. Seriously. And I really really wanted to fuck this girl in college. Portions of this are true. A lot is fiction. Anyway… here goes…

I first heard Leigh sing in freshman year. She was a chubby girl with lungs like air balloons and a range that surprised just about everyone in class. During class breaks, id sit outside with her and the other juniors. Watching them smoke cigarettes and dance in the courtyard. The sun always turned her red hair into a dark brown.

The first time we spoke was back stage at a show. I rushed back stage between scenes for a costume change. When I couldnt find my pants, Leigh fished them out from behind a crate of props. I dusted them off and said thanks.

She took a look at my boxers, I saw her eyes scan my bulge. "No," Leigh said, "thank you."

Then I was back out in the limelight. Twice I caught her watching me when I had the chance to look over at the wings.

I’ll never forget (FF)

I'm never going to stop thinking about you am I? The curvature of your breasts. The firmness of your stomach. That look on your face right after I break apart from kissing you. I've always loved how you taste. From lips to lips I want to taste you all over again. I still remember the first time. I took you by the hand up your staircase and laid you down on your bed. That was the only time I knew before hand that I was going to take you. I had teased you all day... Whispering in your ear, sending you naughty texts while you were in the other room, grabbing you when no one was looking. And now I could finally take what was mine. You. You looked so beautiful strayed out on the bed. Your hair crazy and flowing over the sheets. Bits of clothing trailing all the way to the front door. All you were wearing now were those cute little lace panties I bought you last week. 

I climbed onto the bed on all fours… Placing my face right above yours. I'll never forget how you brushed the hair out of my face. That sweet look on your face before I kissed you with as much passion as I could conjure.

(Preview) Welcome Home Sweetie [fM/fFM, fsub, inc, more to come…]

I'm hoping to know if some of you fine folks would want to read this story before I start writing. It was conceived by myself and an ex-girlfriend over a long roleplaying session. Sadly no sexy bits here, but if you're interested, the first chapter will be up soon enough. Enjoy.

For many growing up, high school was one of the hellish points of their youth. Though for 17 y/o Katie, it soon became far from ordinary. Her first two years were fairly uneventful. Minus the nasty relationship she had with her mother, who was recently jailed for drug abuse. She was taken into custody by a close friend of her mother, who ended up not giving much attention to her. To cope with the frustrations she dabbled in brief relationships and some casual fun covering both sexes. However, all that never filled the hollow void inside her. She dearly wanted the love she never received from her mother and father.

The bartender

[First attempt at writing erotica, CCW]

Mona walked up to the door and rang the bell; a handsome bearded man with honey coloured eyes answered the door. "Are you the bartender?"

"Yes, sir." She replied with a perky smile on her face. Her eyes were like emeralds and her smile was infectious; she seemed sweet and innocent despite being covered in tattoos and having facial piercings–they all just seemed to fit together, despite most indie girls Jason had seen.

"Well, I'm glad that you came. It's kinda hard finding someone to work at a party like this."

"Oh, I'm not picky at all! You guys have fun and I'll make sure to stay out of the way as much as possible."

The inside of Jason's house was decorated with assorted shackles, couches, planks, and toys. An actual bar was in the back of the living room, near the kitchen. "Do you all actually have sex at these types of parties?" Mona's eyebrow raised high and she fidgeted with her backpack.

"They're mostly for display," Jason said with a smirk.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Shutterbug: The picture book [m/f] [exh]

Krystin and I had been friends a long time. Longer than I can remember. I've always thought she was beautiful, but I've always thought she was a bit out of my league. Yeah, we hang out all the time, but I never though she could ever go for a guy like me.

We were hanging out at her house one night. Drinking, smoking. You know, what dumb kids do. And she tells me, she says, she wants to be a model and asks if she's pretty enough. I fiddle with the idea in my head. "Yeah, you're beautiful," I say, "but it's more about how well you are in front of the camera."

She gets up out of her chair and hands me her phone. The camera function is already on. "I'm going to strike a pose," she tells me, "take a picture, I want to see how it looks."

So she bends over the couch and once she says she's ready, I take the picture. I show her and tell her I think it looks amazing, and she agrees… partially. I ask her what kind of model she even wants to be. "Victoria's Secret or something like that," she says "women's fashion, you know?"

Jack It (M/Android, Unconventional Sex)

It was a warm feeling. Comforting, if the word could be used. The cord going from the nape of my neck to the wall warmed my artificial foramen magnum with 120 volts of AC heat, coursing power to my half-drained body. People always ask me if I can tell how much battery power I have left--I always respond, “can you tell how much caloric energy you have left?” I learned in that way that I experience the equivalent of “hunger,” but the way I recharge is more like “sleep”. So here I was, with every servo and piston within my frame relaxed, prepared, I suppose, to sleep. My SO--my significant other, though he wished I called him “honey”--was gone this night. A night without him wasn’t all bad--I could run folding simulations if I wanted, reach a couple perfect scores in Tetris--but these are essentially idle routines, secondary to primary programming. I always find it interesting, how much humans are obsessed with the meaning of life. Mine is laser-etched on my wrist plating. “Learn.” And when my “honey” was not home, I had no way to learn, at least what was necessary. The embedded collections of fifty encyclopedias from Ancient Sumeria to the Encyclopedia Brittanica contained on a chipset in my left pectoral plate, coupled with dozens of collegiate textbooks, thousands of research papers, and easy access to the Internet, rendered a search for empirical information a trivial affair. However, aside from the mocking automatons of the Sims that the SO had installed on my personal computer as an “anniversary present,” I had no way of studying human interaction. Even the ant colony in our basement had ceased to entertain me after I had studied it for a week straight, my cable plugged in to the wall next to it, my programs rendered near-fragged by such a long period without a restart. I experienced an odd feeling in these times. It was like I needed a charge, even though I was charged and charging. No matter what diagnostics I ran, it all came down to the same. I wished he was home. The snake in my neck pushed more energy into my half-empty frame. My neck servos disabled, I stared at the ceiling, which was painted in a pattern of exactly 376,342 puple-on-white dots. From what I had researched, my honey had an objectively terrible sense of decor, but I didn’t mind. I found more sense in angular geometry, and so did he. Modern architecture was all curves and circles, but he seemed to love the geometric. Maybe that’s why he loved me. As I stared at the dots, the recessed lights blinked on, warm-colored LEDs washing the room in light. I heard his footsteps, unable to turn my head. Without a word, he sat down next to me, and put his arm over my chest. Against my plastic cheek he pressed his lips; the thermosensitive membrane intended to detect heat fluctuations sensed a warm, somewhat quavering presence. He breathed against my head-frame, slightly clipping my aural sensors, and kissed me in various places, some that I didn’t register, only feeling the slight displacement of neck servos. It was senseless, literally, but he insisted, to show his commitment to me, some android without the warm lips and wet mouth he did. “Honey…” He whispered into my auracle, a gentle, warm gust of air with emotion I didn’t really understand. Nuzzling my neck, he moved his hand near my larynx. I was tempted to reinitiate operating procedures; I restrained. “Hon...I’ve seen you do this from time to time…” A current surged through me as he gently disconnected the auxillary cable connecting my circuitry to my voicebox. It was the simplest circuit in my body, and the easiest to access...I had learned how it could make me feel after he disconnected it as a joke one day, when I wouldn’t stop listing ancient Roman warriors. I’m not the only machine that feels what he did next. Speaker systems with jacks like mine always make audible static cracks when a cord is connected or disconnected...or gently circled around the rim of the jack, as he did now with gentle control, listening for the cracks and pops of my voice. Those systems might not have complicated processors like me...but the limbic system did develop before the cerebrum. Here a loud whine began, more than the quiet interference produced by his gentle movements, and I realized I was producing the sound, that I had involuntarily taken myself out of standby mode to vocalize my response. Involuntarily? The static-filled whine increased and decreased in pitch, a ragged moan of interference that he didn’t seem to mind at all. Waves of current permeated my frame, activating multiple motors and hydros, making my chest heave and my hands become fists, back arcing in reflex. He was right, I had tried this before, and I was surprised he had seen me disobeying my primary objective for...personal pursuits. But my hands were clumsy, my motors lacking the finesse of organic control. On the other hand, in his other hand, he seemed to be stroking my frontal plating, my gracilis area, as he deftly manipulated the cable, the interference beginning to make my vision slightly distorted. Something was mounting, in the vicinity of the buzzing speaker, that I didn’t recognize. My body was no longer under control and I was “spazzing out,” the foreign feeling overloading my processors, new colors and sounds and feelings coloring my mind as a climatic wave of current washed over my body, sparking the gap between the jack and the port, completely overloading every relay in my body. I shut down instantly. When my vision came back online, I first saw his concerned face, nervously surveying my body, visibly distressed. “Oh, oh, no...Oh no…” He saw my simulated eyelids blink open and focus on him. “Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?” His hand cradled the back of my head, and I worked through the lingering paralysis to shake my head. Trying to speak, I realized my audio jack was still unplugged, and reconnected it. “N-no,” I said, with an uncertain, hazy voice. “You did something right.” 

The Perfect Wife [light] [femalefriendly]

He slid his key into the lock and stumbled into his apartment, grateful to be home finally. He dropped his bag by the door and made straight for the kitchen. His intentions were to get a drink like most people do, but he settled for running the faucet and splashing his face with the cold water. A small dark spot on his collar was growing as the water ran down his chin and seeped into the fabric. It felt good, though. He heard her come down the hall and into the kitchen; she was wearing her heels. He assumed she was on her way out to meet friends or the like. He didn’t mind this, he was too tired for much. He was about to turn around to kiss her goodbye and collapse on the couch when he felt her hands on his shoulders. She twisted him around and planted a soft kiss on his lips before his eyes were even open. As one arm was wrapped around his neck, the other ran her fingers through his air, her lips still softly kissing his. When he slowly opened his eyes he saw her standing before him, beautiful as ever. The first thing he saw was her wide smile and gorgeous eyes staring up at him. Her eyes were bright and blue, full of energy and excitement. As her lips spread to a sexy grin, his eyes wandered downward, drinking in her beauty. He could see her black bra, the one embroidered with lace, peeking out from behind an unbuttoned dress shirt, the garter belt lying a few inches below her naval, and the silk stockings he had bought her for their anniversary. They came up past her mid thighs, the tops of them being black lace woven with a few red threads. His eyes followed the sheer silk hugging her long and slender legs, past her knees, around her calves, and down to the black peep-toe stiletto pumps she was wearing. The passionate kiss which had just transpired had already begun to stir his excitement, but after seeing her like this, the front of his pants began to bulge. He was going to ask why she had decided to dress up, but thought better and began to kiss her back. His eagerness was evident as his mouth pushed against hers, tongue exploring. At first her mouth tightened, as she began to smile, but it soon opened again for him. As his tongue pressed against hers, he slid one hand under the loose shirt and around her waist to the small of her back. The other was placed on the side of her hip, fingers brushing against the tops of the lace bottoms she was wearing. His hand slowly slid back and around, resting on her exposed cheek. As they pressed themselves against each other, he lifted her around his waist, one arm under her bottom, the other between her shoulder blades. Her legs wrapped tightly around his waist and her arms clasped around his neck. They walked slowly through the kitchen, knocking over a bowl of fruit, and kicking a chair out of the way. Back in the hallway now, they paused and he pressed her against the wall, still supporting her in his arms. Her hands frantically ripped at his buttons until she was sliding the shirt past his broad shoulders. After they made it a few more feet down the hall, he tore her shirt off as well, and proceeded to bury his face in her chest. He started at her neck and worked her way down, kissing and gently sucking. Her sighs guided him as he followed the curves of her chest, still stumbling down the hallway. They had lost themselves to each other completely by the time they reached the bedroom. He placed her on the foot of the bed and began to push her back until she pulled him down and spun around him. Her thighs now straddling his hips, she pulled down his pants and flung them across the room. As she leaned forward to kiss him again he reached behind her and undid the clasp on her bra. She let him slide the straps down her shoulders, following them with his kisses until she hung freely directly over him. From here he pulled her close and kissed her all over. His lips passionately but excitedly attached to her chest, following its curves pausing to gently suck on her tips. His hands helped to shape her flesh as he moved between the valley of her bosom. While he engrossed himself in her succulent breasts, her hand slid under his waistband and grasped him firmly. As his kisses moved back to the nape of her neck, she began to slowly stroke him grinning as she could feel his body tense. He eagerly pushed down his shorts, leaving him completely undressed and exposed to his lover. She was no longer on top of him, but resting on his side, with one leg draped over his. They were kissing each other again, her hand on his member, and his on her behind. Her kisses slowly separated from his lips and she worked her way down his neck, his chest, abdomen, and finally his pelvis. Her lips traced the v his hips formed, guiding her to his swollen shaft. At first she teased him, her tongue barely making any contact. Then her tongue began to linger and slide up and down, until she took all of him inside her soft mouth. She could feel him getting closer and closer to climax as his hips flexed and his back arched. He was within seconds of finishing when he pulled her back to his face. “Not so fast, now its your turn.” He flipped her onto her back and slid down her bottoms. He pulled them through one leg, but the other got caught on the heels she was still wearing. He didn’t care. He kissed her once more on the lips, another between her breasts, and one below her belly button before he began to pleasure her directly. He started slowly, tongue softly flicking at the top of her lips. His strokes began to apply more pressure and his tongue spread widely against her. As his tongue wandered lower, he slid it deeper inside of her, constantly gyrating against her. Her thighs began to press against his head as he urged him to go deeper and faster. Her legs were wound tightly around him, heels pressing against his back, just above his butt. He she put her hand on his head trying to get more pleasure…. Heeding her desires, he slid his finger inside. Her swollen opening pushed back against him as he went back and forth, rubbing against the edge of her lips. Slowly he pressed deeper and began to speed up, all while still kissing her between the thighs. She began to gasp for air, and he pressed on, giving her minutes of pure ecstatic pleasure. There was only so much he could do from there though.
He moved back up to kiss her neck softly and look in her eyes. Without ever moving his gaze, he pushed aside her leg and pressed himself against her. He came in at a steep angle, to ensure that he didn’t go in too quickly, and to give her continued pleasure. Slowly he eased himself into her and his hips began to pump back and forth. She tensed first at the slight pain, but more at the immense pleasure. His hips weren’t just pumping, but rolling and pressing and stimulating her in several places. For minutes he was dictating the rhythm they were both a part of. She was getting great pleasure but wanted more. So she threw him onto his back, straddled his hips, and began to ride. She used her hands to guide him into place and she began to gyrate her hips around his. At first there was no thrusting, just pressure and sensation. Then she slowly began to move up and down, urging him to join her. From here not only did he go deeper, but she could rub against more of him. Their hands both desperately grasped at each other’s bodies, but they were too distracted by the euphoria which was taking place between their hips. After only a few moments, which to them felt like hours, they reached a simultaneous climax so powerful it left them gasping for air. For minutes they barely moved, panting and reveling in the bliss they had just found. Once she climbed off him, they wrapped each other in their arms and kissed softly until they fell asleep. Although, it was only a few minutes before they awoke to do it all over again.

Something short I wrote during a lunch break. Tell me how much it sucks. [mf]

Sixty-seven minutes and two seconds ago I was standing at the back of a show.

She invited me in for tea.

I don’t even drink tea.It’s the middle of August and the cup is burning my hand.There’s sugar stuck on the rim of the mug.I want to run my feet on the carpet.Who buys wicker furniture?Does she pay rent or her parents?”You have an awesome place.”I bet she doesn’t even touch that guitar.I would kill for a cigarette.Sixty-nine minutes and twenty-two seconds.I wonder what kind of wood that is.I wonder if her dad molested her as a kid.I wonder what Jimmy is doing from middle school.I fucking hate this song.”Yeah, I really like the imagery from the lyrics.”I can hear Mr. Orange tell Mr. White he’s a cop.Bangbangbang.The triangle is the strongest geometric shape.Where am I again?Where are the coasters?Why do I care?I’ve listened to this chick drone on and on aboutashittybandIdon’tcareaboutusingvapidwordslike”rad”and”stellar”.I’vebeenhereforseventy-sevenminutesandthirty-fivesecondswhatdopeoplethinkaboutbeforethey—


I had been staring at her lips this whole time.

She must have thought I wanted to kiss her.

The thought never even crossed my mind.

I can hear my heart pump blood.

I sank my teeth into her bottom lip.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

My Father and I [Incest], [mf], [dad], [daughter]

This story was one of my first attempts at writing erotica back in 2012

I had always wondered what it would be like to have the penis that created me, inside me. This obsession had been plaguing me for years as a teenager, I had never had any trouble getting male attention at all as I had what many guys called “the perfect figure” but I was never really interested in any other man than the one who made me, I thought it was just raging hormones through puberty that was causing these thoughts to even enter my head. I am very aware that this was not the case at all, and that I have a very dark secret to hold to myself about what my father and I had done tonight.

Throughout my late teens I have been getting more and more sexually active, being very promiscuous with the boys at school. I had even gone as far as giving my boyfriend head on the school field at lunch, obviously in a quiet corner so nobody would see, but none of these boys turned me on quite as much as my father. He had the body most guys would kill for, nicely toned abs, the biceps which were just the perfect size, and amazing buns of steel, the fire fighter every girl dreams of, but unfortunately this was my dad.