I’ll never forget (FF)

I'm never going to stop thinking about you am I? The curvature of your breasts. The firmness of your stomach. That look on your face right after I break apart from kissing you. I've always loved how you taste. From lips to lips I want to taste you all over again. I still remember the first time. I took you by the hand up your staircase and laid you down on your bed. That was the only time I knew before hand that I was going to take you. I had teased you all day... Whispering in your ear, sending you naughty texts while you were in the other room, grabbing you when no one was looking. And now I could finally take what was mine. You. You looked so beautiful strayed out on the bed. Your hair crazy and flowing over the sheets. Bits of clothing trailing all the way to the front door. All you were wearing now were those cute little lace panties I bought you last week. 

I climbed onto the bed on all fours… Placing my face right above yours. I'll never forget how you brushed the hair out of my face. That sweet look on your face before I kissed you with as much passion as I could conjure.

Before I could even think about it my hands were on your breasts, pulling and twisting on your nipples. The softest of moans escaping your lips. With my left hand still exploring your chest I let my right hand wander, still positioned over you. My hand slips under the small of your back to pull you closer to me, then wanders down to grab a handful of the ass I was so proud to call mine. Squeezing and releasing in sequence with your breathing. Your hips were wiggling, anxious for me to explore further. I pulled back to pull off my shirt. I grabbed you by the waist and tossed you further on the the bed and dragged my nails down the sides of your hips and ripped those pretty pink panties to reveal that pretty pink pussy. I loved doing this to you... The way you reacted was such a turn on... Those subtle moans and your surprised gasps... I couldn't wait any longer. I wrapped each arm around your legs and I pulled you to my face... But just close enough so you could feel my breath... You were practically dripping by this point. I wanted to lick up every drop. And that's exactly what I did. My tongue traced the curve of your clit just slowly enough to drive you wild... Flicking the tip of my tongue until you were grinding your mons against my face. I took the hint and licked down your clit as slow as possible before diving in as deep as I could, curling my tongue upwards as I pulled out. Meanwhile my hands were grabbing at your ass and thighs and trying to steady your hips with no avail. My right hand slid down your thigh and back up to join my tongue. I moved back up your slit to your clit while I fingered you until you climaxed. I always felt so satisfied cleaning you up afterwards. Letting all your juices flow into me. I'll never forget the way you tasted. 

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/276cx7/ill_never_forget_ff


  1. You have a good build up of her anticipation for you, and you use good imagery, but imo you rushed the finish. It was the last sentence of the second to last paragraph that did it. The feedback that I’ve gotten and now agree with is that it’s better to drag it out a bit, almost teasing the reader by withholding the climax. Other than that, I thought it was great! Definitely painted a very specific picture in my mind haha

  2. FTFY I’m never going to stop thinking about you am I? The curvature of your breasts. The firmness of your stomach. That look on your face right after I break apart from kissing you. I’ve always loved how you taste. From lips to lips I want to taste you all over again. I still remember the first time. I took you by the hand up your staircase and laid you down on your bed. That was the only time I knew before hand that I was going to take you. I had teased you all day… Whispering in your ear, sending you naughty texts while you were in the other room, grabbing you when no one was looking. And now I could finally take what was mine. You. You looked so beautiful strayed out on the bed. Your hair crazy and flowing over the sheets. Bits of clothing trailing all the way to the front door. All you were wearing now were those cute little lace panties I bought you last week. I climbed onto the bed on all fours… Placing my face right above yours. I’ll never forget how you brushed the hair out of my face. That sweet look on your face before I kissed you with as much passion as I could conjure. Before I could even think about it my hands were on your breasts, pulling and twisting on your nipples. The softest of moans escaping your lips. With my left hand still exploring your chest I let my right hand wander, still positioned over you. My hand slips under the small of your back to pull you closer to me, then wanders down to grab a handful of the ass I was so proud to call mine. Squeezing and releasing in sequence with your breathing. Your hips were wiggling, anxious for me to explore further. I pulled back to pull off my shirt. I grabbed you by the waist and tossed you further on the the bed and dragged my nails down the sides of your hips and ripped those pretty pink panties to reveal that pretty pink pussy. I loved doing this to you… The way you reacted was such a turn on… Those subtle moans and your surprised gasps… I couldn’t wait any longer. I wrapped each arm around your legs and I pulled you to my face… But just close enough so you could feel my breath… You were practically dripping by this point. I wanted to lick up every drop. And that’s exactly what I did. My tongue traced the curve of your clit just slowly enough to drive you wild… Flicking the tip of my tongue until you were grinding your mons against my face. I took the hint and licked down your clit as slow as possible before diving in as deep as I could, curling my tongue upwards as I pulled out. Meanwhile my hands were grabbing at your ass and thighs and trying to steady your hips with no avail. My right hand slid down your thigh and back up to join my tongue. I moved back up your slit to your clit while I fingered you until you climaxed. I always felt so satisfied cleaning you up afterwards. Letting all your juices flow into me. I’ll never forget the way you tasted.

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